Authors’ guidelines
Haut de page1. Conditions of publication
Article Submission
Methodos accepts for evaluation all unpublished, original texts written in French, English, German or Italian. These texts must be sent, in the form of a Word or Open Office file, to the journal’s editorial staff (,
In response to a call for papers, article submissions must be preceded by the submission of a paper proposal in the form of an abstract (maximum 2500 characters). This must in turn be accepted by the thematic issue’s responsible scholar(s)—i.e., guest editor(s)—and chief editor; the latter may call upon the service of “internal” and “external” experts (see “Expert review procedure,” below) to evaluate a particular proposal’s relevance.
The proposed article, whether responding to a call for contributions or composed for the “Analyses and interpretations” section (neither being limited in terms of length: see the below “Instructions for the formal presentation of submitted texts, Number of characters”), must include an abstract in French and English of no more than ten lines at the end of the document. In addition to (but not replacing) the Word or Open Office document submission, authors may wish to send a printed copy or PDF to the editorial staff in order to guarantee the readability of the texts.
Authors are asked to submit only one text at a time, and not to submit to other journals or publishers until they have received the opinion of the editorial board.
Once the article is submitted, authors will receive an acknowledgement of receipt along with a reminder of the conditions of publication and of good practices on the part of both the author and the journal’s editorial authorities.
The chief editor—or, if necessary, a member of the editorial board specializing in the article’s subject matter—will then proceed with a first review in order to ensure that the article complies with the conditions of publication and author instructions. The purpose of this first review is to ensure that the received article’s form and content justify the engagement of further expertise. At this stage, Methodos takes immediate measures to prevent or confront any possible fraud and/or plagiarism; in doing so it employs, among other things, the detection software made available by the University of Lille to its researchers and teachers.
If the article is accepted for review, two of the review board’s expert members will be invited to give their opinion on it. Being that Methodos practices double-blind review of proposed articles (see the following “Expert review procedure”), authors are invited to remove any explicit references from their text that might allow for their identification.
Expert review procedure
As stated, the journal practices double-blind review: each proposed article will be anonymized and then read by an internal and external expert chosen by the editorial board. Internal experts include researchers and teacher-researchers belonging to the University of Lille, and/or members of Methodos’ editorial and scholarly boards.
A form specifying evaluation criteria is sent to each expert as soon as s/he accepts the responsibility of evaluating a manuscript. Above all, these criteria concern the article’s originality, its contribution to research on a given theme or problem, the strength and rigor of its argumentation, its knowledge of the specialized literature on the subject, the correctness and clarity of its expression, and the relevance of the subject to the journal’s mission and objectives (within its fields of interest: philosophy, philology and the language sciences).
Double-anonymity is strictly respected, as a condition for the evaluation’s rigor. The editorial board meets in the fall and decides to publish or reject on the basis of the two experts’ reports. In the event that arbitration between divergent evaluations is required, a third external expert is asked, along with a member of the editorial board, to evaluate the article.
The delay for receiving a decision after an article’s submission is approximately 3 months. All authors, regardless of whether or not their text is accepted, will receive a summary of the two evaluations which motivated the editorial board’s decision.
N.B. Unpublished texts will not be returned to the authors.
Documents to be submitted for publication
Authors of texts accepted for publication after review must provide the following:
- more developed French and English abstracts (allowing better international visibility);
- the article’s title in both French and English;
- a list of key words in French and English;
- the institutional affiliation they wish to attach to their name.
In addition, authors must provide:
- a completed and signed authorization for online distribution; Download document.
- a reproduction authorization from the owner, if the article includes images or diagrams which the article author did not create. Download model reproduction request.
The period between the date of publication and a proposal’s acknowledgement of receipt is approximately 9 months.
2. Instructions for the formal presentation of submitted texts
Compliance with standards
In order to provide reviewers with clean texts and to avoid loss of time upon article acceptance, the journal insists that the texts sent to it comply with the formal rules specified below.
Number of characters
Whether responding to a call for papers or intended for the “Analyses and Interpretations” section (on subjects which are not predetermined), proposed articles are not limited with regard to the number of characters. Authors are nevertheless strongly advised to aim for the greatest possible concision. Conciseness is a key criterion in the evaluation form by which contributions will be assessed.
General rules
- Please do not use style sheets. Formatting should be as simple as possible.
- Please use Times New Roman, size 12 (or a Unicode font, with the font file attached to the document if it is less common), and 1.5 line spacing.
- Please do not underline or use words in large and small capitals (except in quotations which already use these formats), and use italics only exceptionally or when necessary.
- Whenever possible, use meaningful headings to indicate major textual subdivisions. Do not use numbering (such as 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.2. etc.)
