- 1 The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie (...)
- 2 An account of al-Makkī’s biography is provided in the editor’s introductions (English and Arabic) (...)
1The corpus of available Ašʿarite primary sources has recently been enriched by a voluminous kalām work.1 Scholarship owes the rediscovery of this text to Ayman Shihadeh, who also published it in facsimile edition. The work in question is the second volume of a book entitled Nihāyat al-marām fī dirāyat al-kalām, preserved in a valuable manuscript copy accredited by the hand of its author Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn ʿUmar b. al-Ḥusayn al-Makkī (d. middle of the 6th/12th c.), who was also known among scholars by the nisba al-Rāzī.2 The first of the original two volumes appears to be lost. Its author was the rather little-known father of the far more prominent Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 606/1210). Al-Makkī studied theology with Abū al-Qāsim al-Anṣārī (d. 512/1118) in Nīsābūr, which was at that time the most important intellectual centre of Šāfiʿite Ašʿarism. Some time after the completion of his studies al-Makkī settled in Rayy, where he eventually became preacher (ḫaṭīb). He also engaged there in teaching and wrote the Nihāya towards the middle of the 6th/12th century. Consequently, the work not only merits attention for its sheer comprehensiveness, it is also the oldest first-hand source of Ašʿarite scholarship in Rayy that has come down to us.
- 3 The edition of the Ġunya does not reproduce the complete text of the unique manuscript, MS Istanbu (...)
- 4 The work has survived in the following manuscripts: MS Princeton, University Library, Yahuda, no. (...)
2By coincidence, a partial critical edition of Abū al-Qāsim al-Anṣārī’s al-Ġunya fī al-kalām was published almost simultaneously with the Nihāya.3 This important text is the first of two extant treatises in kalām written by al-Makkī’s teacher that has become available in print. The Ġunya is the later of Abū al-Qāsim al-Anṣārī’s two theological works and was preceded by his commentary on Abū al-Maʿālī al-Ǧuwaynī’s (d. 478/1085) Kitāb al-iršād.4 Yet, although not explicitly designated as a commentary, the later Ġunya also shares the structure of the Kitāb al-iršād—a feature that can certainly be explained by the fact that al-Ǧuwaynī was Abū al-Qāsim al-Anṣārī’s teacher.
- 5 See p. xiv of the Introduction of the Nihāya and Shihadeh, “Classical Ashʿarī Anthropology”, p. 43 (...)
- 6 I was not able to consult the extant parts of the Ġunya that are not included in the critical edit (...)
- 7 References to the Nihāya are given according to the foliation and pagination (in square brackets) (...)
3As Shihadeh already observed on the mere basis of the manuscript of the Ġunya, al-Makkī’s Nihāya closely draws on his teacher’s work.5 The availability of both texts in print now allows to establish the degree of the Nihāya’s dependency on the Ġunya much more precisely. In the following, I will provide a systematic list of literal or almost literal quotations of the Ġunya found in al-Makkī’s work. Since neither text has survived in its entirety, my comparison is limited to the overlapping sections of the printed editions:6 these are p. 795–1065 in the second volume of the published Ġunya and fols 1b[2]–127b[253]:6 of the Nihāya, respectively.7 Consequently, our textual basis only allows us to rate the proportion of material from the Ġunya found in the Nihāya approximately. Matters are further complicated by al-Makkī’s approach—described in some more detail below—of occasionally amalgamating textual material from the Ġunya irrespective of their original chronology. The sections of the Nihāya examined here may therefore include further unidentified quotations from chapters that are not accessible.
- 8 For example, the parts from the Ġunya that are missing between N 109b[218]:21 and 110a[219]:1 or i (...)
4If we balance the quotations from the Ġunya with the passages for which I found no equivalent, we see that more than the half of the text found on fols 1b[2]–127b[253]:6 of the Nihāya—at least 54 %—actually reproduces textual material from the Ġunya. The Ġunya consequently allows us to get a relatively clear idea of the missing parts of the Nihāya, and vice-versa. In addition, the parallel texts in the two works help us to make sense of passages affected by lacuna or misreadings.8 It is therefore recommended to read both texts alongside one another—the list of quotations provided in part II might serve as a guide.
- 9 See Kennedy, Medieval Hackers, who explores similarities between medieval English manuscript cultu (...)
5In addition, the Nihāya may also tell us something about how texts and information were passed and used in the manuscript era. Al-Makkī’s work confirms a not particularly new claim of medievalists, namely that our modern concept of authorship and the idea of intellectual property implied therein cannot be applied to the medieval intellectual milieu we are concerned with here. However, as was recently argued, medieval information culture appealed to principles that have risen again with the transformation of our own modern information culture: it was based on the principle of commonness, and texts, which were part of this information commons, were consequently open and free to access, to disseminate and even to modify.9
- 10 For the citation of al-Ǧuwaynī’s al-Risāla al-niẓāmiyya (N 11a[21]:14) cf. Ġ 903:7, and for the ci (...)
- 11 See, among many other examples, N 67a[133]:17, and Ġ 906:17.
6For a more appropriate understanding of how an author perceived his own role in our specific context, it seems to me that several observations have to be considered. The extant parts of the Nihāya nowhere refer to the Ġunya as its principal source. Al-Mākkī also remains silent on the fact that he did not consult any of the texts cited in the examined sections of the Nihāya, but only quotes them via the Ġunya.10 Nonetheless, he does not fail to attribute his teacher’s thoughts and arguments correctly: many paragraphs of the Ġunya introduced by the first person “I say” (qultu) are reformulated into such phrases as “our teacher, the imām, said” (qāla šayḫunā al-imām).11 It appears that al-Makkī was actually little concerned with disclosing his source of information, much less than with precisely identifying the advocates of specific doctrines and opinions.
- 12 The terminology for the various sub-genres of derivative works in the field of kalām is still unde (...)
7The Nihāya is indeed a highly derivative work—a compilation of quotations and some complementary material—but it should have served a particular purpose in its scholarly context.12 One could suppose a similar function as that of the very common literary genre of commentaries, which would be the transmission and dissemination of information, clarified by additional—sometimes critical—thoughts and supported by supplemental arguments, whenever it appeared appropriate or necessary to its author.
- 13 Additional chapters that consist almost exclusively of literal quotes from the Ġunya are the masʾa (...)
8As is shown by the detailed comparison of the two texts in part II, al-Makkī for the most part of his text follows the chronology of the Ġunya. Between the quoted passages with lengths ranging between some few lines and several pages, he either introduces additional text or omits entire passages from the Ġunya. Some chapters consist almost exclusively of copied material, such as the chapter on the invalidity of the so-called theory of tawallud (fols 76a[151]:11–84a[167]:1), that is the idea that man is capable of acting through causal chains.13 Occasionally, however, al-Makkī changes the original progression of the Ġunya and recompiles text from scattered chapters of his Vorlage. For example, the ḫātima on fols 34b–46b quotes from the following sections of the Ġunya: p. 854–859, 1062–1064, 990–993, 1024, 858, 1025–1027, 859–863 and 993–996.
