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The Blind Decades

The Blind Decades

Employment and Growth in France, 1974-2014
Philippe Askenazy, The Blind Decades. Employment and Growth in France, 1974-2014, Oakland, University of California Press, 2015, 280 p., Richard Freeman (Foreword), Susan Emanuel (Translator), ISBN : 9780520277991.
Notice publiée le 26 mars 2015

Présentation de l'éditeur

France is often described as one of the last Western economies unable to reform itself in the face of globalization. Yet its economy has not fallen by the wayside and has even resisted the great recession that began in 2008. By interlinking historical, economic, and political factors and by comparing France with other nations, this book explains the puzzle presented by the development of France. Understanding France's economy requires downplaying the usual policy injunctions—demands for less state control and less rigidity in the labor market—and instead stressing the importance of constructing a long-term industrial strategy.

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Philippe Askenazy

Philippe Askenazy is Senior Researcher at the Paris School of Economics and Director of Research at the French National Center for Scientific Research. He is the author of La croissance moderne (2002) and Les désordres du travail (2004), among other books.

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