Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Parole chiave
- Aarrg
- abolitionism
- acting
- actio
- activist narrative
- advice literature
- Albizzi
- Aleramo (Sibilla)
- Alessandro Canobbio
- alter-globalisation
- alter-globalisation movement
- ambassador
- american republic
- Americanism and Fordism
- anarchism
- ancient history
- animal languages
- anti-Camorra
- anti-determinism
- anti-fascism
- Anti-Fascist Concentration
- anti-militarism
- anti-royalist propaganda
- antifascism
- antimafia
- antisemitismo
- Antonello Petrucci
- Antonio Porta
- apocalypse
- archival turn
- archive
- archives
- Ariosto (Ludovico)
- Aristotle
- art
- art and totalitarianism
- association
- associations
- atomic bomb
- Auschwitz
- authoritarianism
- autobiography
- autonomy
- Aversa
- Bandello (Matteo)
- baron Pisani
- Baroque
- battle
- Belgium
- Bellini
- Benito Mussolini
- biography
- Biondo Flavio
- birth control
- birth of opera and theory of affects
- Bizzarri (Aldo)
- black block
- Bligny
- Boccaccio
- body
- body movement
- Bologna
- Bonifacio (Giovanni)
- book
- Brancati (Vitaliano)
- Brazil
- brigandage
- British Union of Fascists
- Bruck (Edith)
- Caetano (Marcelo)
- Campo di Maggio
- capitalism
- capitalist realism
- Carlo Cattaneo
- Carlo Pisacane
- Casoni (Francesco)
- castrato
- catastrophe
- catastrophe theory
- Catherine of Siena (saint)
- Cecchi (Emilio)
- Cesare Lombroso
- chanceries
- chancery
- Chariteo
- Charles VIII
- Chernobyl
- Christian Democrats
- chronology
- Church
- civic humanism
- civic ritual
- civil mobilization
- civil religion
- civil society
- clues
- collections
- collective memory
- comedy
- comic theatre
- commitment
- communism
- Communist International
- Communist Party of Italy
- communitarianism
- Compagna
- compassionate policy
- concentration camp literature
- concentration camps
- concord
- conservatives
- Constituent
- contagion
- contraception
- control
- corporatism
- corporatism of association
- corruption
- Counter-Reformation
- countertenor
- COVID epidemic
- Covid-19
- craftmanship
- critical edition
- criticism
- critique of ideology
- Croce
- Croce Benedetto
- Cronica
- cult of personality
- cultural diplomacy
- cultural memory
- cultural memory studies
- cultural practices
- culture
- dance
- Daniele Manin
- Dante Alighieri
- De Sanctis-Gramsci’s critical thrust
- Decameron
- Deluge
- democracy
- democratic space
- deportation
- deportation from Italy
- deportation memory
- De Sanctis (Francesco)
- diachrony
- diary
- digital humanities
- digital technology
- diplomacy
- diplomatic dispatches
- diplomatic gesture
- disaster
- discourse
- Discursus florentinarum rerum
- disillusion
- distance
- distance learning
- doge
- domestic wage
- dualism
- e-learning
- early feminism
- early representations
- eclipse
- eco-feminism
- ecofeminism
- economic thought
- economics
- editing
- edition
- education
- educational relationship
- Effe
- effectual truth
- Eglogue
- Elsa Morante
- emancipation
- emancipationism
- embrace
- emotions
- environmental catastrophe
- epistemology
- epistolography
- epos
- epos and mimesis
- Estado Novo
- ethical democracy
- eunuch
- Everest
- evidence
- excellence
- exile
- factions
- falsetto
- Falstaff
- family
- famine
- Fascism
- fascism
- fascism and culture
- fascism and theatre
- fascism-movement
- fascist internationalism
- fascist Italy
- fascist movement
- fear
- federalism
- Federico De Roberto
- feelings
- female workers
- feminism
- feminist journalism
- feminist magazine
- feminist magazines
- feminist press
- festival
- fiction
- film
- First World War
- first-hand account
- first-hand accounts
- flight
- Florence
- Florentine chancery
- Florentine histories
- folk poetry
- Fordism
- forgiveness
- Forzano (Giovacchino)
- fourth-wave feminism
- France
- Francesco (1529-1597)
- Francesco Bennati
- French Revolution
- G8
- Gabinete de Estudos Corporativos
- Gazzetta Musicale di Milano
- gender
- gender history
- gender identity
- gender perspective
- genius
- Genoa
- Genoa 2001
- Genoa G8 2001
- Genoa 2001
- gesture
- gestures
- Gheri
- ghetto
- Ghibellines
- Giacomo Leopardi
- Giacomo Racioppi
- Giosue Carducci
- Giovanni Pontano
- Giovanni Verga
- Giuditta Pasta
- Giuliani (Carlo)
- Giuseppe Mazzini
- Giuseppe Montanelli
- Goffredo Mameli
- Gramsci
- Gramsci (Antonio)
- Gramsci Antonio
- Great
- Greece
- grey zone
- Griseldaonline
- Guelphs
- Guicciardini (Francesco)
- guilt
- Günther Anders
- iconology
- idealism
- ideology
- illness
- Individual liberty
- Ingegneri (Giovanni)
- ingeniousness
- insanity
- intellectual network
- intellectuals
- intergenerational
- international networks
- interpretation
- interventionism
- interview
- interwar period
- intrinseco/extrinseco
- inventio
- irony
- Italian Communist Party
- Italian communist party
- italian constitution
- Italian Fascism