9In the following comparison, I often describe passages of the Nihāya as “almost literal quotations”. In these cases, I am referring to textual material that is obviously derived from the Ġunya and only minimally modified. I thereby intend to distinguish passages with only minor modifications from paraphrases, which I understand as complete reformulations or summaries of ideas expressed in the Ġunya that do not change the meaning. It would not be unjustified to object that the scale between the two is somewhat fluid. I therefore provide a concrete example of two parallel texts, which should illustrate the degree of faithfulness to the Ġunya, whenever I characterise a passage of the Nihāya as “almost literal quotation”:
Ġunya, p. 817:3–15 |
Nihāya, fols 9a[17]:21–9b[18]:11 |
ثمّ استدلّ على كون مقدور العبد مقدورًا لله تعالى بأن قال: إذا أقدر الله العبد على شيء لزم كونه قادرًا على ذلك الشيء الّذي أقدره عليه. إذ الإقدار تمكين من الشيء والتمكين من الشيء فوق التمكين منه. ثمّ استشهد بالعلم فقال: إذا أعلم الله العبد شيئًا لزم كونه عالمًا بما أعلمه، وإذا جعله مدركًا لشيء يجب كونه مدركًا لذلك الشيء. فإن قيل: إذا أقدر غيره على الشيء وجب أن يقدره على الوجه الّذي يقدر عليه كما قلنا في العلم. قلنا: قد ذكرنا فيما تقدّم أنّ من أخصّ وصف الإله سبحانه قدرته على الخلق، ولذلك تعرّف إلى العقلاء بأنّه خالقهم وخالق كلّ شيء وأنّه ﴿وَخَلَقَ كُلَّ شَيءٍ فَقَدَّرَهُ تَقْدِيرًا﴾ [٢٥ الفرقان: ٢]. فلو جاز أن يقدر غيره على الشيء على الوجه الّذي هو يقدر عليه فكأنّه جعله شريكًا فيما لأجله كان إلهًا وأبطل هذا العريف ولا نأمن إذن أن يكون معه آلهة ويخلقون كما يخلق. وهذا أقوى دليل لنا في خلق الأعمال. |
واستدلّ على كون مقدور العبد مقدورًا لله تعالى بأن قال: إذا أقدر الله العبد على شيء لزم كونه قادرًا على ذلك الشيء. إذ الإقدار تمكين من الشيء والتمكين من الشيء فوق التمكين منه، كما إذا أعلم الله العبد شيئًا أو جعله مدركًا للشيء لزم أن يكون عالمًا به مدركًا له. فإن قيل: إذا أقدر غيره على شيء وجب أن يقدره على الوجه الّذي يقدر عليه كما إذا أعلمه بعلمه على الوجه الّذي علمه. قلنا: قد ذكرنا فيما تقدّم أنّ أخصّ وصف الإله سبحانه وتعالى الإيجاد والاختراع، ولذلك تعرّف إلى العقلاء بأنّه الخالق على ما سنذكره إن شاء الله تعالى. فلو جاز أن يقدر غيره على الشيء على الوجه الّذي هو يقدر عليه اقتضى جعله شريكًا له فيما لأجله كان إلهًا وأبطل هذا العريف ولا نأمن إذًا أن يكون معه آلهة ويخلقون كما يخلق. وهذا أقوى دليل لنا في خلق الأعمال. |
10N 1b[2]:2 (al-qawl fī ḫalq al-aʿmāl)–19 (ḫalqan ayy […]): no equivalent in Ġ
11N 1b[2]:19 (qāla al-qāḍī)–N 2a[3]:11 (al-irāda): almost literal quotation from Ġ 799:10–800:6
12N 2a[3]:11 (wa-innamā al-tafāḍul)–13 (al-insān): abbreviated paraphrase of Ġ 800:7–11
13N 2a[3]:13 (hāḏā iḏā)–2b[4]:20 (mutaǧawwiz fī qawlihi): almost literal quotation from Ġ 800:12–802:10
14N 2b[4]:20 (ṯumma wa-in kāna al-ḫalq)–3a[5]:2 (al-ʿazīz al-ʿalīm): almost literal quotation of Ġ 802:13–15
15N 3a[5]:2 (qultu)–3b[6]:1 (wa-l-āfāt): al-Makkī elaborates the argument in Ġ 802:14–16, quoting Ġ 802:14–15 in N 3a[5]:15–16 and Ġ 802:15–16 in N 3a[5]:21–3b[6]:1
16N 3b[6]:1 (ammā al-kasb)–3b[6]:5 (ism kalb[?]): no equivalent in Ġ
17N 3b[6]:5 (qāla al-qāḍī)–6 (qudra ḥādiṯa): literal quotation of Ġ 806:8
18N 3b[6]:6 (qāla šayḫunā)–9 (al-ḫalq): literal quotation of Ġ 807:4–6
19N 3b[6]:9 (wa-qīla … al-ḥādiṯa): literal quotation of Ġ 806:10
20N 3b[6]:10 (wa-innamā naʿnā)–13 (infirādihi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 806:12–807:3; the marginal note is a parenthesis without equivalent in Ġ
21N 3b[6]:14 (fa-yaḫtaṣiru)– (ǧamīʿan): textual extracts from Ġ 807:5–7
22N 3b[6]:15 (wa-qawl al-qāʾil)–17 (al-mustaʿīn): literal quotation of Ġ 807:10–12
23N 3b[6]:17 (ḥakā šayḫunā)–4a[7]:3 (wa-inkasarat): no equivalent in Ġ
24N 4a[7]:3 (qāla al-ustāḏ Abū Bakr)–16 (hāhunā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 807:15–808:7
25N 4a[7]:16 (qāla al-Ǧubbāʾī)–19 (fī nafsihi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 809:4–6
26N 4a[7]:19 (qulnā)–4b[8]:11 (ʿalā mā qulnāhu): no equivalent in Ġ
27N 4b[8]:11 (ammā al-fiʿl)–5a[9]:4 (wa-Llāh al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): no equivalent in Ġ
28N 5a[9]:4 (ammā al-iḍṭirār qāla šayḫunā Abū al-Ḥasan)–12 (mimmā nālahu): literal quotation from Ġ 815:16–816:1
29N 5a[9]:12 (qāla al-Ǧubbāʾī)–13 (fiʿlan): literal quotation from Ġ 815:14
30N 5a[9]:13 (wa-šaraṭa ibn al-Ǧubbāʾī)–19 (maḥmūl ʿalayhi): literal quotation from Ġ 816:2–6
31N 5a[9]:19 (qultu)–6b[12]:7 (wa-Llāh al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): no equivalent in Ġ
32N 6b[12]:8 (al-muqaddima al-ṯāniya … maḏhab Abī al-Ḥasan)–11(ʿāmmat aṣḥābinā raḥimahum Allāh): abbreviated quotation from Ġ 809:7–10
33N 6b[12]:12 (ammā al-qāḍī raḥimahu Allāh fa-qad taraddada fī ḏālika) corresponds to Ġ 809:14
34N 6b[12]:12 (qāla imām al-ḥaramayn)–20 (tuʾaṯṯiru bi-maʿnā): literal quotation from Ġ 810:7–15
35N 6b[12]:21 (qultu)–7a[13]:5 (wa-ḏālika ġayr maʿqūl): no equivalent in Ġ
36N 7a[13]:5 (ammā al-qāḍī)–15 (al-qudra al-ḥādiṯa): literal quotation from Ġ 809:11–810:6
37N 7a[13]:16 (fa-in qāla qāʾil min al-muʿtazila)– 20 (lā takūnu maǧhūla): paraphrase of Ġ 811:11–14
38N 7a[13]:20 (qultu)–7b[14]:3 (ṣifa maǧhūla): no equivalent in Ġ
39N 7b[14]:3 (ammā man naṣara maḏhab Abī al-Ḥasan)–13 (min al-irāda wa-l-ʿilm): almost literal quotation from Ġ 811:15–812:3
40N 7b[14]:14 (qulnā)–19 (min al-qudra ḥālan): no equivalent in Ġ
41N 7b[14]:19 (fa-in qīla)–8b[16]:5 (min nafsihi al-qudra): almost literal quotation from Ġ 812:6–813:11
42N 8b[16]:5 (wa-l-dalīl ʿalayhi)–21 (wa-laysa hiya iḍāfāt): no equivalent in Ġ
43N 8b[16]:21 (wa-qad ḏakara al-qāḍī)–9a[17]:17 (wa-Llāh al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): almost literal quotation from Ġ 814:13–815:6
44N 9a[17]:18 (masʾala qāla al-ustāḏ Abū Isḥāq)–21 (kasban aw ḫalqan): almost literal quotation from Ġ 816:11–15
45N 9a[17]:21 (wa-stadalla)–9b[18]:11 (fī ḫalq al-aʿmāl): almost literal quotation from Ġ 817:3–15
46N 9b[18]:11 (wa-ʿalā annā aḏʿannā)–10a[19]:5 (al-waǧh allaḏī ṯabata al-iqdār): no equivalent in Ġ
47N 10a[19]:5 (ṯumma al-qāḍī)–15 (laysa fī maḥallihā): almost literal quotation from Ġ 818:1–8
