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About the journal

Littérales is an annual journal published by the Centre des Sciences des Littératures en langue Française (CSLF) at the University of Paris Nanterre. It covers the period from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century, and focuses on the study of texts in terms of their materiality - manuscript circulation, the history of editions, genetic files, etc. - as well as the history of literary forms in relation to their historical context. - as well as the history of literary forms in relation to the history of ideas, and the history of ideas in relation to literary forms. It also wishes to pay particular attention to the questioning of the concepts and notions of literary history for the ‘ancient centuries’.

Each issue consists of a thematic dossier. The journal welcomes submissions from researchers in France and abroad. All articles are submitted for anonymous review. All texts are published under a CC-BY licence: the author grants the right to redistribute and re-use the work, on the sole condition that the authors of the original work are mentioned as the authors.

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