Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Schlagwortindex
- a priori
- Abbasids
- abbey of Saint-Denis
- abduction
- abnormality
- absence
- absolute
- abstract artefact
- abstract contents
- Academy of science
- Acharnians
- act of intellection
- acting
- acting history
- acting theory
- action
- action pattern
- actor
- Aeschylus
- aesthetic
- aesthetic attention
- aesthetics
- aether
- affect
- affectivity
- affinities
- affinity
- Agamben
- Agnes Wickfield
- Al-Abharī
- Al-Fanārī
- al-Fuṣūl
- al-Īsāghūjī
- al-Risāla fī qawāʿid ʿilm al-naẓar
- Alcaeus
- alchemy
- Alcidamas
- Alexander of Aphrodisias
- algorism
- alienation
- Al‐Ashʿarī
- ambiguity
- Ammonius
- amplification
- analogy
- analysis
- analysis and synthesis
- analysis situs
- analytic philosophy
- anamorphosis
- Anaxagoras
- ancient comedy
- Ancient Greece
- ancient Greece
- ancient Greek philosophy
- ancient philosophy
- Aneau Barthelemy
- animal
- animal character traits
- anoia
- anomaly
- Anonymus Londiniensis
- Anscombe Elizabeth
- anthropology
- anthropomorphism
- Antoine Albalat
- apeiron
- Apel K.O.
- aphorisms
- appropriation (oikeiosis)
- Arabic linguistic philosophy
- Arabic logic
- Arabic performatives
- arbitrary
- arbitrary sign
- arbitration
- archaic Greece
- archeology
- Archilocus
- architecture
- argument to the best explanation
- argumentation
- argumentation theory
- arguments
- Aristophanes
- Aristotelianism
- aristotelians
- Aristotle
- Aristotle’s Topics
- Arrau Claudio
- art
- art education
- art of drawing
- artefactual thory
- artistic
- artistic exercise
- artistic work
- atavism
- Athens
- attachment
- audience
- audio arts and visual arts
- Augustine
- Ausonius
- Austin John L.
- Austro-German philosophy
- author
- automatism
- automatisms
- automimesis
- autonomy of chemistry
- Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā)
- awakening
- Bacchylides
- Bach Jean-Sébastien
- Bachelard
- Bacon Roger
- Baconism
- Badiou Alain
- banality
- Bataille Georges
- Bayreuth Festival
- beautiful
- beauty
- being
- belief
- benandanti
- Bergson
- Berio Luciano
- Berkeley George
- Berlioz Hector
- Bernays Jacob
- biology
- biopower
- Bloch Marc
- blots
- bodily behaviors
- bodily identity
- Body
- body
- body art
- body image
- body-mind
- body-organs
- Boerhaave
- Bolzano
- borders of logic
- Boyle Robert
- brain
- Brentano
- Bruno Giordano
- Brunschvicg Léon
- Brunschvig
- Bühler Karl
- buildings
- Burhān al-Dīn al-Nasafī
- Burton Robert
- Butler Judith
- Byzantine literature
- calendar
- Campanus
- cannibals
- Cantor Georg
- Carolingians
- Cartesian linguistics
- Cartesian picture of mind
- Cartesian psychology
- cartesianism
- Cartesianism
- case
- case law
- case studies
- Cassirer
- Castelvetro Lodovico
- categorial intuition
- causal concomitance
- causal justification
- causal powers
- causality
- cause
- Cavailles
- cavea
- certainty
- certitude
- character
- characteristic
- Characters
- chemical principles
- chemistry
- chemists in the seventeenth century
- choice
- Chomsky
- Christendom
- Christianity
- Chrudzimski Arkadiusz
- Cicero
- civility
- civilization
- classification
- Clauberg Johannes
- Claudian
- Clavius
- cliché
- climax
- co-performance
- Cogito
- cognition
- cognitive science
- cognitive sciences
- cognitivism
- Coimbra
- collective representations
- colors
- colour
- comedy
- comic
- comic fall into complementary worlds
- Comical
- command
- commensurability.
