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Can the Native Know Language? Viewing Linguistic Anthropology through Signs of Difference

L’analyste, le natif et la connaissance linguistique : perspective sur l’anthropologie linguistique à la lumière de Signs of Difference
Urmila Nair
p. 113-132

Notes de l’auteur

The article offers a sketch of American linguistic anthropology, of the iteration that is characterized by the model of (meta)pragmatics. This model being somewhat esoteric, the article examines it through an “accessible translation” proffered by the recent book Signs of Difference (Gal & Irvine 2019). The article simultaneously scrutinizes the assertion (see Silverstein 1993a: 43-44) that this model gives the analyst a knowledge of language superior to any indigenous knowledge thereof.

Extrait du texte


Texte intégral disponible via abonnement/accès payant sur le portail Cairn. Le texte intégral en libre accès sera disponible à cette adresse en janvier 2026.
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“Linguistic Anthropology” and its Object of Analysis
Signs of Difference: An “Accessible Translation” of (Meta)Pragmatics
On Knowing the “Humanly Experienced, Real-Time World”
On the Linguistic Symbol
Of Natives and the Total Linguistic Fact, in the Ethnographic Moment

Aperçu du texte

We now recognize that the “realities” of meaningful social practices emerge from people’s situated experience of indexical semiotic processes that constitute them.
We ought, perhaps, to resign ourselves to enjoying the fact that it’s indexicality all the way down,
that in any sociocultural phenomenon nothing is manifest beyond this indexicality
except semanticoreferential language and its further developments

Michael Silverstein (1998: 128, emphases added).

This piece offers a perspective on linguistic anthropology, specifically on the iteration that emerged in the United States around the model of (meta)pragmatics, with the charismatic figure of Michael Silverstein (1945-2020) at its heart. Context is crucial to this model. Let us begin accordingly by considering the context of this article—in France, in the present moment.

In France, the uptake of Silverstein’s writings and (meta)pragmatics more broadly has been aleatory and intermittent. Three landmarks must be cited: In 1975, Silverst...

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Référence papier

Urmila Nair, « Can the Native Know Language? Viewing Linguistic Anthropology through Signs of Difference »L’Homme, 245 | 2023, 113-132.

Référence électronique

Urmila Nair, « Can the Native Know Language? Viewing Linguistic Anthropology through Signs of Difference »L’Homme [En ligne], 245 | 2023, mis en ligne le 07 avril 2023, consulté le 10 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Urmila Nair

Laboratoire Langues et civilisations à tradition orale (LACITO, UMR 7107, CNRS, Sorbonne Nouvelle, INALCO), Paris – urmila.nair[at]

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Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.

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