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Instructions for contributors

Selection process

Études lawrenciennes is a peer-reviewed journal. The articles are evaluated by one or two anonymous readers and the editors. The result of this evaluation is sent by email to the authors. The editors reserve the right to reject an article or to suggest to the author any modifications necessary for publication.

Writing instructions for English papers

Most of our publications are thematic. We welcome the submission of articles and reviews in English (occasionally in French) from scholars and postgraduate students. Submitted papers should not have been published elsewhere. Once an article has been accepted for publication, the author should inform the editors of EL if he/she considers publishing the article in another journal. Papers submitted for publication should not exceed 28 double-spaced pages, notes included. They should be sent as an attachment by e-mail to the editors. The file must be either in WORD or RTF format, for Mac or PC. Please specify in the email which version has been used. Avoid sending your paper in Pdf.

For each article, a summary of about 200 words and five or six keywords will be provided by the author.

Contributors writing in English are asked to comply with the following guidelines based on the MLA stylesheet and pay special attention to the punctuation.

Punctuation and reference marks

A few examples:

  • “faith,”

  • “joy”:

  • “life,”2

  • “in her home”(219)1: what we saw [...] was sad.

  • his death in 1934.4

(No double hyphen or long hyphen to introduce an interpolated clause. e.g. What has killed mankind – for the bulk of mankind is dead – is lies.)


For quotations longer than four typed lines omit the quotation marks and start the quotation on a new line indenting one inch from the left margin. In long quotations, the closing punctuation mark comes before the parenthetical citation. Ex. He knew it well. (PS 332)

If quoting two or more paragraphs, indent the first line of each paragraph.

Please, use double quotation marks and single quotation marks for quotations within in-text quotations:
He asserts that “Lies are not a matter of false facts,”
“ I remember he said ‘Lies are not a matter of false facts.’”


Works cited in the footnotes (or in the text)

Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957), 52.

Avoid giving complete references in footnotes if you give them in the bibliography at the end of your paper.

Your footnote may read: 1. Frye 52.

The reference may also appear in the text after the quotation as (Frye 52).

Italics for op.cit., ibid.

In-text references

(WL 300) (L vii.123)

Author’s name in reference:
This was what she wanted (Lawrence 118-21).

Multiple authors of a work:
This hypothesis (Bradley and Rogers 7) suggested this theory (Sumner, Reichl, and Waugh 23).

Two locations:
Williams alludes to this premise (136-39, 145).

Two works cited:
(Burns 54, Thomas 327)

References to volumes and pages:
(Wilson 2:1-18)

Bibliography (Works Cited)

The list of works cited appears at the end of the paper.

Alphabetize entries in the list by author’s last name. If the author’s name is unknown, alphabetize by title, ignoring A, An, or The.

Book or pamphlet by one author:
Bader, Robert Smith. Prohibition. Lawrenceville: Oriole Press, 1986. 

Book with two authors:
Lawrence, Jerome, and Robert E. Lee.  Inherit the Wind. Toronto: Bantam, 1955.

Book with more than three authors:
Gilman, Sander, et al.  Hysteria beyond Freud. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993.

Book with an author and editor:
Dreiser, Theodore. Sister Carrie. Ed. Kenneth S. Lynn. New York: Rinehart, 1959.

Magazine article:
Bate, Lincoln S. "Empty Shelves in Georgia."  Progressive, 1 Dec. 1994: 17-21.

Translated book :
Homer.  The Odyssey:  The Story of Odysseus.  Trans. W. Rouse. New York:  NAL, 1937.

Edited book :
Deming, Robert H., ed.  James Joyce:  The Critical Heritage.  Vol 2. London:  Routledge, 1970.

Electronic Resources

Scholarly Project:
Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett.   May 2000. Indiana U. 26 June 2002 <>.

A television or radio program:
"Yes...but Is It Art?" Narr.  Morley Safer. Sixty Minutes. CBS. WCBS, New York. 19 Sept. 1993.

A film or video recording:
It’s a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, and Thomas Mitchell. 1946. Videocassette. Republic, 1988.

Coffey, Paul.  Personal interview.  22 July 1996.

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