48N 10a[19]:15 (wa-staḥāl qiyām)–18 (lā yastaqillu bi-īqāʿihi): draws on the argumentation in Ġ 818:19–19
49N 10a[19]:18 (qulnā)–10b[20]:9 (al-maqṣūd wa-huwa ḫalq al-aʿmāl): no equivalent in Ġ
50N 10b[20]:10 (masʾalat maḏhab ahl al-ḥaqq)–13 (al-ahwāʾ wa-l-bidʿ): closely draws on Ġ 795:5–7
51N 10b[20]:13 (wa-ḫālafanā fī ḏālika al-Māǧūs)–11a[21]:12 (fī al-Muḫtaṣar): almost literal quotation from Ġ 795:8–797:8
52N 11a[21]:12 (qultu)–13 (wa-l-iḫtirāʿ) no equivalent in Ġ
53N 11a[21]:13 (wa-kāna imām al-ḥaramayn)–19 (ṯumma raǧaʿa ʿan ḏālika): almost literal quotation of Ġ 903:7–11
54N 11a[21]:19 (wa-maḏhab Ǧahm)–11b[22]:17 (illā al-irāda): literal quotation from Ġ 797:11–799:6
55N 11b[22]:17 (wa-iḏā ʿarafta)– 12a[23]:5 (al-mumkināt): almost literal quotation from Ġ 819:15–820:3
56N 12a[23]:5 (wa-li-hāḏā)–21 (al-ʿabd ʿalayhi): no equivalent in Ġ; however 12a[23]:6f. (wa-kaḏālika wāfaqtumūnā …) alludes to Ġ 822:10–12
57N 12a[23]:21 (fa-in qīla)–12b[24]:7 (mamnūʿan): almost literal quotation from Ġ 822:16–21
58N 12b[24]:8 (fa-in qīla)–9 (hāhunā): slight reformulation of the question found in Ġ 823:2–3
59N 12b[24]:9 (qulnā)–21 (wa-ḏālika wāḍiḥ): no equivalent in Ġ
60N 13a[25]:1 (al-ṭarīqa al-ṯāniya)– 13b[26]:5 (ḫilāf ḏālika): the first three lines in N are a paraphrase of the introduction of corresponding section Ġ 824:10–12; however, the rest of this passage have no equivalent in Ġ
61N 13b[26]:5 (fa-in qīla)–7 (wa-irādatihi): almost literal quotation from Ġ827:13–15
62N 13b[26]:8 (qulnā)–10 (ʿāliman bihi): no equivalent in Ġ
63N 13b[26]:10 (wa-lākin lasnā naqūl)–15 (ilā kitābatihi): almost literal quotation from Ġ827:16–20
64N 13b[26]:15 (wa-iḏā ʿarafta ḏālika)–20 (al-aḫaṣṣ dūna al-aʿamm): no equivalent in Ġ
65N 13b[26]:20 (fa-in qīla)–14a[27]:17 (fī kitāb al-insān): almost literal quotation from Ġ828:8–829:4
66N 14a[27]:18 (ammā hāhunā)–14b[28]:8 (lā siyyamā): no equivalent in Ġ; the description of al-Bāqillānī’s (“al-qāḍī”) position in N 14b[28]:6–7 draws on Ġ 830:4–5
67N 14b[28]:8 (al-qāʾilīn minhum)–14b[28]:17 (mudda ṭawīla): almost literal quotation from Ġ827:23–828:7
68N 14b[28]:17 (wa-qad naqala imām al-ḥaramayn)–15a[29]:5 (lā inʿikāsuhā): almost literal quotation from Ġ829:8–17
69N 15a[29]:6 (wa-naḥnu naqūlu)–8 (bi-l-qadīm wa-l-bāqī): no equivalent in Ġ
70N 15a[29]:8 (wa-ʿalā annā naqūlu)–10 (bi-wuqūʿ mā yanquḍuhā): almost literal quotation from Ġ829:18–19
71N 15a[29]:10 (ammā al-ṭarīqa al-ṯāliṯa)–17 (min aṯar al-qudra): literal quotation from Ġ 830:18–23
72N 15a[29]:17 (qulnā)–21 (muktasiban kayf): no equivalent in Ġ
73N 15a[29]:21 (wa-min uṣūl)–15b[30]:6 (bi-ǧamīʿ al-ḥawādiṯ): almost literal quotation from Ġ 830:23–831:4
74N 15b[30]:6 (qulnā)–10 (iḏā nafaynā al-ḥāl): no equivalent in Ġ
75N 15b[30]:10 (ammā iḏā aṯbatnā al-ḥāl)–13 (bi-mā yuḫālifuhu): almost literal quotation from Ġ 831:5–7
76N 15b[30]:13 (ammā antum)–15 (sāʾir al-muḥdaṯāt): no equivalent in Ġ
77N 15b[30]:15 (qāla)–18 (bi-mā yuḫālifuhā): literal quotation from Ġ 831:9–10
78N 15b[30]:18 (wa-l-iḫtirāʿ)–16a[31]:4 (iḫtalafat al-muḥdaṯāt): almost literal quotation from Ġ 831:13–19
79N 16a[31]:4 (wa-taʿalluq al-qudra)–7 (bi-mā taʿallaqa bihi): no equivalent in Ġ
80N 16a[31]:8 (wa-qad tamassaka)–12 (yaftariqāni): almost literal quotation from Ġ 832:3–6
81N 16a[31]:12 (min al-waǧh)–16 (al-qādirīn): abbreviation of Ġ 832:7–10
82N 16a[31]:16 (fa-ammā an yakūna)–17 (bi-l-maqdūr): literal quotation from Ġ 832:11–12
83N 16a[31]:17 (qāla)–18b[36]:20 (li-taʿalluqihi bi-nafsihi): no equivalent in Ġ
84N 18b[36]:21 (al-ḍarb al-ṯānī)–19a[37]:7 (al-ṣifāt al-zāʾida ʿalayhi): the paragraph is composed of small textual passages found in 833:11, 14–15 and 834:1–2
85N 19a[37]:8 (qultu)–10 (fī tilka al-qāʿida): no equivalent in Ġ
86N 19a[37]:11 (al-ḍarb al-ṯāliṯ)–19b[38]:18 (aʿẓam al-niʿam): almost literal quotation from Ġ 834:17
87N 19b[38]:18 (fa-in qīla)–20a[39]:9 (al-iktisāb): no equivalent in Ġ
88N 20a[39]:10 (wa-mimmā yatamassaku bihi)–20b[40]:5 (li-l-ḍiddayn): almost literal quotation from Ġ 836:1–14
89N 20b[40]:5 (fa-lazima)–6 (mutanāqiṣ): no equivalent in Ġ
90N 20b[40]:7 (wa-min hāḏihi al-ǧumla)–21a[41]:12 (bi-qawlihi taʿālā): almost literal quotation from Ġ 836:16–837:18
91N 21a[41]:12 (al-ḥamdu li-Llāh)–16 (al-tasmiya): no equivalent in Ġ
92N 21a[41]:16 (wa-bi-qawlihi taʿālā)–21b[42]:2 (wa-l-ʿiṣī): almost literal quotation from Ġ 837:18–23
93N 21b[42]:2 (fa-yumkinu)–9 (hāhunā): no equivalent in Ġ
94N 21b[42]:9 (wa-mimmā yumkinu)–21 (ʿawwaltum ʿalayhi): almost literal quotation from Ġ 838:3–13
95N 21b[42]:21 (ḥikāyat al-maḏhab)–22a[43]:14 (mā qaṣadahu): the paragraph quotes phrases from Ġ, namely 22a[43]:4 (al-šibaʿ)–8 (al-maqṣūd) corresponds to Ġ 838:20–839:2 and 22a[43]:8 (afʿāl al-ʿāqil)–9 (al-nāʾim wa-l-maġšī) corresponds to Ġ 838:16–17
96N 22a[43]:14 (ṯumma naqūlu)–18 (qulnā): paragraph composed of literal quotation from Ġ 839:3, 7, 11–12
97N 22a[43]:18 (hāḏā ḫaṭaʾ)–21 (al-wāḥid minnā): no equivalent in Ġ
98N 22a[43]:21 (iḏā qaṣada)–22b[44]:1 (bi-l-ḥaraka): almost literal quotation from Ġ 839:12–13
99N 22b[44]:1 (fa-taʿlīluhu)–6 (wa-huwa annā naqūlu): no equivalent in Ġ
100N 22b[44]:7 (law arāda)–16 (al-ʿāda): almost literal quotation from Ġ 839:19–840:4
101N 22b[44]:17 (fa-in qālū)–18 (ka-l-alwān): paraphrase of Ġ 840:5–6
102N 22b[44]:18 (qulnā)–23a[45]:5 (ḏālika awlā): no equivalent in Ġ
103N 23a[45]:5 (ṯumma naqūlu)–11(min aṯar al-qudra): paragraph with quotations from Ġ 840:20–23
104N 23a[45]:11 (fa-in qīla)–17 (šāhidan): the introductory question partly reproduces Ġ 840:24 but the rest of the paragraph has no equivalent in Ġ
105N 23a[45]:18 (ṯumma naqūl)–23b[46]:3 (maʿlūm ḍarūra): almost literal quotation from Ġ 841:15–22
106N 23b[46]:3 (li-annahu in ṣaḥḥa)–25a[49]:8 (ġayr annā) almost literal quotation from Ġ 842:7–844:14; within this passage, N slightly abbreviates the paragraph Ġ 842:20–843:4 (corresponding to N 23b[46]:21–24a[47]:7) and inserts short phrases in N 23b[46]:7 (li-annā)–8 (al-ḍarūra), 24b[48]:8 (wa-l-ǧawāb)–13 (min qablu) and 24b[48]:20 (wa-bal hāḏā)–25a[49]:2 (tataʿallaqu al-qudra bihi)
