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Brian Smith, “When did Orkney and Shetland Become Part of Scotland? A Contribution to the Debate”, New Orkney Antiquarian Journal, 5, 2010, 1-18.
Neither council has yet developed proposals for the forms such autonomy might take; Martin Williams, “Shetland Looks at independence from Scotland”, The Herald, September 10, 2020, <>, accessed on May 20, 2022.
Simon Johnson, “Orkney to explore independence from Scotland and UK following Brexit”, The Telegraph, January 2, 2017, <>, accessed on April 27, 2023; Caroline Mortimer, “Shetland Islands could go independent if Scotland leaves UK, former Chancellor claims”, The Independent, April 9, 2017, <>, accessed on May 20, 2022.
Ray Perman, “Scottish devolution: a cause for concern in Shetland”, Financial Times, December 28, 1977.
Atina Nihtinen, “Political change and cultural reconstruction of the past in Shetland”, Northern Studies, 47, 2015, 131-152.
Callum Brown, Up-Helly-Aa: Custom, Culture and Community in Shetland, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998, 27.
Sebastian Seibert, Reception and Construction of the Norse Past in Orkney, Bern: Peter Lang, 2008, 219-225.
This article is based on doctoral research conducted at the University of Edinburgh funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. I would like to thank attendees at the 20th Congress of La Société Française d’Études Écossaises for comments on an early iteration of this paper and the two anonymous reviewers.
Liv Schei & Gunnie Moberg, The Orkney Story, London: Batsford, 1985, 10.
Linda Riddell, “Shetland’s Viking Identity: A Casualty of the First World War?”, in Jodie Matthews & Daniel Travers (eds.), Islands and Britishness: A Global Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, 142.
Marsha Elizabeth Renwanz, “From Crofters to Shetlanders, the Social History of a Shetland Community’s Self Image: 1872-1978”, unpublished PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1980, 245; Jonathan T. Church, “Confabulations of Community: The Hamefarins and Political Discourse on Shetland,” Anthropological Quarterly, vol. 63, n°1, 1990, 38.
For example: Britt Cartrite, “Ethnopolitical Mobilization in the North Sea Region”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 16, 2010, 240-261; Michael Lange, The Norwegian Scots: An Anthropological Interpretation of Viking-Scottish Identity in the Orkney Islands, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, 269.
Stella Sutherland, “The Shetland Way of Life as I See It”, The New Shetlander 107, Voar 1974, 26-27; Ronald Miller, “Who are the Orcadians?” in R.J. Berry & H.N. Firth (eds.), The People of Orkney, Kirkwall: Orkney Press, 1986, 271; Thomas Simchak, “Oil, Culture and Economy: The Reinvention of the Shetland Way of Life”, unpublished M. Litt dissertation, University of Oxford, 2008, 65-68.
James O’Connor, “British Rule in Shetland”, Monthly Review, vol. 30, n°1, April 1979, 23.
Bronwen Cohen, “Norse Imagery in Shetland: An Historical Study of Intellectuals and their Use of the Past in the Construction of Shetland’s Identity, with Particular Reference to the Period 1800-1914”, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Manchester, 1983; Seibert, Reception and Construction of the Norse Past in Orkney; Adam Grydehøj, “Ethnicity and the origins of local identity in Shetland, UK—Part II: Picts, Vikings, Fairies, Finns, and Aryans”, Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 2, 2013, 107-114.
Mark Ryan Smith, “Shetland Literature and Identity”, in Adam Grydehøj (ed.), Identity, Lerwick: North Idea, 2009, 27.
Hance D. Smith, “The Scandinavian Influence in the Making of Modern Shetland”, in John R. Baldwin (ed.), Scandinavian Shetland: An Ongoing Tradition? Edinburgh: Scottish Society for Northern Studies, 1978, 30.
Linda Riddell, op. cit., 138-139.
Sebastian Seibert, Reception and Construction of the Norse Past in Orkney, 204.
Angela Watt, “The implications of cultural interchange in Scalloway, Shetland, with reference to a perceived Nordic-based heritage”, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2013, 256.
Atina Nihtinen, Ambivalent Self-Understanding: Change, Language and Boundaries in the Shetland Islands (1970-Present), Åbo: Åbo Akademi University Press, 2011, 158-164.
Linda Riddell, op. cit., 136.
Thomas Simchak, op. cit., 129-130.
Christine De Luca was appointed Edinburgh’s makar (poet) in 2014; “Christine De Luca,” Scottish Poetry Library, <>, accessed on April 24, 2023.
Mike MacDonald, “The Orkney Islands and the European Economic Community in the 1970s”, Northern Scotland, vol. 7, 2016, 47; Shetland Islands Council, Shetland in Statistics 2014, Lerwick: The Shetland Times, 2014, 9.
General Register Office, Census 1971, Scotland: County Report, Zetland, Edinburgh: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1972,
“Shetland’s Population Lowest Ever Recorded: Constant Decline Since 1861”, The Shetland Times, January 4 1955, 3.
Ronald Miller, Orkney, London: Batsford, 1976, 153.
Eric Linklater & James R. Nicolson, Orkney and Shetland: An Historical, Geographical, Social and Scenic Survey, London: Robert Hale Ltd, 1990, 248-50.
J.M. Fenwick, “The Shetland Experience: A Local Authority Arms Itself for the Oil Invasion”, The Scottish Government Yearbook, 1978, 34.
Edward Thomason, Island Challenge, Lerwick: The Shetland Times, 1997, 31-5.
Jonathan Wills, A Place in the Sun: Shetland and Oil, Myths and Realities, St John’s: Mainstream Publishing, 1991, 8.
R.J. Berry, “The People of Orkney”, in The People of Orkney, op. cit., 7; Shetland Islands Council, Shetland in Statistics 2014, 9.
