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2 | 2006
Identité et territoire - 1

Identity and Territory 1
Edited by Elvire Diaz
The Bean
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Credits: Alyssa L. Miller, licence Creative Commons sur Flickr

In line with the research effected by the MIMMOC team, this issue of Cahiers du Mimmoc proposes a reflexion on the notion of identity in relation to that of territory. Stemming from the day conference held on 2nd June 2006 on the links between identity and territory and migration, and seminars held in  2006, this volume is composed of seven articles by members of the MIMMOC or researchers have participated in its activities.

The issue begins with a reflection on the notions of time and space, which are indissociable from a study on identity. Sanja Boskovic's article  analayses these categories from a historical, philosophical and anthropological point of view.  Six case studies follow concerning individual, ethnic, regional, national, linguistic and political identity. They highlight the identitarian processes adopted by various communitites or social groups. Four articles concern Spanish area studies. Marie-Catherine Chanfreau's article reveals the aims of 18th and 19th century authors (Cadalso, Larra) concerned with giving a nuanced view of Spain. The visions of Spanish territory presented, often utopian, contrast the dark myth which Spain had been given. Elvire Diaz draws on the specificities of the Spanish immigrants in France at the beginning of the 20th century and its links with the mother country. Antoine Fraile considers the factors with determine community membership, notably linguistic identity. Two articles by Anne Sommerlat and Isabelle Solères, concern German speaking culture, in particular the recognition of minorities in the 18th and 19th century.

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