107N 25a[49]:8 (naqūlu hāḏā)–18 (yatasayyaru ʿalayhi): no equivalent in Ġ
108N 25a[49]:18 (wa-wuǧida fī nafsihi)–25b[50]:10 (ṯubūt al-qudra): almost literal quotation from Ġ 844:19–845:9
109N 25b[50]:10 (li-l-ʿabd ʿalā al-musabbabāt)–26a[51]:6 (taʿalluq al-qudra bihā): no equivalent in Ġ
110N 26a[51]:6 (ṯummā iʿlam)–16 (wa-yunhā ʿanhu li-qubḥihi): almost literal quotation from Ġ 845:16–22
111N 26a[51]:16 (wa-l-ḥusn wa-l-qubḥ)–18 (bi-annahu lā yuʾminu): no equivalent in Ġ
112N 26a[51]:18 (fa-iḏā suʾilū)–26b[52]:6 (maqṭūʿ bihi): almost literal quotation from Ġ 846:3–12
113N 26b[52]:6 (wa-iḏā kāna kaḏālika)–27a[53]:4 (bi-mtināʿ wuqūʿihi): no equivalent in Ġ
114N 27a[53]:4 (šubha uḫrā lahum)–11 (ʿan hāḏihi al-muṭālaba): almost literal quotation from Ġ 846:14–20
115N 27a[53]:11 (ṯumma al-ʿaǧab)–30a[59]:5 (mā qaḍayta): no equivalent in Ġ
116N 30a[59]:6 (fa-in qīla)–7 (ḥaqqan): literal quotation from Ġ 846:21–22
117N 30a[59]:8 (wa-l-ǧawāb)–12 (wa-mulkuhu): no equivalent in Ġ
118N 30a[59]:12 (wa-ʿalā annā)–16 (al-ḏamīma): almost literal quotation from Ġ 846:23–847:1
119N 30a[59]:16 (allatī lā yaǧidu)–21 (fī qaḍāʾ Allāh): no equivalent in Ġ
120N 30a[59]:21 (mā laysa lahu ḥukm)–30b[60]:9 (al-riḍā bi-l-qaḍāʾ): almost literal quotation from Ġ 847:2–10; N 30b[60]:4 (wa-arāda bihi)–8 (min nawʿ ibhām) tends to be rather a paraphrase of Ġ 847:7–9
121N 30b[60]:9 (qāla rasūl Allāh)–20 (aḥsanta yā ġulām): no equivalent in Ġ
122N 30b[60]:21 (ṯumma naqūlu)–31a[61]:5 (wa-l-istiʿāḏa bi-Llāh minhā): largely reproduces Ġ 847:11–16
123N 31a[61]:5 (ḥattā law qāla)–15 (wāǧib iḏā amkanahu): textual elements from Ġ 847:17–20 with additional prophetic traditions
124N 31a[61]:15 (wa-in urīdu bi-l-riḍā)–31b[62]:3 (min al-ibhām): almost literal quotation of Ġ 874:1–848:9; with the following insertion: N 31a[61]:16 (iḏ laysa)–18 (wa-hum yusʾalūna)
125N 31b[62]:3 (kamā annahum)–4 (al-adab): no equivalent in Ġ
126N 31b[62]:4 (wa-aṭlaqa)–16 (bihi ilayka): almost literal quotation of Ġ 848:14–849:3
127N 31b[62]:16 (qultu)–32a[63]:1 (min aṯar al-qudra): no equivalent in Ġ
128N 32a[63]:1 (fa-in qīla)–11 (mā laysa lahu fiʿluhu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 849:6–13; with the following insertion: N 32a[63]:3 (fa-yalzamukum)–6 (ʿan fāʿil al-ẓulm)
129N 32a[63]:11 (wa-hāḏā innamā yataṣawwaru)–13 (fiʿl mā li-fāʿilihi): no equivalent in Ġ
130N 32a[63]:13 (fa-in qīla)–32b[64]:2 (al-āya): almost literal quotation of Ġ 849:16–850:5
131N 32b[64]:2 (wa-kaḏālika qāla)–4 (bi-ḥaqq tamallukihi): no equivalent in Ġ
132N 32b[64]:4 (fa-in qīla)–33a[65]:14 (al-asmāʾ al-tawfīq): almost literal quotation of Ġ 850:9–851:15
133N 33a[65]:15 (fa-l-awlā an yuqāla)–33b[66]:16 (ḏī al-ʿarš sabīlan): almost literal quotation of Ġ 851:20–852:10; with the following insertion: N 33a[65]:20 (qāla Allāh)–33b[66]:1 (fa-Huwa yašfīn)
134N 33b[66]:16 (la-fasadnā)–20 (ʿalā muʿtaqadihim): no equivalent in Ġ
135N 33b[66]:20 (wa-mimmā yastadillūna)–35a[69]:10 (al-hidāya šayʾ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 852:16–855:8; with the following insertion: N 34a[67]:19 (qulnā al-yahūd)–20 (lā naṣarnā) and 34b[68]:15 (wa-ʿalā annā)–19 (ʿalā maʿānīhā)
136N 35a[69]:10 (wa-l-murād fī hāḏihi al-mawāḍiʿ)–N 35b[70]:2 (iḏā qaddamahu): no equivalent in Ġ
- 14 This last verse and its explanation is actually a repetition of N 35b[70]:2–3.
137N 35b[70]:2 (qāla Allāh)–36a[71]:12 (ʿalā mā ḏakarnā min qablu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 856:13–857:10; with the following insertion: N 35b[70]:5 (wa-l-hidāya)–6 (al-ṣadr); in addition, quotations from the Qurʾān and their explanations do not always follow the chronological order in Ġ: N 35b[70]:16 (ṯumma qāla wa-innaka)–17 (mustaqīm) from Ġ 855:7, N 35b[70]:17 (wa-kaḏālika aḍāfa)–21 (lam yubayyin) from Ġ 856:7–9, N 35b[70]:21–36a[71]:1 from Ġ 856:20–21 and N 36a[71]:1 (wa-qad waradat)–5 (naḥwahā) from Ġ856:10–1314
138N 36a[71]:13 (wa-taḥaqququhu)–36b[72]:4 (bi-l-daʿwa): no equivalent in Ġ
139N 36b[72]:4 (qāla aʾimmat al-luġa)–37a[73]:3 (li-mā ḏakarnāhu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 857:10–858:2; with the following insertions: N 36b[72]:13 (ammā al-ḍalāla)–14 (wa-yaḍallu) and the additional Qurʾānic reference 18 (wa-li-ḏālika qawluhu)–19 (min hādin)
140N 37a[73]:3 (fa-in qīla)–4 (am lā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 858:6–7
141N 37a[73]:4 (qulnā)–5 (fī al-niʿma): no equivalent in Ġ
142N 37a[73]:5 (qāla šayḫunā)–37b[74]:7 (wa-ḏālika al-ṭawfīq): almost literal quotation of Ġ 858:16–859:16
143N 37b[74]:7 (wa-minhā al-luṭf)–8 (fa-huwa laṭīf): no equivalent in Ġ
144N 37b[74]:8 (qāla aṣḥābunā)–16 (wa-maʿṣiyatuhu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1063:5–14
145N 37b[74]:16 (wa-qālat al-Muʿtazila)–22 (li-āmanū): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1062:16–1063:4
146N 37b[74]:22 (wa-law qālū)–38a[75]:1 (la-yuʾminū): no equivalent in Ġ
147N 38a[75]:1 (ṯumma qālat al-Muʿtazila)–19 (li-l-ṯawāb al-aǧzal): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1063:15–1064:16
148N 38a[75]:19 (wa-minhā al-tawfīq)–20 (yattafiqu bihi al-šayʾ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 990:12
149N 38a[75]:20 (aw ʿindahu)–38b[76]:5 (yaḫḏulu): no equivalent in Ġ
150N 38b[76]:6 (ammā fī al-šarʿ)–9 (al-ḥaramān): almost literal quotation of Ġ 990:12–15
151N 38b[76]:9 (wa-qad aḫraǧa)–39b[78]:7 (aw fiʿl muʿayyan): no textual equivalent in Ġ; however, N 39a[77]:15 (al-ʿiṣma qarīb)–39b[78]:2 (yusammā tawfīqan) paraphrases most of Ġ 991:1–6
152N 39b[78]:7 (ammā al-Muʿtazila)–18 (wa-tašmaluhum ǧamīʿan): almost literal quotation of Ġ 991:7–992:3
153N 39b[78]:18 (ṯumma naqūlu)–20 (ḏālika al-šayʾ ʿanhu): no equivalent in Ġ
154N 39b[78]:21 (iḏ al-mukallif)–40a[79]:9 (wa-tawfīqihi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 992:5–15
155N 40a[79]:9 (fa-in qīla)–40a[79]:17 (bašar rasūlan): almost literal quotation of Ġ 992:20–993:6
156N 40a[79]:18 (fa-laysa al-maqṣad)–40b[80]:1 (al-āya): almost literal quotation of Ġ 993:8–12
157N 40b[80]:1 (wa-minhā al-niʿma)–3 (wa-ġayr ḏālika): no equivalent in Ġ
