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Open Source Scholarship Policy

The journal is entirely free and open access. Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Users are allowed to:

Share: “copy, distribute and communicate the material by any means and in any format.”

Adapt: “remix, transform, translate the material and create from it.”

The only condition is the following:

Attribution: “You must credit the Work, include a link to the license, and indicate whether any modifications have been made to the Work. You must indicate this information by all reasonable means, without suggesting that the licensor endorses you or the way you have used the Work.”

No additional restrictions: “You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that would legally restrict others from using the Work under the conditions described by the license.”

Authors sign a release form before the publication of their article. Download document.

The journal encourages the depositing of articles in public open archives (i.e., any permanent, public platform wherein depositing does not involve the transfer of rights—e.g., HAL) and open archives which are institutional, or thematic. NB: Academic social networks (, ResearchGate, etc.) are not considered open archives. In the case of academic social networks it is therefore preferable to provide only a link to an open archive.

The journal allows authors to deposit the “editor’s PDF version” of their article—i.e., the version of the article as it is published in the journal—immediately after its publication. The journal asks the author to use the same CC BY license as is used by the journal.

Document annexe

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