ANDREWS Bruce and Charles BERNSTEIN (eds.), The Language Book, Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press, 1984.
BERNSTEIN Charles and Jay SANDERS (eds.), Poetry Plastique, New York: Marianne Boesky Gallery and Granary Books Inc., 2001.
DAVIDSON Michael, Ghostlier Demarcations: Modern Poetry and the Material World, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.
DELVILLE Michel, The American Prose Poem: Poetic Form and the Boundaries of Genre, Ganesville, Florida: The University Press of Florida, 1998.
GARNIER Ilse and Pierre, Poèmes mécaniques, Paris: Éditions André Silvaire, 1965.
HARTLEY George, Textual Politics and the Language Poets, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
JAEGER Peter, ABC of Reading TRG, Vancouver: Talon Books, 1999.
McCAFFERY Steve, Carnival: The First Panel 1967-70, Toronto: Coach House Press, 1973.
<>, 12 July 2006.
McCAFFERY Steve, Carnival: The Second Panel 1971-75, Toronto: Coach House Press, 1977.
<>, 12 July 2006.
McCAFFERY Steve, North of Intention: Critical Writings 1973-1986, Toronto: Nightwood Editions, 1986.
McCAFFERY Steve, « The Death of the Subject: The Implications of Counter-Communication in Recent Language-Centered Writing », Open Letter, 3: 7 (Summer 1977): 61-77.
McCAFFERY Steve and bp NICHOL, Rational Geomancy: The Kids of the Book-Machine, Vancouver: Talon Books, 1992.
NICHOL bp (ed.), « The Annotated, Anecdoted, Beginnings of a Critical Checklist of the Published Works of Steve McCaffery », Open Letter 6: 9 (Fall 1987): 67-92.
OLSON Charles, TheSelected Writings of Charles Olson, Robert CREELEY (ed.), New York: New Directions, 1966.
PERELMAN Bob, The Marginalization of Poetry: Language Writing and Literary History, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996.
PERLOFF Marjorie, Poetic License: Essays on Modernist and Postmodernist Lyric, Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1990.
PERLOFF Marjorie, 21st Century Modernism: The "New" Poetics, Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 2002.
QUARTERMAIN Peter, Disjunctive Poetics: From Gertrude Stein and Louis Zukofsky to Susan Howe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
SOLT Mary Ellen (ed.), Concrete Poetry: A World View, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1970.
WILLIAMS Emmet (ed.), An Anthology of Concrete Poetry, New York: Something Else Press, 1967.
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Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, Rational Geomancy: The Kids of the Book-Machine, Vancouver: Talon Books, 1992, 60.
Ibid., 61.
For a chronology of concretism and a presentation of its international scope, see Mary Ellen SOLT, Concrete Poetry: A World View, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1970, 7-66.
Early drafts for sections of Carnival appeared as Two Simultaneous Texts (Anonbey and Press, 1969) and Ground Plans for a Speaking City (Anonbey and Press, 1969). To view the complete project, including Panels 1 and 2, see Steve McCAFFERY, Carnival (Toronto: Coach House Press, 1967-1975), Coach House Books Online, <>, 12 July 2006.
The critic Peter Jaeger points out that Carnival’s first panel falls short of the measurements initially advertised by McCaffery, thereby reinforcing the theme of art as illusion: « Each of the sixteen pages actually measures only eleven inches by eight and a half inches, the actual contents of the package are less than the number advertised on the label ». See Peter JAEGER, ABC of Reading TRG, Vancouver: Talon Books, 1999, 16.
Steve McCAFFERY, Carnival: The First Panel 1967-70. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1973, n.p..
Charles BERNSTEIN and Jay SANDERS (eds.), Poetry Plastique, New York: Marianne Boesky Gallery and Granary Books Inc., 2001, 70.
Steve McCAFFERY, introduction, Carnival: The Second Panel 1971-75, Toronto: Coach House Press, 1977, n.p..
This approach to visuality in poetry can be placed along a twentieth-century timeline of experiments uniting poetry and the visual arts, established by historical movements dating back to the early years of the last century, such as futurism, vorticism and the calligrammes or idéogrammes lyriques experimented by Apollinaire in France.
Mary Ellen SOLT (ed.), Concrete Poetry: A World View, 1968, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1970, 7.