- commentary
- comparison
- complex objects
- componimento inculto
- composition
- computationalism
- Comte Auguste
- concept
- concrete contents
- conjunctive anomalies
- conjunctive mistakes
- connexionism
- conscience
- Consciousness
- consciousness
- consequence
- context
- contextualism
- continued creation
- continuity
- continuous creation
- continuum
- convention
- cooperation
- Copernic
- copy
- correctness of names
- correlational inference
- correlativism
- cosmology
- cosmos
- Cottereau Du Clos Samuel
- Cozens Alexander
- Cratylus
- creation
- creativity
- criteria
- critic
- critical theory
- criticism
- criticism of Neo-Darwinism
- critique
- Croce Benedetto
- cultural species
- culture
- custom
- cynicism
- David Copperfield
- David.
- Davidson
- dawarān
- dawarān / mudāwara
- De anima
- De interpretatione
- death
- decision
- decision on listening
- decoding
- deconstruction
- deduction
- definition
- Degas Edgar
- degeneration
- deixis
- deliberation
- demiurge
- Denisot Nicolas
- dependant objects
- Derrida
- Derrida Jacques
- Descartes
- desire
- detachment
- determination
- diachrony
- diaeresis
- Dialectic
- dialectic
- dialogue
- dianoia
- Dickens
- Diderot
- Dietrich de Freiberg
- difference
- diffusionism/diffusion
- digital humanities
- dike
- Dilthey
- Diogenes of Sinope
- direct realism
- disability
- discontinuity
- discourse
- discovery
- disinterestness
- disorientation
- display
- disposition
- disputation
- divine revelation
- Doležel Lubomir
- double-aspectness
- drama
- drama school
- dramatic art
- drawing
- Du Clos Samuel Cottereau
- Duns Scot
- duration
- dyeing
- dynamicism
- dynamics
- ear
- ear training
- early chemistry
- early modern chemistry
- early phenomenology
- education
- eesthetics
- ego cogito
- eidetic laws
- eidetic numbers
- eidetic variation
- eidetics
- ekphrasis
- electronic instruments
- elegiac poetry
- element
- Elias
- Eliasson Olafur
- embodiment
- Émile Jaques-Dalcroze
- Empedocles
- empirism
- Engel Johann Jakob
- enquiry
- entailment / implication
- entertainment
- enunciation subject
- epic language
- Epictetus
- epigrams
- epinoia
- episemiotic
- epistemological
- epistemology
- Ereignis
- eros
- esoterism
- essay
- ethics
- ethno-philology
- ethnology
- ethnomusicology
- etymology
- Euclid
- Eumenides
- Euripides
- Evans-Pritchard
- event
- evolution
- exercice
- exercise
- existence
- experience
- experience of mourning
- explanation
- explicit
- expression
- expressivity
- externalist approach
- fable
- facility
- faculty
- Fagon
- Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī
- falsification
- family resemblances
- feedback
- feeling
- Feuerbach
- Ficino Marsilio
- fiction
- fictional character
- field
- finalism
- Fink Eugen
- Finkelstein David
- fire
- first-person
- first-person authority
- Fluxus
- Fontenelle
- form
- formalism
- formless
- formlessness
- Foucault
- foundation
- fragment
- free-will
- freedom
- Frege
- French institutional philosophy
- French Science Academy
- Freud Sigmund
- Froidmont Libert
- fundamental ontology
- future
- g-son
- Gadamer
- Galen
- Galilée
- Galton Francis
- game
- Gassendi
- gaze
- genealogy
- Gennadios Scholarios George
- genre
- gentleness
- Geoffroy
- Geoffroy Etienne-François
- Geoffroy Etienne-François
- geometrical characteristic
- german philosophy
- gesture
- Gesture
- gifted
- Ginzburg Carlo
- givenness
- Glass Philip
- gnomè
- gnoseology (theory of knowledge)
- Gnostics
- gnostics
- God
- God/humans
- goes
- Goethe
- Gombrich Ernst
- Gorgias
- Gouguenheim Sylvain
- Gould Glenn
- grace
- grammar
- greatness
- Greek comedy
- Greek philosophy
- Greek shamanism
- Greek Tragedy
- Greek tragedy
- Greek-into-Arabic translation movement
- Grosseteste
- Gualandi Alberto
- habits
- Hacking Ian
- hallucination
- Hallyn
- Hallyn Fernand
- hand
- happening
- happiness
- harmonic body
- healing
- Hegel
- Hegelianism
- hegelianism
- Heidegger
- Helen
- Helisenne de Crenne
- Hellenism
- Hellenistic philosophy
- Henry Michel
- Heraclitus
- heredity
- hermeneutics
- hermeneutics of the self
- hermeticism
- Hesiod
- heterogeneity
- heuristics
- hierarchy of creatures
- Hippocrates
- historical uneasiness
- historicity
- historiography
- history
- history of hermeneutics
- history of liberalism
- history of logic
- history of mathematics
- history of metaphysics
- history of philosophy
- history of political ideas
- history of science
- Hobbes
- Hoffmann E.T.A.
