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Journal Description

The journal Methodos is ordinarily divided into three parts, as follows:

- The first part presents studies by researchers in different disciplines, elaborated on a theme which falls within the above-mentioned domains and gives the issue its title. The chosen theme will allow for a broad interdisciplinary scope, opening the journal’s pages to researchers likely to contribute to a common reflection. Certain issues also include a second, smaller thematic dossier, bringing together a few articles as the fruit of discussion on another theme or author.

- The second part: “Analyses and Interpretations” is composed of different studies relevant to classical philology, history of science, and philosophy, which insist, as a point in common (and in accordance with Methodos’ scholarly project), on a problem of method—i.e., on the procedures implemented to reach the results presented, and on the interpretative issues of the studied texts. These studies are selected according to the editorial board’s strict scholarly requirements.

- The third, very short, part: “Works” is an annual report on research carried out in the former UMR “Savoirs et Textes” and, after January 2006, the UMR 8163 “Savoirs, Textes, Langage.” Here are presented the seminars and colloquia organized therein, the theses defended, and the publications of a certain number of the laboratory’s researchers. The objective is not to show off the work which the lab has accomplished. Rather, by communicating the types of questions which occupy laboratory members and their interlocutors, the aim is to create a space for discussion—at a national and international level—for those who wish to pursue, within the journal, debates in the various fields addressed (it being understood, of course, that the subjects of forthcoming articles need not be limited to the themes presented at this stage of research).

It goes without saying that this journal, whose primary objective is to create a genuine forum for discussion between the mentioned disciplines, aims to be a space for exchanges between national (French) and international researchers. The publication of articles in other languages than French is therefore not excluded; and, regardless of an article’s language, each contribution is followed by an abstract in French and English.

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