Jonathan Wills, op. cit., 12.
Marsha Elizabeth Renwanz, op. cit., 230-298.
Thomas Simchak, op. cit., 2.
Nicolson, op. cit., 100-101.
Ewen A. Cameron, Impaled upon a Thistle, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009, 294.
Zetland is an archaic spelling of Shetland no longer used in most contexts by the twentieth century.
John Glasson, “The Fall and Rise of Regional Planning in the Economically Advanced Nations”, Urban Studies, vol. 29, n°3/4, 1992, 505-531.
Royal Commission on Local Government in Scotland, Report, Edinburgh: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1969, Cmnd. 4150, appendix 6, 35-37.
“’Back to Denmark’ posters on Orkney shop fronts”, The Orcadian, August 31, 1967, 1.
“Orkney ‘rebel’ posters appear”, The Press and Journal, August 23, 1967, 1.
Shetland Council of Social Service, “The Independent Shetlander”, September 22, 1967, Shetland Archives, D1/289/23.
“Chilly Reception for William Ross”, The Orcadian, September 28, 1967, 1.
“Shetland Lays ‘Viking Ambush’ for Mr Ross”, The Scotsman, September 25, 1967, 1.
Zetland County Council, “Minutes of a Special Meeting”, August 29, 1967.
Cyril Dunn, “It’s no joke for the rebel who leads Orkney revolt”, The Observer, September 3, 1967.
Shetland Council of Social Service, op. cit..
“’Orcadian’ Special—Wheatley: Is This the Best for Orkney?” The Orcadian, October 2, 1969, 4.
“Editorial: Wheatley Divided”, The Shetland Times, September 26, 1969, 8.
Zetland County Council and Lerwick Town Council, “Joint Submission to the Royal Commission on Local Government in Scotland”, December 1966, Shetland Archives, D41/3/1/15.
Tom Devine, The Scottish Nation 1700-2000, London: Allen Lane, 1999, 574-575.
Though 51.6 percent of voters endorsed an Assembly, the result fell short of the required 40 percent approval from the full electorate.
Jo Grimond, Memoirs, London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1979, 264.
“Election Campaign Under Way”, The Shetland Times, September 27, 1974, 1.
Shetland Islands Council, “Extract from SIC Policy Committee”, November 10, 1975, Shetland Archives, D28/19/8; Orkney Islands Council, “Policy and Resources Committee Meeting Minutes”, December 10, 1975, Orkney Archive, CO3/1/43.
Jo Grimond, op. cit., 266-267.
Marsha Elizabeth Renwanz, op. cit., 269-270.
Tom Nairn, “The Shetland Problem”, in Roy Grønneberg (ed.), Island Futures: Scottish Devolution and Shetland’s Constitutional Alternatives, Sandwick: Thuleprint, 1978, 20-21.
Kenneth Stowe to Bernie Owen, “Untitled Letter”, December 13, 1976, The National Archives, CAB 198/505.
“Delay in Devolution Shetland Style”, The Shetland Times, October 29, 1976, 11; John Jamieson to John Smith, “Untitled Letter”, January 16, 1978, Shetland Archives, D1/666.
Spencer J. Rosie, “The Orkney Movement: The First Fifteen Years”, October 1994, unpublished article, Spencer Rosie personal archive.
“Editorial: Yea or Nay?” The Shetland Times, February 9, 1979, 10.
Shetland Islands Council, op. cit.
A.I. Tulloch to James Callaghan, “Devolution and Shetland”, January 10, 1977, Shetland Archives, D1/666.
Edward Thomason to Jo Grimond, “Untitled Letter”, November 12, 1976, Shetland Archives, D28/19/8.
Shetland Islands Council, “Statement on Devolution”, November 1976, Shetland Archives, D1/666.
“Reaction to the Big ‘No’ Vote”, The Shetland Times, March 9, 1979, 1; “Orkney’s Thumbs Down to Assembly”, The Orcadian, March 8, 1979, 1.
“MP Analyses a Hundred Views on Devolution”, The Shetland Times, December 3, 1976, 10.
Martin Dowle, “The Birth and Development of the Shetland Movement, 1977-1980”, Scottish Government Yearbook, 1981, 203-208.
Rosie, op. cit., 1.
Ibid., 8.
Shetland Movement, “Policy Discussion Document”, October 1984, 5-6, Shetland Archives, D1/542/2; Orkney Movement, “Policy Discussion Document”, November 1984, 12, Spencer Rosie personal archive.
Orkney Movement, “Policy Discussion Document”, op. cit., 5.
Chris Bunyan, “Points of View”, Shetland Life, 25, November 1982, 31-33.
Jonathan Wills, op. cit., 154.
Shetland Movement, “Newsletter No. 1”, September, 1980, Shetland Archives, D1/545/2; Shetland Movement, “Policy Discussion Document”, op. cit., 23.
Orkney Movement, “Submission to the Committee of Inquiry”, June 1982, Spencer Rosie personal archive.
Winnie Ewing to Margaret Flaws, “Untitled Letter”, January 29, 1983, Orkney Archive, D123/2.
Peter Jones, “Assurances Clear Way for Isles Election Pact”, The Scotsman, April 7, 1987.
Scottish Constitutional Convention, “Islands Working Group Membership”, 1989, Shetland Archives, D1/545/5/3.
Lindsay Paterson, The Autonomy of Modern Scotland, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1994, 169; Rosie, op. cit, 4.
Orkney Movement, “Submission to the Committee of Inquiry,” op. cit.
Orkney and Shetland voted by 57.3 percent and 62.4 percent in favour of a Scottish Parliament in 1999 and by 32.8 percent and 36.3% in favour of independence in 2014, compared to national averages of 74.3 percent and 44.7 percent respectively.
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