23 | 2021
Modernist Exceptions
Exceptions Modernistes
Edited by Nicolas Pierre Boileau and Charlotte Estrade
Modernist Exceptions
Exceptions Modernistes-
Modernist Exceptions [Full text]Introduction
Exceptional Artists and Artistic Figures
Exceptional Characters and Works
Exceptional Artistic Practices and Methods
Ariel's Corner
Edited by Emeline Jouve-
Pandemic Shakespeare: Perspectives on Early Modern Theatre Practice and Pedagogy in Lockdown [Full text]Essay
Meet 600 HIGHWAYMEN [Full text]Interview
Metteurs en scène britanniques et scènes françaises dans l’objectif d’Émile Zeizig, photographe [Full text]Photographies
Mad Method [Full text]Shonni Enelow, In Conversation with Jacob Gallagher-Ross
Music, dance
Edited by Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud-
Co-production Festival d'Aix-en-Provence, Finnish National Opera and Ballet, Dutch National Opera, Royal Opera House Covent Garden, San Francisco OperaEn partenariat avec le Metropolitan Opera
Film, TV, Video
Edited by David Roche-
Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, September 8-10 2021. Conference organized by Maria del Mar Azcona, Julia Echeverría, and Pablo Gómez
American visual arts
Edited by Sophie Maruejouls-Koch-
Art exhibit review
British visual arts
Edited by Vanessa Alayrac-
British Stories, 19 May-19 September 2021, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux - Absolutely Bizarre ! Les drôles d’histoires de l’École de Bristol (1800-1840), 10 June-17 October 2021, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux
Traduction et notes
Edited by Marine Paquereau and Claire Bardelmann-
Adam Roberts, Middlemarch. Epigraphs and Mirrors [Full text]
Justine Breton, Monty Python Sacré Graal [Full text]