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51-2 | 2021
Espacios comunales, identidades y dominio social en la Europa del Sur medieval (siglos vi-xiii)

Italia y el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica
Espaces communaux, identités et domination sociale dans l'Europe du Sud au Moyen Âge (vie-xiiie siècles) : l’Italie et le Nord-Ouest de la Péninsule Ibérique
Commons, identities and social dominion in Medieval Southern Europe (6th-13th centuries) : Italy and the Northwest of Iberian Peninsula
51-2-Couv_Espacios comunales, identidades y dominio social en la Europa del Sur medieval
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ISBN 978-84-9096-357-9

This dossier concentrates on the analysis, based on written sources, of the use of common spaces in the Middle Ages of the Western Mediterranean, proposing different examples from the Iberian Peninsula and the Italian Peninsula. The main idea is to identify the different forms that the various uses took, and their development over time. Limiting the research to three fundamental axes, an attempt is made to understand the dynamics involved in the management of these spaces, their role in the creation of identities at a local level, and the forms of interplay between the various types of social domination that preserved these communal uses. These objectives have been associated with a comparative idea as regards regions of a very different nature and with a perspective that considers a long time-span covering a period that goes from the post-Roman era until the Early Modern period. The dossier can be inscribed in the lines of research undertaken by Northern European scholars (De Moor, Kuyzer), however, the role of the Western Mediterranean as a space for the study of communal uses medieval period is put to the fore.

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