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The War Illustrated, edited by Sir John Hammerton, Vol. 9, n°207, May 25, 1945‎

The War Illustrated, edited by Sir John Hammerton, Vol. 9, n°207, May 25, 1945‎

“IN HAMBURG, FOUR DAYS BEFORE GERMANY’S UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, a corporal of the British 2nd Army, watched closely by a German policeman, erected new street-signs: the Grosse Allee became “Piccadilly Circus”. Germany’s second largest city, with a peacetime population of over 1,700,000, surrendered to General Dempsey’s troops on May 3, 1945; the vast dockyards were less badly crippled than had been anticipated, and many U-boats were found on the stocks.”

Copyright : Private Collection RPD‎
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