158N 40b[80]:3 (ammā al-niʿma)–5 (min aṣḥābinā raḥimahum Allāh): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1024:18–20
159N 40b[80]:5 (fa-ʿalā hāḏā)–7 (ʿalā hāḏā al-waǧh): almost literal quotation of Ġ 858:14–15
160N 40b[80]:7 (wa-qāla šayḫunā)–9 (al-ʿāǧil wa-l-āǧāl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1025:1–2
161N 40b[80]:9 (wa-ṣāra hāʾulāʾ)–11 (dīniyya): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1025:3–4
162N 40b[80]:11 (fa-ḥaṣala min maǧmūʿ)–15 (in šāʾa Allāh): no equivalent in Ġ
163N 40b[80]:15 (wa-l-Muʿtazila)–41a[81]:5 (min waǧh): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1025:5–14; with the following additional Qurʾānic verse and explanation: N 40b[80]:21 (qawluhu)–41a[81]:1 (illā Allāh)
164N 41a[81]:5 (wa-ʿan ʿAlī)–9 (fī ṭāʿatihi): no equivalent in Ġ
165N 41a[81]:10 (ammā man salaka)–42a[83]:2 (law ḍarabū ʿalayhā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1025:15–1027:15
166N 42a[83]:3 (wa-minhā al-ḫatm wa-l-ṭabʿ)–10 (aḫfaytuhu): no equivalent in Ġ
167N 42a[83]:10 (ammā fī al-šarʿ fa-hiya mawāniʿ)–42b[84]:2 (wa-l-ṭabʿ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 859:17–860:7
168N 42b[84]:2 (qulnā)–6 (mā yurīdu): no equivalent in Ġ
169N 42b[84]:6 (ṯumma naqūlu law kāna)–43b[86]:17 (al-ḥadīṯ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 860:8–862:16; with the following insertions: N 42b[84]:17 (wa-ḥāṣil)–18 (al-aʿyān), 43a[85]:11 (wa-yalzamu)–13 (al-iǧmāʿ), 18 (wa-ayḍan)–20 (min al-ġāfilīn), 43b[86]:6 (ṯumma naqūlu)–9 (al-dawrān) and 12 (wa-min wuǧūh)–15 (ašqiyāʾ)
170N 43b[86]:18 (ilā āḫar…al-irādāt): no equivalent in Ġ
171N 43b[86]:18 (qāla šayḫunā al-imām)–20 (wa-l-arḍ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 863:5–6
172N 43b[86]:20 (wa-qad ḏakarnā al-aḥādīṯ allatī wuridat fī hāḏā al-bāb fī aḥkām al-irāda): obviously refers to the traditions quoted in Ġ 863:7–20
173N 43b[86]:21 (fa-in qāla)–44a[87]:8 (fa-hum al-Muʿtazila): no equivalent in Ġ
174N 44a[87]:8 (wa-ahl al-mulk)–10 (sabʿīn nabiyyan): almost literal quotation from Ġ 993:14–15
175N 44a[87]:10 (wa-kaḏālika qāla)–13 (ilā Ahriman): almost literal quotation from Ġ 994:8–10
176N 44a[87]:14 (wa-ʿan Ibn ʿAbbās)–45b[90]:2 (fī hāḏā al-bāb): no equivalent in Ġ
177N 45b[90]:2 (ammā al-Muʿtazila)–46a[91]:20 (wa-l-qadariyya): amalgam of literal quotations, paraphrases and some independent ideas from Ġ 994:1–995:17; quotations are found in N 45b[90]:2 (ammā al-Muʿtazila)–5 (al-šuyūʿ) (Ġ 994:1–3), 45b[90]:9 (fa-lā al-ġaḍab) (Ġ 994:6), 45b[90]:13 (ṯumma naqūlu)–14 (afʿālahu) (Ġ 994:11), 45b[90]:15 (al-qadarī)–17 (li-ġayrihi) (Ġ 994:13–14), 45b[90]:18 (law kunnā qadariyya…wa-ḫalaqahā) (Ġ 994:15), 45b[90]:19 (wa-law annā)–46a[91]:1 (bi-hāḏihi al-sunna) (Ġ 995:1–3), 46a[91]:3 (qāla Allāh taʿālā)–9 (wa-l-arḍ) (Ġ 995:8–16), 46a[91]:13 (wa-l-qadariyya)–14 (šaqāwatuhu wa-saʿādatuhu) (Ġ 995:17)
178N 46a[91]:20 (fa-in qīla)–46b[92]:1 (wa-l-mulk): almost literal quotation from Ġ 995:19–21
179N 46b[92]:1 (wa-lā yaddaʿī)–5 (al-amr wa-l-nahy): no equivalent in Ġ
180N 46b[92]:5 (fa-in qīla)–6 (lisān): literal quotation from Ġ 996:2
181N 46b[92]:6 (qulnā)–(ṯābitan): no equivalent in Ġ
182N 46b[92]:7 (ṯumma naqūl)–10 (ḥuǧǧa lahu ʿalā Allāh taʿālā): almost literal quotation from Ġ 996:3–10
183N 46b[92]:10 (wa-iḏā ḫaraǧnā)–11 (mulǧaʾ): no equivalent in Ġ
184N 46b[92]:12 (ilā qubūl al-tawba)–15 (wa-lam yanqulhu aḥad): almost literal quotation from Ġ 996:6–9
185N 46b[92]:15 (wa-mā ḏakarnāhu)–17 (al-muwaffiq wa-l-muʿīn): no equivalent in Ġ
186N 46b[92]:18 (al-qawl fī al-istiṭāʿa)–47a[93]:1 (wa-l-tawassuʿ): almost literal quotation 864:1–4
187N 47a[93]:1 (wa-huwa lā)–10 (fī al-ism wa-l-musammā): no equivalent in Ġ
188N 47a[93]:10 (wa-l-dalīl ʿalā iṯbāt al-qudra)–47b[94]:12 (li-l-ǧamādāt): almost literal quotation of Ġ 864:5–865:15; with two larger omissions: Ġ 864:11–13 and 865:2; and one insertion: N 47b[94]:9 (kayfa)–10 (ilā al-ʿibāra)
189N 47b[94]:12 (wa-l-ʿaǧz)–15 (bi-l-nafy): no equivalent in Ġ
190N 47b[94]:15 (fa-in qīla)–16 (aṯar): almost literal quotation Ġ 866:7
191N 47b[94]:16 (qulnā)–18 (illā maʿa al-aṯar): slight reformulation of Ġ 866:8–10
192N 47b[94]:19 (fa-in qīla)–49a[97]:9 (maʿdūm): almost literal quotation Ġ 866:14–869:1
193N 49a[97]:9 (ammā al-ʿadam)–12 (wa-Llāh al-muwaffiq): no equivalent in Ġ
194N 49a[97]:13 (masʾala)–15 (ʿalā al-fiʿl): almost literal quotation Ġ 869:2–5
195N 49a[97]:15 (wa-hāḏā ayḍan maḏhab al-Naǧǧār)–16 (ġayrihim min al-Muʿtazila): almost literal quotation of Ġ 869:7–8
196N 49a[97]:16 (wa-qālat al-Muʿtazila)–49b[98]:5 (mutaʿallaq lahā): almost literal quotation Ġ 869:15–870:6; with the following insertion: N 49b[98]:3 (huwa anna al-maqdūr)–4 (li-makān)
197N 49b[98]:5 (wa-mutaʿalluquhā al-maqdūr)–15 (kaḏālika hāhunā): no equivalent in Ġ
198N 49b[98]:15 (taḥaqququhu huwa annā iḏā faraḍnā)–20 (al-qudra maʿnā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 870:6–9
199N 49b[98]:20 (wa-hāḏā li-anna)–50a[99]:3 (qabla wuqūʿihi): no equivalent in Ġ
200N 50a[99]:3 (fa-in qīla)–4 (fī al-ḥāla al-ṯāniya): almost literal quotation of Ġ 870:10–11
201N 50a[99]:4 (qulnā)–10 (ʿindakum maʿnā): paragraph with textual elements from Ġ 870:12–19; N 50a[99]:4 (lā šakk)–5 (lā tamnaʿūna al-taʿalluq) quotes Ġ 870:13, N 50a[99]:6 (wa-maḥṣūl)–7 (taʿalluquhā bihi) quotes Ġ 870:16 and N 50a[99]:8 (maqdūr al-qudra)–9 (maḥḍ) quotes Ġ 870:18
202N 50a[99]:10 (kayfa wa-ʿindakum)–16 (naqīḍān): almost literal quotation of Ġ 871:1–7
203N 50a[99]:17 (qultu)–50b[100]:4 (qāṭiʿ): no equivalent in Ġ
204N 50b[100]:4 (fa-in qīla)–18 (taqdīr al-wuqūʿ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 871:8–15; with the following insertions: 50b:7 (wa-kaḏālika)–8 (ʿan qaḍiyyat al-qudra), 9 (ammā fī)–10 (ʿan qaḍiyyat al-qudra), 12 (ʿalā maʿnā)–14 (ʿalā al-maqdūr) and 15 (wa-fī ḏālika)–16 (ʿalā al-fiʿl)
205N 50b[100]:18 (fa-iḏā qulnā)–21 (al-maqdūr bi-awqāt): no equivalent in Ġ
206N 50b[100]:21(qāla šayḫunā)–51a[101]:10 (huwa al-maqṣūd): almost literal quotation of Ġ 871:20–872:4
207N 51a[101]:10 (wa-stadalla)–51b[102]:4 (mutaḍammin lahu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 872:9–873:1