- Hölderlin
- Homberg
- Homberg Wilhelm
- Homer
- homogeneity
- horizon
- human being
- human mind
- humanism
- Hume
- humour
- Husserl
- Huygens Christiaan
- hypostasis of Noûs
- hypothesis
- iambic poetry
- iconoclasism
- idea
- idea of infinity
- ideal
- idealism
- ideation
- identity
- ideology
- ignite
- Igor Stravinsky
- image
- image-consciousness
- images
- imagination
- imitation
- immanency
- impiety
- implicit
- imposition
- impossible
- improvisation
- in-existent object
- incompletion
- incorporeal
- independant objects
- individual
- individuality
- individuation
- induction
- infantilism
- inference
- innate ideas
- innateness
- inner vision
- innocent eye
- inshāʾ
- inspiration
- instinct
- institutio
- intellect
- intellection
- intelligence
- intelligibility
- intelligible
- intending
- intentio
- intention
- intentionality
- interactions
- interiority
- interjections
- interpersonal communication
- interpretation
- interpretive theories
- introspection
- invention
- irrational
- Isagoge
- Islam
- Islamic Disputation Theory
- islamic theology
- Islamicate dialectical disputation theory
- Islamicate disputation theory
- islamophobia
- labyrinthine work of art
- Lacan
- language
- Laocoon
- late scholastic
- laugh
- laughter
- Lavoisier Antoine-Laurent
- law
- La Rochefoucauld
- learning
- learning to see
- legitimisation
- Leibniz
- lekta
- lekton
- Lémery Louis
- Lémery Louis
- Lémery Nicolas
- Leo XIII
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lessing
- Lévi-Strauss
- Lévi-Strauss Claude
- Léviathan
- Levinas
- Levinas Emmanuel
- Lévy-Bruhl
- life
- light
- likelihood
- likenesses
- limit
- Lincoln Bruce
- linguistic effectiveness
- linguistic naturalism
- linguistic sign
- Lipps Hans
- lists
- literacy
- literal meaning
- literary experimentation
- literary meaning
- literature
- lived experience
- lived-body
- living bodies
- Livy
- location
- Locke
- logic
- logic of practice
- logical form
- logical structure
- logos
- loidoria
- Lomazzo Giovanni Paolo
- love
- Love
- Lucian
- Lyotard
- Lysistrata
- Machiavelli
- machine
- machines
- Macquer Pierre-Joseph
- Mad Pride
- madness
- Maeterlinck
- Magentenos Leo
- magic
- magical
- Maïmonide
- Maine de Biran
- make-up
- Malebranche
- Malinowski
- man/mankind
- mania
- mannerism
- Manṭiq
- Marclay Christian
- Marion
- Marion Jean-Luc
- Martin Heidegger
- mask
- masterpiece
- mastery
- material a priori
- material clues
- material hermeneutics
- mathematical sign
- mathematics
- matter
- Matter and memory
- Mauss
- maximal account
- Maximilian Beck
- maxims
- meaning
- meaning of Being
- mecanism
- mechanism
- medicine
- medico-social
- medieval logic
- medieval philosophy
- medieval pragmatics
- medium
- mega nepios
- Meinong Alexius
- melancoly
- melic poetry
- memory
- Merleau-Ponty
- Mersenne
- Mesarites
- metaphilosophy
- metaphysics
- metastability
- method
- methodology
- methodology of history
- Middle Platonism
- mimesis
- mimetism
- mind
- miracle
- mis-recognition
- mixture
- modern uṣūl al-fiqh
- modernity
- monad
- money
- Montaigne
- moral
- moral law
- moral philosophy and literature
- Morality
- Moran Richard
- mordants
- morphology
- morphology/history
- movement
- Munāẓara
- music
- musical erotiscism
- musical instrument
- mutual negation/mutual exclusion
- mystic
- myth
- myth of the five races
- mythic narratives
- naive reading
- Najm al-Dīn al-Kātibī
- names
- narrative
- narrative identity narrative
- narrative of mourning
