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Books to be reviewed

Lucile Bordet

In addition to its thematic issues, Lexis offers a “book-review” section.

People interested in writing a review are invited to send an email to in which they will mention the title of the book they wish to write a review on as well as their address. Reviewers will get the book for free in return. The review should be sent to the Head of publication within two months of the date of receipt of the book.

Lucile Bordet
In charge of book reviews


  • Adamson H. D., 2019, Linguistics and English Literature. An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. (Recenseur : Manuel Jobert)

  • Albrespit Jean, 2011, Construire l’énoncé en anglais : voix, négation, exclamation, interrogation, Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (Recenseur : Catherine Collin)

  • Audring Jenny, Masini Francesca, 2018, The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory, Oxford University Press.

  • Baerman Matthew, Brown Dunstan, Corbett Greville G., 2017, Morphological Complexity, Cambridge University Press.

  • Börjars Kersti, Nordlinger Rachel, Sadler Louisa, 2019, Lexical-Functional Grammar. An Introduction. Cambridge University Press.

  • Dupuy Estèle, Millogo Victor, Lay Marie-Hélène, 2020, La continuité référentielle ou le choix des mots dans les textes français et anglais, PUR.

  • Genetti Carol, 2019, How Languages work. An Introduction to Language and Linguistics. Cambridge University Press. (Recenseur : Craig Hamilton)

  • Jackendoff Ray, Audring Jenny, 2019, The Texture of the Lexicon. Relational Morphology ant the Parallel Architecture. Oxford University Press.

  • L’Homme Marie-Claude, 2020, Lexical Semantics for Terminology: An Introduction, John Benjamins.

  • Mel’Cuk Igor, Milicevic Jasmina, 2020, An Advanced Introduction to Semantics: A Meaning-Text Approach, Cambridge University Press.

  • Perono Caccifoco Francesco, Cavallaro Francesco, 2023, Places Names: Approaches and Perspectives in Toponymy and Toponomastics, Cambridge University Press. (Recenseur : Samia Ounoughi)

  • Pustejovsky James, Batiukova Olga, 2019, The Lexicon, Cambridge University Press.

  • Pylkkänen Liina, 2008, Introducing Arguments, MIT Press.

  • Schreier Daniel, Hundt Marianne, Schneider Edgar W., 2020, The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes, Cambridge University Press. (Recenseur : Christophe Coupé)

  • Stefanowitsch Anatol, Gries Stefan Th., 2007, Corpus-Based Approaches to Metaphor and Metonymy, Mouton de Gruyter. (Recenseur : Marie Reetz)

  • Sudarski Pawel, 2023, Collocations, Corpora and Language Learning, Cambridge University Press.

  • Taylor, John R., 2014, The Oxford Handbook of the Word, Oxford University Press. (Recenseur : Laura Goudet)

  • Ten Wolde Elnora, 2023, The English Bi-nominal Noun Phrase: A Cognitive Functional Approach, Cambridge University Press.

  • Thomson Jean Max, 2023, La clé anglaise. Français-anglais : des idiotismes pas si bêtes. Points.

  • Thurlow Crispin, 2019, The Business of Words. Wordsmiths, Linguists, and Other Language Workers. Routledge. (Recenseur : Adam Wilson)

  • Terminology, 2010, Vol. 16, N°1, John Benjamins.

  • Thomas, Erik R., 2019, Mexican American English. Substrate Influence and the Birth of an Ethnolect, Cambridge University Press. (Recenseur : Charles Brasart)

  • Vesque-Dufrénot A., 1999, Lexique de l’anglais pour le lycéen, Ellipses. (Recenseur: Marie-Pierre Escoubas)

  • Williams Jeffrey, Schneider Edgar, Trudgill Peter, Schreier Daniel, 2018, Further Studies in the Lesser-Known Varieties of English, Cambridge University Press. (Recenseur : Laura Goudet)

  • Yule George, 2020, The Study of Language, Seventh Edition, Cambridge University Press.

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