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Editorial policy

Miranda is an independently peer-reviewed scholarly e-journal. It includes:

  • thematic issues with a wide range of articles on the social and cultural practices of the English-speaking world: literature, linguistics, history, politics, sociology, anthropology, aesthetics

  • contributions unrelated to the thematic issue

  • reviews of books that have been recently published

  • a section dedicated to the arts of the English-speaking world called Ariel’s Corner which includes scholarly articles but also other types of contributions

Miranda publishes both solicited and unsolicited articles. Miranda does not accept abstracts and proposals—only finished articles in compliance with the submission guidelines posted on the Miranda website will be considered for publication. Submissions may be written in English or in French.

All articles are made anonymous and handed over by the chief editor or the occasional articles editors to two outside referees for acceptance or rejection according to the « double-blind review » principle. They are not sent by the editors of the thematic issues for greater scientific guarantee.

Authors have to observe the Guidelines to authors and style-sheet, otherwise their article will not be accepted. Articles may include sound, visual or video material, provided it has been pre-formatted into the text of the article by the author and the necessary rights have been secured. Miranda cannot and will not commit any funds to the securing of reproduction rights. It is also possible to include internet links referring to pictures, videos and other online documents. Miranda assumes no responsibility for the contributors’ statements of fact or opinion.

No manuscript will be considered if it is concurrently under consideration by another journal or is soon to be published elsewhere, apart from the open archives. The editors may consider publishing previously printed material, as long as the original publisher has granted one-time printing rights to Miranda. Authors must allow for a minimum of one year to elapse after the release of the above-mentioned publication before they can re-publish and distribute it. In this case, they need the authorization of Miranda and the ensuing publication must acknowledge the initial online publication, with a link pointing towards the original publication.

All enquiries regarding the editorial policy should be addressed to the chief editor: Emeline Jouve (

ISSN 2108-6559

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