- narratology
- nativism
- natural history
- natural languages
- natural phenomena
- natural sign
- natural species
- nature
- nature-art
- negation
- neokantianism
- neoplatonism
- Neuhaus Heinrich
- Newton
- newtonianism
- Newton’s chemistry
- Nicholas of Cusa
- Nicole Oresme
- Nicomachean Ethics
- Nietzsche
- noein
- noetic
- noetics
- non finito
- non-existence postulate
- non-existents
- nonverbal coding
- noos
- norm
- norms
- nothingness
- nous
- novel
- numeration
- Nussbaum Martha
- painting
- panaristos
- paradigm
- paradoxes
- paranoia
- Paris Royal Academy of Sciences
- Parmenides
- Parmenides’ rule
- parody
- Pascal
- passions
- passive intellect
- passive synthesis
- passivity
- pastiche
- pathos of distance
- Patrizi Francisco
- Paul I
- pedantry
- Peletier du Man Jacques
- Pepin the Short
- perception
- performance
- performativity
- Peri Hupsous
- Peripatetics
- Perses
- person
- persuasion
- Petronius Arbiter
- Peucer Caspar
- Phaedo
- Phaedrus
- phantasìa
- phantasia
- phenomenology
- phenomenology of the inapparent
- phenomenon and thing in itself
- philology
- Philoponus
- philosophical reviews
- philosophical writing
- philosophy
- philosophy of art
- philosophy of culture
- philosophy of history
- philosophy of language
- philosophy of literature
- philosophy of mathematics
- philosophy of mind
- philosophy of nature
- philosophy of values
- phlogiston
- Photius
- phronesis
- phusis
- physical theory
- physics
- Physiognomica
- physiognomical syllogism
- physiognomics
- picture
- Pindar
- plasticity
- Plato
- Plato's epistemology
- play
- playing
- Plinius the Elder
- plot
- Plotinus
- Plutarch
- poetic
- poetical creativity
- poetry
- poiesis
- Poinsot John (John of Saint Thomas)
- Polemon
- political philosophy
- politics
- polyphony
- polysemy
- Ponge Francis
- popularity
- population
- Porphyry
- positivist philosophy
- possession
- possibility
- possible
- Post-Hellenistic
- post-structuralism
- potential
- Power
- power of art
- practical a priori
- practice
- pragmatics
- predestination
- predication
- preindividual
- presbyopia
- presentation
- primitive
- principle
- principles
- prizes
- probabilities
- probability
- problematization
- process
- Proclus
- Procopius
- production
- productive intellect
- progeneration
- pronoia
- proposition
- Protagoras
- Prussian blue
- Psellos Michael
- Pseudo-Dionysius
- Pseudo-Longinus
- psychagogia
- psyche
- psycho-physical identity
- psychoanalysis
- psychological states
- psychology
- pure grammar
- purely descriptive concepts
- pures essences
- Pyth.3
- Rahman Fazlur
- rationality
- rationalization
- Rawls
- reactivation
- Readable
- reader
- reading
- ready-made expressions
- reason
- recognition
- recording techniques
- redundancy
- reference
- referential fallacy
- refiguration
- reflex
- reflexivity
- Reich Steve
- relation
- relation to oneself
- relationality
- relationship to oneself
- relativism
- Rembrandt
- Rémy de Gourmont
- Renaissance
- Renan Ernest
- repetition
- repetitive music
- representation
- representation(Darstellung)
- reproduction
- republicanism
- reverberation
- reverie
- reversal process
- Rhetoric
- rhetoric
- rhetoric of Aristotle
- rhythm
- rhythmics
- Ricœur Paul
- Ricoeur Paul
- ridicule
- Riemann Bernhard
- right
- Riley Terry
- romanticism
- Royal Society
- Ruskin John
- Ryan Marie-Laure
- Sai island
- Sājaqlīzādah
- Sappho
- Sartre
- saturated phenomena
- Saussure
- saying
- scepticism
- Schaeffer J.-M.