208N 51b[102]:4 (ʿalā maʿnā)–6 (bi-dūn al-naẓar ayḍan): no equivalent in Ġ
209N 51b[102]:6 (wa-ammā al-qudra)–52a[103]:2 (wa-lā yuʾaṯṯiru fīhā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 873:3–874:4
210N 52a[103]:2 (qulnā)–7 (ʿalā maḏhabihim): no equivalent in Ġ
211N 52a[103]:7 (ṯumma naqūlu lahum)–8 (bi-l-taʾṯīr): almost literal quotation of Ġ 874:5–6
212N 52a[103]:9 (qādir ... hāḏā): no equivalent in Ġ
213N 52a[103]:9 (ṯumma fa-in)–10 (ʿan al-qudra): literal quotation of Ġ 874:9
214N 52a[103]:9 (wa-hallā)–52b[104]:12 (fa-mā ǧawābukum ʿanhu): passage with only some minor textual dependence on Ġ (e.g. between 52b[104]:1–2 and Ġ 874:20–21)
215N 52b[104]:13 (fa-in qīla)–16 (al-muʾaṯṯir): almost literal quotation of Ġ 875:7–10
216N 52b[104]:16 (fa-qālū ayḍan)–17 (bayna amrayn): no equivalent in Ġ
217N 52b[104]:17 (ammā in ǧawaztum)–18 (al-dalīl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 875:12–13
218N 52b[104]:18 (ṯumma law qultum)–53a[105]:1 (ġayr maʿqūla): no equivalent in Ġ
219N 53a[105]:1 (wa-yulzimuhum)–3 (ʿan wuǧūd al-šarṭ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 875:16–17
220N 53a[105]:3 (kaḏālika)–5 (ḫurūǧ ʿan al-maʿqūl): no equivalent in Ġ
221N 53a[105]:5 (wa-mimmā yanquḍu)–53b[106]:1 (wuǧūdan wa-ʿadaman): almost literal quotation of Ġ 875:18–876:12
222N 53b[106]:1 (fa-faṣluhum)–2 (fī aṯr al-qudra): no equivalent in Ġ
223N 53b[106]:2 (ṯumma naqūlu)–11 (ʿalā al-īmān): almost literal quotation of Ġ 876:18–877:4
224N 53b[106]:11 (wa-lā šakk)–13 (wa-ʿindakum): no equivalent in Ġ
225N 53b[106]:13 (iḏā qadara)–54b[108]:19 (bi-šarṭ muqāranat al-fiʿl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 877:4–879:4
226N 54b[108]:19 (al-āḫar wa-mā ḏakarūhu)–55a[109]:8 (al-qiyām wa-l-quʿūd): no equivalent in Ġ
227N 55a[109]:8 (wa-baʿḍuhum tamassakū)– 10 (ʿalā kaḏā aw kaḏā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 879:13–14
228N 55a[109]:10 (qulnā)–12 (bi-awqāt): no equivalent in Ġ
229N 55a[109]:12 (ṯumma naqūlu)–55b[110]:15 (min al-aʿmāl al-muḫtalifa): almost literal quotation of Ġ 879:15–880:19
230N 55b[110]:16 (kayfa)–17 (salāmat al-binya): abbreviated paraphrase of Ġ 880:21–881:2
231N 55b[110]:17 (ṯumma iʿlam)–56b[112]:13(fa-hāḏā maḏhabuhum): almost literal quotation of Ġ 881:3–883:11
232N 56b[112]:13 (wa-nuqila anna al-ustāḏ)–57a[113]:3 (ʿalā al-taʾlīf): no equivalent in Ġ
233N 57a[113]:3 (ammā šubhatuhum)–6 (ilayhi): selected textual material from Ġ 883:12–14
234N 57a[113]:6 (qulnā)–9 (fī aṣlihā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 883:15–17
235N 57a[113]:9 (fa-in qīla)–12 (fī al-muḍṭarr): no equivalent in Ġ
236N 57a[113]:13 (ṯumma naqūl li-Abī Hāšim)–57b[114]:1 (ʿalā maqdūrihā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 884:3–11
237N 57b[114]:1 (fa-limā lā yaǧūzu)–5 (waqt al-ṣalāt): no equivalent in Ġ
238N 57b[114]:5 (fa-lam yuṣalli)–6 (ḫilāf al-iǧmāʿ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 884:18–20
239N 57b[114]:6 (qulnā)–9 (wa-liʾanna mā): no equivalent in Ġ
240N 57b[114]:9 (sammāhu ḫuṣūmunā)–58a[115]:9 (ʿalayhi): paragraph with extensive literal quotes and paraphrastic reformulations of the text found in Ġ 885:11–886:14
241N 58a[115]:9 (fa-naqūlu)–58b[116]:20 (wa-ḏālika muḥāl): no equivalent in Ġ
242N 58b[116]:20 (faṣl)–59b[118]:19 (wuqūʿ al-maqdūr): the whole chapter reproduces almost literally the corresponding one in Ġ 891:1–893:5
243N 59b[118]:19 (faṣl fī ḏikr maḏhab al-Naǧǧāriyya)–60b[120]:21 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): the chapters on al-Naǧǧār/the Naǧǧāriyya and Ḍirār b. ʿAmr/the Ḍirāriyya have no equivalent in Ġ
244N 61a[121]:1 (masʾala)–3 (yuḍaddu al-qudra): almost literal quotation of Ġ 893:6–9
245N 61a[121]:4 (wa-qāla Abū Hāšim)–8 (lā yūǧibu aḥwālan): almost literal quotation of Ġ 893:12–17
246N 61a[121]:8 (wa-āṯāran)–12 (kaḏālika hāhunā): includes two short passages reproduced from Ġ 894:2–5 (N 61a[121]:10–12—namely ṯumma naqūlu…anna and wa-hāḏā ka-mā…maʿnā)
247N 61a[121]:12 (wa-mimmā tamassaka)–14 (intiqāṣ al-binya): almost literal quotation of Ġ 894:8–9
248N 61a[121]:14 (qulnā)–17 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): paraphrase of Ġ 894:11–13
249N 61a[121]:18 (masʾala)–61b[122]:12 (maʿa al-ʿilm): almost literal quotation of Ġ 895:1–14; with the following insertion: N 61b[122]:4 (qultu)–5 (wa-ḫilāf)
250N 61b[122]:12 (wa-iḏā kāna)–14 (kaḏālika hāhunā): no equivalent in Ġ
251N 61b[122]:14 (qāla al-qāḍī)–62a[123]:1 (fī al-maqdūr): almost literal quotation of Ġ 895:18–896:5
252N 62a[123]:2 (qultu)–8 (wa-l-ṯānī lā yuʾaṯṯiru): no equivalent in Ġ
253N 62a[123]:8 (fa-in qīla)–62b[124]:5 (yabnī ʿalayhi ʿaraḍahu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 896:6–21
254N 62b[124]:5 (ṯumma naqūlu)–63a[125]:21 (infikākahu ʿanhu): no equivalent in Ġ
255N 63a[125]:21 (tamassakū)–63b[126]:3 (taqaddumuhu ʿalayhi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 896:22–897:2
256N 63b[126]:4 (qulnā)–14 (lā al-qudar): no equivalent in Ġ
257N 63b[126]:15 (wa-salaka al-qāḍī)–19 (maʿa al-ʿaǧz): paragraph that partly quotes and partly paraphrases Ġ 897:10–15
258N 63b[126]:19 (qultu)–64a[127]:5 (wa-l-karāha): no equivalent in Ġ
259N 64a[127]:6 (fa-in qīla)–7 (maʿa muḫālafatinā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 897:17–18
260N 64a[127]:7 (iyyākum)–9 (qudra ʿalayhi): no equivalent in Ġ
261N 64a[127]:9 (ṯumma yuṭliqūna)–17 (wa-ḫtilāfāt kaṯīra): almost literal quotation of Ġ 898:1–9
262N 64a[127]:17 (wa-mimmā yušaġġibūna)–64b[128]:17 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): no equivalent in Ġ
263N 64b[128]:18 (masʾala)–65a[129]:3 (iʿtiqād fīhi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 901:7–14
264N 65a[129]:3 (fa-in qāla qāʾil)–8 (mā lā yuṭāq): abbreviated quote from Ġ 902:1–6
265N 65a[129]:8 (qulnā)–20 (al-imkān): no equivalent in Ġ
266N 65a[129]:2o (wa-qad ḥakā)–65b[130]:8 (dūn al-šarṭ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 902:16–903:6
267N 65b[130]:8 (wa-qad ṣarraḥa)–66a[131]:2 (mā lā yuṭāq): almost literal quotation of Ġ 903:12–904:6
268N 66a[131]:3 (qulnā)–5 (fa-hāḏā kalām ṣaḥīḥ): extracts from Ġ 904:7–11
