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Guidelines for Submitting Articles

First of all, thank you for writing an article for Lexis, Journal in English Lexicology. The article can be written either in English or in French. Please note that the typographical conventions may vary depending on the language you will write your article in. For English articles, please use English typographical conventions; for French articles, please use French typographical conventions.

Please use Times New Roman typeset, character size 12 for the main text and for quotations, and single line spacing. Quotations should be indented 1 cm from the left margin and 1 cm from the right margin, as follows:

Indeed, according to Allan & Burridge [1991: 7], euphemisms and dysphemisms are “obverse sides of the same coin” which “do not form clear-cut categories” [Crespo Fernández 2007: 15]:

A euphemism is used as an alternative to a dispreferred expression, in order to avoid possible loss of face: either one’s own face or, through giving offence, that of the audience, or some third party. [Allan & Burridge 1991: 11]

Keep titles and subtitles as short as possible. Titles and subtitles should be as follows:

1. Title

1.1. Subtitle level 1

1.1.1. Subtitle level 2

Foreign language expressions (including Latin and Greek) should be printed in italics. Include page numbers without spaces: 35-48 and not 35 - 48. Give page numbers in full.

When giving the references of a book or article, please use the following system:
Name [date of publication: page(s)] said that “quotation”. For example: Bauer [1978: 4-5] said “blablabla”.

Therefore, footnotes should only be used for additional information, but should not be used to give bibliographical information.

References should be presented at the end of the article, under the heading “Bibliography” or “Bibliographie”. Bibliographical references must be formatted in accordance with the unified international style sheet for linguists, which can be consulted here.

For articles in French, “ed.” is replaced by “éd.” and the place of publication is translated where appropriate (La Haye and not Den Haag or The Hague).

The editorial board reserves the right to modify the length of articles and to make any necessary linguistic (grammar, spelling, style, etc.) and/or orthotypographical amendments.

Submissions (abstracts and articles) will be uploaded onto the journal’s submission platform. If you encounter any problem, please send a message to Lexis.


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