- Schaeffer Pierre
- Schaeffner Andrew
- Schelling
- Schopenhauer
- science
- science fiction
- science-fiction
- science.
- Scientific Revolution
- score
- sculpture
- Sebastião do Couto
- secondary qualities
- seeking and willing
- self-ascriptions
- self-interpretation
- self-knowledge
- selfconsciousness
- semantics
- semantics-pragmatics
- semiotic
- semiotics
- Semonides
- Seneca
- sensation
- sense
- sense data
- sense of justice
- sense-data
- sensible intuition
- sensitive
- sensitive history
- sensory power
- sentence
- Sextus Empiricus
- sexuality
- sfumato
- shamanic complex as theatrical device
- Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (d. 722/1322)
- show-and-tell
- sight
- sign
- signification
- signified
- signs
- Simmel
- Simonides
- simple objects
- situation
- sketch
- slander
- Sloane Hans
- Smith Adam
- social space
- sociolinguistics
- sociology
- Socrates
- Socratic method
- Solon
- sophismata
- Sophist
- sophistry
- Sophists
- Sophocles
- soul
- sound
- sounds perceived as if they were without an external cause
- sovereignty
- space
- speaking names
- species
- speech
- Spencer Herber
- sphere
- Spinoza
- spirit
- spiritual exercise
- spoken communication
- Stahl Georg Ernst
- stain
- stains
- Starobinski Jean
- state-of-affairs-function
- static and genetic phenomenology
- stigmata
- Stoic philosophy
- Stoicism
- stoicism
- Stoics
- stranger
- strategy
- Straus Erwin
- Stravinsky Igor
- strength relationships
- structuralism
- structure
- style
- stylistic
- subject/object
- subjectivity
- sublime
- subsistence
- substance
- Sudanese Nubia
- suffering
- Sulphur principle
- supposition theory
- symbolic form
- symbolic numbers
- symbolism
- symbols
- symposion
- symposium
- symptom
- synaesthesia
- synchrony
- synonym
- syntax
- talāzum / mulāzama
- tanāfin / munāfā
- tape looping
- tape music
- taʿlīl
- teaching of the medieval philosophy
- technics
- teleology
- temporality
- tension
- text
- text semantics
- text-transmission
- textual analysis
- textualization
- the Opponent-al-Fuṣūl
- the secularism
- theater
- theatre
- Theognis
- theology
- Theophrastus
- theory
- theory of games
- theory of knowledge
- theory of manifolds
- theory of science
- theory of sciences
- theory of the sublime
- theory of traduction
- thing
- thinking
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas of Aquinas
- thought
- thought experiments
- thoughts
- Timaeus
- time
- time-consciousness
- Timpanaro Sebastiano
- tragedy
- training
- transcendental
- transcendental philosophy
- transduction
- transfer
- transgression
- translation
- transmutation
- transparency
- Treatise on Musical Objects
- trope
- truth
- turntablist
- Valéry Paul
- validity
- values
- Varchi Benedetto
- Varignon
- Vasari Giorgio
- Vico Giambattista
- video
- Villiers de l’Isle-Adam Auguste
- virtual
- virtual action
- virtual body
- virtual force
- virtual image
- virtual movement
- virtual space
- virtue
- Visible
- vision
- vision in god
- visual current
- vitalist naturalism Deleuze
- voice
- vulnerability