269N 66a[131]:5 (qāla al-ustāḏ Abū Isḥāq)–67a[133]:7 (bi-fiʿl ḍiddihi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 904:13–906:11
270N 67a[133]:7 (qultu)–9 (taklīf al-qādir): no equivalent in Ġ
271N 67a[133]:9 (wa-mimmā tamassaka)–67b[134]:8 (maʿa al-fiʿl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 906:14–907:12
272N 67b[134]:8 (fa-in qīla)–68a[135]:2 (bi-ḫilāf al-ʿāǧiz): almost literal quotation of Ġ 907:20–908:11
273N 68a[135]:3 (qultu)–4 (maʾmūran): no equivalent in Ġ
274N 68a[135]:5 (fa-in qāla qāʾil)–12 (fa-lam yasǧudū): almost literal quotation of Ġ 908:18–22
275N 68a[135]:12 (wa-qad aḫraǧa)–15 (ʿalā qafāhu): no equivalent in Ġ
276N 68a[135]:16 (wa-stadalla al-aṣḥāb)–21 (in šāʾa Allāh): almost literal quotation of Ġ 910:2–8
277N 68b[136]:1 (qāla šayḫunā)–6 (mā yurīdu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 910:18–22
278N 68b[136]:6 (qultu)–70b[140]:3 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): the passage, which includes the whole chapter masʾala al-kuffār ʿindanā muḫāṭibūn bi-furūʿ al-islām (N 69a[137]:17ff.), has no equivalent in Ġ
279N 70b[140]:3 (masʾala qāla aṣḥābunā)–71a[141]:4 (muḥāl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 911:10–912:10
280N 71a[141]:4 (qāla imām al-ḥaramayn)–6 (wuqūʿuhu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 914:14–15
281N 71a[141]:6 (wa-nuqila)–71a[141]:11 (bi-l-istiḥāla): almost literal quotation of Ġ 912:11–14
282N 71a[141]:12 (qultu)– 72b[144]:9 (ʿalā mā ḏakarnāhu): no equivalent in Ġ
283N 72b[144]:9 (wa-qad warada al-Qurʾān)–12 (ḫayran lahum): almost literal quotation of Ġ 912:18–20
284N 72b[144]:12 (wa-lā šakk)–73a[145]:3 (wa-ḏālika wāḍiḥ): apart from some short textual fragments (e.g. N 72b[144]:14/Ġ 913:6 and N 72b[144]:17–18/Ġ 913:13–4) no equivalent in Ġ
285N 73a[145]:3 (wa-liḏālika qāla)–7 (yuʿāqibuhum): almost literal quotation of Ġ 913:–914:4
286N 73a[145]:7 (wa-kayfa)–73b[146]:21 (ʿan al-mawǧūd): no equivalent in Ġ
287N 73b[146]:21 (qulnā ammā al-Muʿtazila)–74a[147]:1 (iṭlāquhā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 914:17–915:1
288N 74a[147]:2 (bal ṣaḥḥa)–(maḏhab al-Naǧǧār): almost literal quotation of Ġ 915:5
289N 74a[147]:2 (wa-qad bayyannā)–3 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): corresponds to Ġ 915:2
290N 74a[147]:4 (ḫātima)–76a[151]:10 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): the printed edition of Ġ does not include the corresponding section(s) on aǧāl, arzāq and asʿār
291N 76a[151]:11 (al-qawl fī al-radd)–78a[155]:7 (adillat ahl al-ḥaqq): almost literal quotation of Ġ 917:1–923:10
292N 78a[155]:7 (fa-ʿlam anna al-kalām)–8 (al-tawallud): no equivalent in Ġ
293N 78a[155]:8 (qāla)–14 (laysa bi-qādir): almost literal quotation of Ġ 926:7–13
294N 78a[155]:14 (wa-iḏā baṭala)–16 (fī al-masʾala): no equivalent in Ġ
295N 78a[155]:16 (fa-naqūlu kull dalāla)–79b[158]:13 (tamām al-ġaraḍ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 923:10–926:6
296N 79b[158]:13 (qāla min aṣlihim)–80b[160]:1 (wa-ndifāʿahu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 926:16–927:21
297N 80b[160]:1 (wa-in sawwaġtum)–81a[161]:13 (hāḏā al-suʾāl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 928:7–929:14
298N 81a[161]:13 (wa-laysa huwa suʾālan)–82a[163]:11 (wa-l-quṣūd): almost literal quotation of Ġ 929:19–931:19
299N 82a[163]:12 (qulnā)–15 (al-ūlā): no equivalent in Ġ
300N 82a[163]:15 (ṯumma naqūlu)–83a[165]:9 (wa-l-baḥr): almost literal quotation of Ġ 931:10–933:4; with the following insertion: N 82b[164]:19 (fa-inna min)–21 (al-ṯāniya)
301N 83a[165]:9 (fa-in qīla)–16 (bi-maḥall al-ṯiql): almost literal quotation of Ġ 933:7–16
302N 83a[165]:17 (amr bi-l-muqaddimāt wa-l-tasabbub ilayhā): literal quotation of Ġ 933:19–20
303N 83a[165]:17 (fa-in qīla)–19 (wa-naḥwa ḏālika): almost literal quotation of Ġ 934:3–4
304N 83a[165]:19 (qulnā)–83b[166]:3 (huwa al-ṣaḥīḥ): no equivalent in Ġ
305N 83b[166]:3 (wa-man qāla)–5 (wa-l-qatl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 934:5–7
306N 83b[166]:5 (wa-minhum)–84a[167]:1 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): closely draws on and often literally quotes phrases from Ġ 934:10–935:9
307N 84a[167]:2 (al-qawl fī al-insān)–12 (ʿarafta ḏālika): no equivalent in Ġ
308N 84a[167]:12 (fa-qad ṣaddara al-qāḍī)–15 (naḥā naḥwahum): literal quotation of Ġ 956:2–4
309N 84a[167]:15 (wa-l-dalīl)–84b[168]:3 (binya maḫṣūṣa): no equivalent in Ġ
310N 84b[168]:3 (wa-llaḏī yuḥaqqiqu)–9 (ʿadam al-ḥayāt): largely quotes Ġ 957:20–25
311N 84b[168]:10 (qulnā)–12 (kāna maʿnā): no equivalent in Ġ
312N 84b[168]:12 (ṯumma naqūlu)–14 (ʿan al-ḥayāt): almost literal quotation of Ġ 958:1–2
313N 84b[168]:14 (la-ǧāza)–20 (kānat al-mawt ḥayāt): no equivalent in Ġ
314N 84b[168]:20 (wa-mimmā yatamassaku)–85a[169]:2 (al-binya ʿalayhi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 958:13–15
315N 85a[169]:2 (wa-la-awǧaba)–5 (fī al-ʿilm): almost literal quotation of Ġ 959:7–8
316N 85a[169]:5 (ammā šubhatuhum)–6 (hāḏihi al-binya): no equivalent in Ġ
317N 85a[169]:6 (qulnā)–9 (hāḏihi al-binya): almost literal quotation of Ġ 959:13–15
318N 85a[169]:9 (wa-ayḍan)–11 (wa-l-fam): no equivalent in Ġ
319N 85a[169]:11 (wa-kaḏālika)–13 (ilā al-ǧumla): literal quotation of Ġ 959:19–20
320N 85a[169]:13 (wa-kayfa)–85b[170]:21 (lahum ʿanhu): no equivalent in Ġ
321N 85b[170]:21 (fa-in qīla)–86a[171]:6 (yastaḫdimuhā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 961:10–16
322N 86a[171]:6 (ʿalā mā wurida)–14 (al-qalb): no equivalent in Ġ
323N 86a[171]:14 (ǧawāb āḫar)–17 (ǧawāriḥuhu): quotation of passages from Ġ 961:17–19
324N 86a[171]:17 (wa-ḫušūʿ)–86b[172]:1 (wa-l-maʿqūl): no equivalent in Ġ
325N 86b[172]:2 (fa-in qīla)–3 (ǧiha uḫrā): literal quotation of Ġ 962:8–9
326N 86b[172]:3 (qulnā)–20 (wa-wuǧūduhu): no equivalent in Ġ
327N 86b[172]:20 (fa-in qīla)–87b[174]:14 (wa-naḥwihā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 963:4–966:3
328N 87b[174]:14 (wa-hāḏā amr)–17 (bāṭin al-insān): no equivalent in Ġ
- 15 See Shihadeh, “Classical Ashʿarī Anthropology”, p. 437.
