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HomeNumérosvol 21. n°56

vol 21. n°56 | 2023
Nation and nationalism in Scotland: Cultural and Political Identity

Nation et nationalisme en Écosse: identités culturelle et politique
Edited by Edwige Camp-Pietrain and Clarisse Godard Desmarest
Couverture Lisa n°21-56
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Credits: © The Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum.

This issue explores how cultural identity and political nationalism have related to each other over the course of Scotland’s history. Through a series of detailed studies, we examine the roots of political and cultural nationalism and consider how their expressions have changed from the Middle Ages through to the present. By viewing these phenomena over a long period, we highlight long-term changes in the way they relate to each other, challenging interpretations of nationalism that see the political and cultural realms as straightforwardly equivalent and mutually supportive. In doing so, we hope to contribute to a more nuanced approach to both historical and contemporary nationalisms, with their complex and ever-evolving interrelations of social, cultural, political and economic factors.

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