Keywords – David Bowie
Modern Death. La critique rock face à Blackstar [Full text]Published in Miranda, 17 | 2018
Published in Miranda, 17 | 2018
“Come Tomorrow, May I Be Bolder Than Today?”: PinUps, Striptease, and Social Performance [Full text]Published in Miranda, 17 | 2018
Book review
Une étoile, deux solos, trois plateaux : Hugo Marchand, entre Crystal Pite, Chopin et Bowie [Full text]Published in Miranda, 21 | 2020
Entretien avec Aurélie Van Den Daele (Deug Doen Group)Published in Miranda, 15 | 2017
Le Multiple, Toulouse, 2 December 2016–15 January 2017Published in Miranda, 14 | 2017