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129 | 2017
Villes méditerranéennes en représentation(s)

Portraying Mediterranean Cities
Edited by Catherine Bernié-Boissard, Guy Burgel and Régis Darques
1 de couverture Méditerranée 129
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A4, 160 pages
ISBN 9791032001523

This issue of Méditerranée addresses Mediterranean Cities through writing, travel, and civilization. Here history is in accordance with geography, since the very beginning up to contemporary times, through the Arab Springs (from Tunis to Cairo), ethnic conflicts (Israeli and Palestinian Jerusalem, Greek and Turkish Nicosia), migrations and their associated tragic TV images, amongst Greek and Italian Islands. Through their writings, different authors (novelists, academics, essayists) revisit the genius loci all the way through a Little Odyssey. Modern Ulysses, we travel from Jerusalem (Israel) to Tunis (Tunisia), through Beirut (Lebanon), Nicosia (Cyprus), Istanbul (Turkey), Athens (Greece), Barcelona and Valencia (Spain), Algiers (Algeria), thus confirming that the Mediterranean has raised urban civilization to such a high level that the area emerges as a Sea of Urbanity. Past memories mix with hot topics, material history meets subjective experiences, and monumental descriptions intermingle with personal feelings. Discovery, rediscovery or knowledge acquisition coincide under the auspices of poetry and pedagogy. Mappings and literary papers inspire space poetry. Combined texts and graphic representations magnify the image of the Mediterranean.

Editor’s notes

La revue Méditerranée remercie chaleureusement Jean-Christophe Ballot, photographe, qui a autorisé la publication de certaines de ses images.

Méditerranée warmly thanks the photographer Jean-Christophe Ballot for agreeing to publish some of his works.

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