Journal management and composition of the various boards
Director of Publication: Régis BORDET, President of the University of Lille
Chief Editor: Leone GAZZIERO
Editorial Secretary: Anne DOURLENS
Editorial Board
Composed of specialists in the various fields delineating the journal’s scholarly themes, members of the Methodos editorial board serve for a five-year term (renewable once). Their role is to determine the journal’s editorial approach and ensure its editorial quality. During its two annual meetings, the editorial board appoints scholars responsible for the annual calls for papers, ensures the smooth progress of expert reviews, and decides—in accordance with the experts’ suggestions—which articles to publish.
The editorial board is comprised of :
Christian BERNER (Univ. Paris Nanterre), Magali BESSONE (Univ. Paris 1), Laurent CESALLI (Univ. Geneva), Véronique DECAIX (Univ. Paris 1), Dimitri EL MURR (ENS Paris), Daria FRANCOBANDIERA (Univ. Lille), Marie-Hélène GAUTHIER-MUZELLEC (Univ. Amiens), Nadja GERMANN (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany), Frédérique ILDEFONSE (CNRS, Paris), Michelle LECOLLE (Univ. de Lorraine), Claudio MAJOLINO (Univ. Lille), Edouard MEHL (Univ. Strasbourg), Katia PAYKIN (Univ. Lille), Alexa PIQUEUX (Univ. Paris 10), Gabrielle RADICA (Univ. Lille), François RENAUD (Univ. Moncton, Canada), Anne-Lise REY (Univ. Paris Nanterre), Philippe SABOT (Univ. Lille), Gerhard SCHADEN (Univ. Lille), Holger SCHMID (Univ. Lille), Bernard SEVE (Univ. Lille), Christina THOMSEN-THÖRNQVIST (Univ. Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden), Sarah TROCHE (Univ. Lille), Luisa VALENTE (Univ. di Roma La Sapienza, Italy), Lucien VINCIGUERRA (Univ. Lille).
Scholarly Board
The scholarly board is composed of internationally recognized experts (historians of science, philologists, and philosophers) from France and elsewhere. All have agreed not only to play the role of figureheads, but to provide expert advice with regard to articles submitted to them by the editorial board.
The scholarly board is comprised of:
Daniel ANDLER (Univ. Paris IV), Anouk BARBEROUSSE (Sorbonne Univ.), Joël BIARD (Univ. Tours, CESR), Fabienne BLAISE (Région Académique du Grand Est), Michel BLAY (ENS Lyon), Angelo CASANOVA (Univ. Florence), Walter CAVINI (Univ. Bologna, Italy), Vittorio CITTI (Univ. Trento, Italy), Rita COPELAND (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA), Claire CRIGNON (Sorbonne Univ.), Christine Daigle (Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada), Lia FORMIGARI (Univ. di Roma La Sapienza, Italy), Nathalie FROGNEUX (Univ. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Katerina IERODIAKONOU (Univ. Athens, Greece), Julia JANSEN (Archives Husserl, Leuven), Pierre JUDET DE LA COMBE (CNRS, EHESS), Christoph KÖNIG (Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach, Germany), Marianne MASSIN (Sorbonne Univ.), Glenn MOST (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy), Pietro PUCCI (Cornell Univ., USA), Irène ROSIER-CATACH (CNRS, Paris), David SEDLEY (Univ. Cambridge), Bernard VITRAC (CNRS, Paris), Heinz WISMANN (EHESS, Paris).
Review Board
The review board consists in two experts for each article, one internal and one external, chosen by the editorial board. Internal experts include researchers and teacher-researchers belonging to the University of Lille, and/or members of Methodos’ editorial and scholarly boards. External experts are selected from among specialists in each article’s theme.