- For French standard abbreviations and typographical rules, refer to the Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l’Imprimerie Nationale.
- In the body of the text, place words from other languages in italics or quotation marks where appropriate. Excessive use of words from other languages is discouraged.
In the footnotes, bibliographical references should be indicated in the following form:
Full first name(s) [possibly using an initial for a 2nd first name] Last name (date of publication), “title of the article / chapter” [in quotes] or name of the book [in italics], place of publication, publisher [possible mention of collection, volume number], pagination [in the case of articles / chapters].
Page numbers should be preceded by a simple, unduplicated “p.” The names of authors should be in lower case. The different headings (names, title, place of publication, etc.) should be separated only by commas (not periods).
- If a work is cited several times, a complete reference will be provided at the first mention and an abbreviated version in subsequent occurrences.
- The abbreviated version for books will include: First name Last name (date of publication), short title of the work, pagination.
- For journal articles, the abbreviated version will include: First name Last name, Journal Name, volume number (date of publication), pagination.
- In all cases, the system of internal references (ibid., id., op. cit., etc.) should be avoided as a common source of confusion.
- Quotations must be enclosed in “double quotation marks” (in « chevrons » for French). Quotations within a quotation should be enclosed in ‘single quotation marks’ (in “double quotation marks” for French).
- For quotations consisting of several paragraphs, opening quotation marks should be repeated at the beginning of each paragraph.
- Any intervention in a quoted text—e.g., deletions, explanations, the conjectured restoration of words, etc.—must appear in [straight brackets].
- Quotations in other languages should be translated in the body of the text. If the author wishes, the original language text may be quoted in a footnote.
Accents and letters unknown to French or English (even if derived from the Latin alphabet), in another language, living or dead, must be indicated as in that original language (examples: García, Søren). These accents may be found in the “symbols” lists of recent software.
- For quotations in Greek, authors are asked to use the Unicode font “DejaVu” (free to use, downloadable from the Internet).
The article must include a final bibliography in the following form:
Author’s last name, full first name(s) [possibly using an initial for a 2nd first name] (date of publication), “title of the article / chapter” [in quotes] or name of the book [in italics], place of publication, publisher [possible mention of collection, volume number], pagination [in the case of articles / chapters].
Page numbers should be preceded by a simple, unduplicated “p.” The names of authors should be in lower case. The different headings (names, title, place of publication, etc.) should be separated only by commas (not periods).
Attridge, Derek (1982), The Rhythms of English Poetry, London, Longman.
Chen, Matthew (1983), “Toward a grammar of singing: tune-text association in Gregorian chant,” Music Perception 1, p. 84-122.
Dell, François (1989), « Concordances rythmiques entre la musique et les paroles dans le chant.
L’accent et l’e muet dans la chanson française », in Marc Dominicy (ed.), Le souci des apparences, Brussels, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, p. 121-136.
Dell, François & John Halle (2009), “Comparing musical textsetting in French and in English songs,” in Jean-Louis Aroui & Andy Arleo (eds.), Towards a typology of poetic forms, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, p. 63-78.
Boulnois, Olivier, Jacob Schmutz & Jean-Luc Solère (eds.) (2002), Le contemplateur et les idées. Modèles de la science divine. Du néoplatonisme au XVIIIe siècle, Paris, J. Vrin (Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie. Nouvelle série).
Additional Rules
- The 1st author should be cited in the following form: last name + comma + first name (whole); but the 2nd author should be cited in the following form: first name (whole) + last name.
- If, in the bibliography, two titles by the same author follow each other, please repeat the author’s name (rather than inserting a long dash in place of the author’s name and surname) for the 2nd, 3rd, etc., occurrences; and please arrange each entry in chronological order.
- For titles cited in French, Italian, Spanish and Latin, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. For titles cited in English, the first letter of the title and the first letter of each subsequent word that is not a conjunction, preposition, or article are capitalized. For titles quoted in German, capitalize the first letter of the title and all subsequent nouns.
- For quotations in Greek, do not forget the diacritics (accents and breathings).
- Use the language of the publisher’s country to render the city of publication.
- For quotation marks, use those corresponding to the language of the source quoted. Likewise, use the same punctuation as that used in the quoted source’s language.
- For modern editions of premodern authors, two dates must be indicated:
- [1] after the author’s name, indicate the original publication date in parentheses;
- [2] after the publisher’s name, indicate the date of the modern edition, but not in parentheses.
Documents annexes
Expert’s evaluation form (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document – 14k)
Authorization for online distribution (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document – 48k)
Model for reproduction request (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document – 17k)