Steve McCaffery is usually categorized as a « sound poet » on the basis of a substantial number of experiments in the « phonetic » branch of concrete poetry over a period of more than thirty years. Apart from his most recent performance poetry which is published on the World Wide Web (EPC project at SUNY Buffalo) McCaffery is remembered for the role he played in the 1970s and the 1980s in the Canadian group of Sound poets, The Four Horsemen: Rafael Baretto-Rivera, Paul Dutton, bp Nichol and Steve McCaffery. During the same period McCaffery also provided an entry on sound poetry in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984, 88-91.
Within the context of aims of Language poetry, McCaffery’s work has also been stigmatized by critics for what is perceived as its self-consciousness and failure to provide an effective critique of capitalist ideology. See Michel DELVILLE, The American Prose Poem. Poetic Form and the Boundaries of Genre, Ganesville, Florida: The University Press of Florida, 1998, 237, 267.
George HARTLEY, Textual Politics and the Language Poets, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989, xii, xiii.
Steve McCAFFERY, “The Death of the Subject: The Implications of Counter-Communication in Recent Language-Centered Writing”, Open Letter 3: 7 (Summer 1977): 62.
See Michel FOUCAULT’s 1967 essay, « Qu’est-ce qu’un auteur? », Dits et écrits, vol. 1, Paris: Gallimard, 1994; and Roland BARTHES’ 1968 essay, « La mort de l’auteur », Le Bruissement de la langue, Paris: Seuil, 1984, 61-67.
Steve McCAFFERY, North of Intention: Critical Writings 1973-1986, Toronto: Nightwood Editions, 1986, 110.
Steve McCAFFERY, Carnival: The Second Panel 1971-75, op.cit., n.p..
<>, 16 July 2006.
bp NICHOL (ed.), « The Annotated, Anecdoted, Beginnings of a Critical Checklist of the Published Works of Steve McCaffrey », Open Letter, 6: 9 (Fall 1987), 72.
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 65.
Ibid., 52.
Mary Ellen SOLT (ed.), op.cit., 79.
Ilse and Pierre GARNIER, Poèmes mécaniques, Paris: Éditions André Silvaire, 1965, 16. This is translated as « Suddenly the letters become galaxies. Apparition of currents, turbulences, gentle breathing. Jazz for the eyes », in Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 52.
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 65.
Mary Ellen SOLT (ed.), op.cit., 67.
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 65.
Steve McCAFFERY, « The Death of the Subject: The Implications of Counter-Communication in Recent Language-Centered Writing », op.cit., 62.
“A Selection from Carnival”, in GrOnk 5.2 (Toronto: Ganglia), n.p. <http://www.>.
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 66.
Steve McCAFFERY, « The Death of the Subject: The Implications of Counter-Communication in Recent Language-Centered Writing », op.cit., 1.
bp NICHOL (ed.), « The Annotated, Anecdoted, Beginnings of a Critical Checklist of the Published Works of Steve McCaffery », op.cit., 72.
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 153.
Steve McCAFFERY, North of Intention: Critical Writings 1973-1986, Toronto: Nightwood Editions, 1986, 63.
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 33.
Steve McCAFFERY, Carnival: The Second Panel 1971-75, op.cit., n.p..
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 60.
Ibid., 154.
Steve McCAFFERY, North of Intention: Critical Writings 1973-1986, op.cit., 63.
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 143.
In his study of the paradox surrounding McCaffery’s de-politicized xerographic process weighed against Walter Benjamin’s analysis of the political context of mass duplication in «The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction » (1935), Peter Jaeger writes: « the TRG returns the aura to the reproduction ». Peter Jaeger, ABC of Reading TRG, op.cit., 115-117.
Steve McCAFFERY, Introduction, Carnival: The Second Panel 1971-75, op.cit., n.p..
Charles OLSON, TheSelected Writings of Charles Olson, Robert CREELEY (ed.), New York: New Directions, 1966, 24.
Steve McCAFFERY and bp NICHOL, op.cit., 154.
Ibid., 60.
Steve McCAFFERY, « The Death of the Subject: The Implications of Counter-Communication in Recent Language-Centered Writing », op.cit., 62.
Charles BERNSTEIN and Jay SANDERS (eds.), op.cit., 7.
Ibid., 70.
Ibid., 69.
Ibid., 70.
bp NICHOL (ed.), op.cit., 80.
Ibid., 70.
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