N° 2 – Submorphemics
The e-journal Lexis is planning to publish its 2nd issue, devoted to ‘submorphemics’, in 2008.
Main editor: Dennis Philps (Université de Toulouse)
The e-journal Lexis is planning to publish its second issue, devoted to submorphemics, in October 2008. Papers dealing with sublexical aspects of English such as phonæsthemes, ideophones, markers, lexicogenic matrices, etc., will be especially welcome, as will contrastive studies, particularly those embracing French.
How to submit
Manuscripts may be written in French or in English, and should be accompanied by an abstract of up to 10 lines in French and in English, as well as a list of the relevant key words. They should be sent to the Editor of Lexis, Denis Jamet as email attachments (Word and pdf), and will be refereed by two members of the international evaluation committee. Manuscripts may be rejected, accepted subject to revision, or accepted as such. There is no limit to the number of pages.
Deadline for sending in abstracts: 15 June 2007
Deadline for sending in papers accepted: March 2008.
If you plan to submit a manuscript, whether individually or collectively, please advise Dennis Philps (dennisphilps[at]orange.fr), who is in charge of this issue of Lexis, as soon as possible.
December 2006: call for papers
Mid-June 2007: deadline for sending in abstracts to Lexis
September 2007: Evaluation Committee’s decisions notified to authors
March 2008: deadline for sending in papers
April to June 2008: proofreading of papers by the Evaluation Committee
July to October 2008: authors’ corrections
October 2008: deadline for sending in final versions of papers.