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Under Development: Gender

Under Development: Gender

Christine Verschuur, Isabelle Guérin, Hélène Guétat-Bernard, Under Development: Gender, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 344 p., ISBN : 9781137356819.
Notice publiée le 23 décembre 2014

Présentation de l'éditeur

Despite various decades of research and claim-making by feminist scholars and movements, gender remains an overlooked area in development studies. Yet, without gender it is impossible to understand development – and the development of under-development. This collection brings together specialists from different parts of the world and various disciplines, who look at various key issues in development studies through the prisms of gender and feminism. Gender, as an expression of power, is an indispensable analytical category for social change. It reveals invisible realities and socio-political struggles, giving voice to the subaltern. It contributes to renewing methods, deconstruct and build innovative categories and concepts, challenging dominant paradigms. Thinking about gender can raise new controversies and encourage discussions on policy changes. While the current global crisis and growing inequalities urge us to find alternatives to globalised capitalism, feminist theory offers a fresh way to think and achieve social change.

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Christine Verschuur

Christine Verschuur is Senior Lecturer at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland, and Head of the Gender and Development Programme. Her research interests include social reproduction, migration, rural development and urban social movements, and she is the editor of the collection Cahiers Genre et Développement.

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Isabelle Guérin

Isabelle Guerin is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Research Development (CESSMA), France. She is interested in researching processes of exclusion, discrimination and exploitation and at alternative and solidarity-based economic practices. She has edited a number of books including India's Unfree Workforce: Old and New Practices of Labour Bondage (with Jan Breman and Aseem Prakash, 2009); Microfinance, Debt and Over-Indebtedness: Juggling With Money (with Solene Morvant-Roux and Magdalena Villareal, 2013). 

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Hélène Guétat-Bernard

Hélène Guétat-Bernard is Professor of rural sociology at the National School of Agronomic Formation (ENFA), France. She works on familial agriculture, agroecology, links between agriculture productive system and food system. She has edited several volumes including Genre et savoirs: pratiques et innovations rurales au Sud (with Magalie Saussey, 2014) and Feminin/masculin. Genre et agricultures familiales (2014). 

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