- Italian feminism
- Italian Human Rights League
- Italian left
- Italian music
- Italian Parliament
- Italian press
- Italian prisoner of war
- Italian Renaissance
- Italian Republican Party
- Italian wars
- Italian Wars
- Italian-French relations
- Italianness
- Italo Calvino
- Italy
- Italy (history)
- La Tribuna
- labour market in Italy
- Labriola Antonio
- language
- Lapis magazine
- laryngoscope
- Latitudine
- Laura Pugno
- law
- law enforcement
- learning
- left-wing terrorism
- legation
- Leoluca Orlando
- Leonardo Bruni
- Leonardo da Vinci
- letters
- Letters from prison
- Levi (Primo)
- lexicon
- Lezioni zurighesi
- liberal reforms
- liberalism
- liberation
- libertarianism
- liberty
- Lichtenberger
- life narratives
- linguistics
- literary canon
- literary representation of employment and labour market
- literary skills
- literature
- literature and politics
- literature on the Holocaust
- Living beings
- Livy
- Lotta continua
- Luigi Morando De Rizzoni
- lyric poetry
- L’Anconitana
- L’Erba voglio
- L’Urto
- Machiavelli
- madness
- mafia
- magazines
- Malaparte (Curzio)
- Manchester Guardian
- Marx
- marxism
- mass media
- materialism
- Matteo Palmieri
- Matteotti (Giacomo)
- media
- media theory
- Medici
- medicine
- medieval and humanistic theatre
- Melandri (Lea)
- memory
- memory repression
- mental images
- messianism
- metaphor
- Metaxas (Ioannis)
- Mezzogiorno
- Middle Ages
- Milan
- military campaign
- military cemetery
- mithopoesis
- mobilization
- moderates
- monarchy
- moral familism
- Morante (Elsa)
- Mosley (Oswald)
- mother-daughter
- movements
- multiculturalism
- music
- music therapy
- musical genius
- musicians
- Mussolini (Benito)
- Mussolini as character
- myth
- pacifism
- Palatina Library
- Palermo
- pandemic
- Pandolfo Petrucci
- Paolo Volponi
- paratexts
- parliamentary republic
- passions
- passive revolution
- pathography
- patriotism
- Patrizi
- people
- Peppino Impastato
- performance
- Petrarch (Bucolicum Carmen)
- philology
- philosophy of praxis
- photography
- phrenology
- physiognomy
- Piave
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Piero Calamandrei
- plague
- Plague of 1576
- planning
- poet-prophet
- poetry
- police violence
- politic literature
- political aspects
- political autonomy
- political baptism
- political economy
- political emigration
- political iconography
- political journalism
- political language
- political parties
- political practices
- political protest
- political rhetorics
- political strategy
- political thought
- political violence
- politics
- politics-and-theory
- portrait
- Portugal
- post-truth
- post-war period
- power
- pragmatism
- predizione
- presidential system
- Prison Notebooks
- prognostication
- proletarians
- propaganda
- prophecy
- prophecy post factum
- prophet-poet
- prophetism
- prophets
- prosthetic memory
- prostitution
- protest
- provosts
- psychoanalysis
- public calamity
- public mourning
- public opinion
- public order
- radicals
- radio
- rain
- Ramusio
- realism and speculative fiction
- recitar cantando
- Reggio Calabria
- regime of historicity
- relationalism
- Renaissance
- repertoire of action
- representation
- repression
- Republic
- Republic of Genoa
- Republic of Siena
- Republic of Venice
- Republican tradition
- republicanism
- Resistance
- return journey
- revisionism
- revolution
- revolutionary rhetoric
- Revolutions of 1848
- rewritings
- rhetoric
- rhetorical action
- Ricci
- Rinuccini (Ottavio)
- riot
- Risorgimento
- Roman Republic of 1849
- Ruzante
- satire
- Savonarola
- Savonarola (Girolamo)
- scales of analysis
- school
- science
- science fiction
- Scipione Ammirato
- Second World War
- secretary
- secretary to an embassy
- secularism
- security
- self-awareness
- self-censorship
- self-control
- separatism
- sexual difference
- sexuality
- shame
- Shoah
- shouting
- Sicily
- sign
- simulation/dissimulation
- singer’s scenic gesture
- sixteenth-century Florence
- social classes
- social control
- social democracy
- social differences
- social history of diplomacy
- social motherhood
- social movements history
- Socialism
- socialism
- Socialist Party
- sociological approach to literary texts
- sociology
- Sottosopra
- specialised publishing houses
- stage direction and opera
- Stahlhelm
- State
- statism
- Steno (Flavia)
- stethoscope
- Storia della letteratura italiana
- student movement
- students
- Switzerland
- Tacitism
- teaching
- teaching of literature
- temporary employment
- terrorism
- testimony
- testimony and non-testimony
- The Five Days of Milan
- theory
- theory of the novel
- Third Rome
- third way
- thriller
- torture
- totalitarianism
- trade unionism
- translatability
- translation
- translations
- transmission of knowledge
- transnational exchanges
- transnational history
- Treatise on painting
- trial
- trials
- tumults