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Decision Making in Police Enquiries and Critical Incidents

Decision Making in Police Enquiries and Critical Incidents

What Really Works ?
Mark Roycroft, Jason Roach (dir.), Decision Making in Police Enquiries and Critical Incidents. What Really Works ?, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 168 p., ISBN : 9781349958467.
Notice publiée le 09 avril 2019

Présentation de l'éditeur

This book examines how the police make decisions in real life situations, particularly in major enquiries. The two key themes explored are real-time decision making along with what “works” in such circumstances. It aims to set out how successful decisions are arrived at in a variety of difficult and time-constrained situations and discusses the lessons that can be learnt from this. Written by practitioners and academics, the book explores a range of topics, from the decision making process involved operational matters and in difficult-so-solve murder enquiries. It not only examines decision making but also how experienced decision makers function. It looks at the psychology of police decision making, decision making involved in cold case investigations, and discusses the need for “grip” during major investigations. The contributors are experienced and respected practitioners and academics This book will appeal particularly to those studying Policing and Criminology and also to Investigating Officers and those involved in professionalising investigative practice.

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Mark Roycroft (dir.)

Mark Roycroft is Senior Lecturer at The Open University, UK, and he has lectured on terrorism, organised crime, criminology and investigative theory. He was formerly a police officer for 30 years in the Metropolitan Police Service with postings in homicide teams, counter terrorism and criminal intelligence. He is the author of Police Chiefs in the UK.

Jason Roach (dir.)

Jason Roach is the Director of the Applied Criminology and Policing Centre at the University of Huddersfield, the Editor of The Police Journal, and a chartered psychologist. Jason has worked in an academic setting for the past 15 years He has published research on a wide-range of topics including: investigative decision-making, terrorism, cold-case homicides, and evolutionary psychology. He has also co-authored three books with Professor Ken Pease, the most recent being Self-Selection Policing in 2016. His main area of research expertise is with police and offender decision-making.

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