329N 87b[174]:18 (fa-in qāla)–90a[179]:4 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): the corresponding section on rūḥ is not included in the printed edition but found in the MS on fols. 217a–218a15
330N 90a[179]:5 (al-qawl fī al-taʿdīl)–90b[180]:14 (ayyuhumā yaʾtī): no equivalent in Ġ
331N 90b[180]:14 (wa-ʿlam anna al-taʿdīl)–18 (wa-l-taqbīḥ): literal quotation of Ġ 997:2–6
332N 90b[180]:19 (wa-hāḏihi kulluhā)–93b[186]:16 (karāma lahum): no equivalent in Ġ
333N 93b[186]:17 (ammā šubhatuhum)–19 (wa-l-iḥsān): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1002:11–12
334N 93b[186]:19 (qulnā)–21 (al-ḍarūra): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1002:15–16
335N 93b[186]:21 (wa-l-ṯānī)–94a[187]:3 (ʿaqduhum): no equivalent in Ġ
336N 94a[187]:4 (fa-hum munāziʿūn)–12 (fa-lasnā nunkiru): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1002:18–1003:9
337N 94a[187]:12 (šubha uḫrā)–13 (wa-bi-l-kaḏib uḫrā): no equivalent in Ġ
338N 94a[187]:13 (wa-la-amara bihi)–15 (fī ḏālika): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1003:13–14
339N 94a[187]:15 (fa-l-ʿaql)–94b[188]:6 (min wuǧūh): no equivalent in Ġ
340N 94b[188]:6 (al-awwal)–14 (ʿalā tarkihi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1003:19–1004:2
341N 94b[188]:15 (al-ṯāliṯ)–97b[194]:4 (tanāquḍ): no equivalent in Ġ
342N 97b[194]:4 (fa-in qāla qāʾil)–12 (min wuǧūh): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1006:3–12
343N 97b[194]:12 (aqrabuhā)–14 (fī zamāninā hāḏihi): no equivalent in Ġ
344N 97b[194]:14 (wa-minhā)–98a[195]:4 (an yuqāl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1006:13–1007:2
345N 98a[195]:4 (ḏālika fī kull miṯlayn)–5 (fī al-mutamāṯilāt): no equivalent in Ġ
346N 98a[195]:6 (fa-in qīla)–8 (wa-l-ḏikr): quotes from Ġ 1007:8–11
347N 98a[195]:8 (wa-iḏā kāna)–17 (fī al-qiṣāṣ ḥayāt): no equivalent in Ġ
348N 98a[195]:17 (wa-kāna huwa)–98b[196]:5 (naḥnu fīhi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1007:18–1008:3
349N 98b[196]:5 (wa-innamā)–14 (al-aʿlā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1008:6–14
350N 98b[196]:15 (wa-mimmā yuʿaḍḍidu)–99a[197]:2 (yastaḥsinūna ḏālika): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1008:22–1009:7
351N 99a[197]:2 (minhu fa-ṯabata)–4 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): no equivalent in Ġ
352N 99a[197]:4 (faṣl)–99b[198]:11 (al-maḏhab): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1009:12–1011:3
353N 99b[198]:11 (wa-man qāla)–100a[199]:1 (wa-qaṣdihi ilayhi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1011:7–17
354N 100a[199]:1 (qulnā)–2 (al-ṯawāb): no equivalent in Ġ
355N 100a[199]:2 (ammā man aṯbata)–4 (wa-l-qabīḥ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1011:21–22
356N 100a[199]:4 (wa-lā yumkinuhum)–5 (ʿalā mā ḏakarnāhu): no equivalent in Ġ
357N 100a[199]:5 (ammā ḥadd al-ḥasan)–100b[200]:5 (ʿalā miṯlihi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1012:3–19; with the following insertions: N 100a[199]:9 (wa-ayḍan)–11 (ilā al-šarʿ), 13 (wa-hāḏā)–17 (al-maʿlūm)
358N 100b[200]:5 (wa-ammā ʿibārāt)–7 (ǧamīʿan): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1013:5–9
359N 100b[200]:7 (wa-minhum)–14 (al-nahy bihi): no equivalent in Ġ
360N 100b[200]:14 (qāla imām al-ḥaramayn)–101a[201]:6 (ʿalayhim): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1013:15–1014:14
361N 101a[201]:6 (wa-man qāla)–101b[202]:1 (ʿanhā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1015:4–1016:3
362N 101b[202]:1 (qultu)–4 (al-šarʿ): no equivalent in Ġ
363N 101b[202]:4 (ṯumma qāla)–5 (ʿaqluhu): literal quotation of Ġ 1016:4–5
364N 101b[202]:5 (fa-in qāla qāʾil)–8 (ḥayy fīhi): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1016:12–13
365N 101b[202]:8 (kānat)–13 (al-taḥsīn): no equivalent in Ġ
366N 101b[202]:14 (wa-qad nuqila)–21 (ḫilāfan li-l-Muʿtazila): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1016:19–1017:3
367N 101b[202]:21 (fa-innahum qālū)–102a[203]:2 (in šāʾa Allāh): no equivalent in Ġ
368N 102a[203]:2 (wa-ammā mā yaǧibu)–102b[204]:19 (ǧumlat maḏhabihim): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1017:10–1019:15
369N 102b[204]:19 (ammā adillat ahl al-ḥaqq)–103a[205]:15 (fa-min ayna yaʿlamu): no equivalent in Ġ
370N 103a[205]:15 (wa-qad qāla)–103b[206]:4 (ʿan ḏālika): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1021:18–1022:3
371N 103b[206]:4 (wa-kāna ʿalā al-nafy)– 104b[208]:8 (annā naqūlu): no equivalent in Ġ
372N 104b[208]:8 (iḏā iʿtaraḍtu)–12 (tilka al-ḫawāṭir): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1022:4–7
373N 104b[208]:12 (fa-min ḏālika)–105b[210]:2 (illā bi-muḫbar): no equivalent in Ġ
374N 105b[210]:3 (wa-ʿalā annā naqūlu)–15 (wa-l-kufrān): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1023:7–16
375N 105b[210]:15 (ṯumma al-ʿaǧab)– 108a[215]:1 (bi-ḥukm): no equivalent in Ġ
376N 108a[215]:1 (ṯumma naqūlu)–4 (al-ʿilm bi-l-wuǧūb): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1021:5–7
377N 108a[215]:5 (ammā fī-mā)–(wa-lā naẓaran): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1021:12
378N 108a[215]:5 (ʿalā al-waǧh)–109b[218]:10 (lā yaǧmulu): no equivalent in Ġ
379N 109b[218]:11 (ammā al-ḥamd)–21 (al-šarʿ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1027:17–1028:5
380N 110a[219]:1 (qāla Allāh)–17 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1028:8–1029:7
381N 110a[219]:18 (masʾala)–116a[231]:14 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): no equivalent in Ġ; however, the corresponding discussion of the five aḥkām (i.e. wāǧib, maḥẓūr, mubāḥ, mandūb and makrūh) might be found in the parts that are not included in the critical edition of Ġ
382N 116a[231]:15 (masʾala)–21 (wa-lā li-ġayrihā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1029:9–14
383N 116a[231]:21 (qāla)–116b[232]:4 (wa-ḏālika muḥāl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1030:3–6
384N 116b[232]:4 (wa-qad abṭalnā)–6 (nafʿ al-ġayr): no equivalent in Ġ
385N 116b[232]:6 (fa-naqūlu)–11 (ḥakīm): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1031:15–18
386N 116b[232]:11 (fa-lā taʾṯīr)–117a[233]:13 (mā huwa ʿalayhi): no equivalent in Ġ
387N 117a[233]:14 (wa-naḥnu nuṭliqu)–117b[234]:12 (ʿarrafahum al-hayʾa wa-ḏātahu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1032:8–1033:8
388N 117b[234]:12 (wa-ṣifātahu)–18 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): no equivalent in Ġ
389N 117b[234]:19 (faṣl)–118b[236]:3 (wa-yamnaʿūna): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1034:14–1036:6
390N 118b[236]:3 (ġayruhum)–14 (ʿinda al-ʿuqalāʾ): no equivalent in Ġ
391N 118b[236]:14 (ammā al-Bakriyya)–119a[237]:13 (mašaqqa): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1037:16–1038:9
392N 119a[237]:14 (qulnā)–16 (wa-l-naṣb): no equivalent in Ġ
393N 119a[237]:17 (wa-mimmā yastadillu)–20 (wa-lā maʿṣiya): abbreviated quotation of Ġ 1039:1–4
394N 119a[237]:20 (ammā al-Muʿtazila)–119b[238]:9 (taʿwīḍ ʿalayhā): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1039:7–20
395N 119b[238]:9 (fa-hāḏihi)–11 (wa-Llāh al-muwaffiq): no equivalent in Ġ
396N 119b[238]:12 (masʾala)–20 (yaqtarinu bi-l-niʿma): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1043:1–10
397N 119b[238]:20 (qulnā)–120a[239]:9 (wa-l-ḍalāl): no equivalent in Ġ
398N 120a[239]:9 (wa-lihāḏā)–10 (al-ḥakīm): the same Qurʾānic verse is quoted in Ġ 1044:8–9
399N 120a[239]:11 (wa-min uṣūl al-Muʿtazila)–122b[244]:5 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1045:2–1049:17; with the following insertion: N 120b[240]:5 (qulnā)–7 (min al-ḍalāla)
400N 122b[244]:6 (masʾala)–123b[246]:7 (kāfin): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1050:1–1052:7
401N 123b[246]:7 (qultu)–10 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): no equivalent in Ġ
402N 123b[246]:11 (ḫātima)–124a[247]:16 (al-kabāʾir): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1052:8–1053:18
403N 124a[247]:16 (ammā al-kalām)–124b[248]:1 (fa-naqūlu): no equivalent in Ġ
404N 124b[248]:1 (iḏā kāna)–17 (al-aṣlaḥ): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1055:7–1056:2; with the following insertion: N 124b[248]:6 (wa-l-ʿaǧab)–7 (wāǧiba)
405N 124b[248]:17 (wa-qūlū)–18 (mašaqqa): no equivalent in Ġ
406N 124b[248]:18 (fa-in qīla)–125a[249]:2 (al-ʿibād): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1056:9–12
407N 125a[249]:2 (iḏ yalzamuhum)–126a[251]:5 (al-tafḍīl): no equivalent in Ġ
408N 126a[251]:5 (wa-lā maʿnā)–8 (al-tafḍīl): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1056:16–18
409N 126a[251]:8 (fa-law qulnā)–13 (maḏhabukum): no equivalent in Ġ
410N 126a[251]:13 (warraṭakum)–15 (al-ḍarūra): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1057:12–14
411N 126a[251]:15 (ṯumma naqūlu)–17 (bi-ḥukm): no equivalent in Ġ
412N 126a[251]:17 (wa-mimmā ḏakarahu al-qāḍī)–126b[252]:6 (ʿalima): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1058:8–17
413N 126b[252]:6 (minhu al-kufr)–13 (al-ḫalq): no equivalent in Ġ
414N 126b[252]:13 (qulnā)–127a[253]:13 (ahmalahu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1060:1–17
415N 127a[253]:13 (wa-aḥyāhu)–19 (iṣlāḥan lahu): no equivalent in Ġ
416N 127a[253]:19 (wa-mimmā nuṭālibu)–127b[254]:3 (yastankifu): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1062:4–8
417N 127b[254]:4 (min qubūl)–(kayfa): no equivalent in Ġ
418N 127b[254]:5 (wa-qad sallamtum)–6 (al-muwaffiq al-muʿīn): almost literal quotation of Ġ 1062:10–11