Archival documents
Appointment of Marilyn Thayer and News Release, September 11, 22, 1980, folder “Meese, Ed – Subject File – Women’s Issues (1)”, Box 136, Series III, Ed Meese Files, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Bill Casey Memo, September 17, 1980, folder “Meese, Ed – Subject File – Women’s Issues (1)”, Box 136, Series III, Ed Meese Files, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Bobbi Fiedler letter, August 27, 1983, folder “White House Staff Memoranda – Cabinet Affairs (2 of 3)”, Box 3, Baker, James A. III – Files 1981-1985, Series I, Ronald Reagan Library.
Camp David Follow-Up, February 8, 1982, folder “Camp David Briefing 02/05/1982 (1)”, Box 2, Darman, Richard, Series I – Subject File, Ronald Reagan Library.
Candidacy of Judge O’Connor for the Supreme Court Memorandum, July 6, 1981, folder “OA 2408, Appointments – Supreme Court – O’Connor (1)”, Box 7, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 2408, 2409, Ronald Reagan Library.
Dear Christian Leader Letter, folder “Campaign Operations – Voter Groups Update (2)”, Box 248, Series VII, Campaign Operations (Deaver), Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Dodie Memo, April 29, 1980, folder “Meese, Ed – Campaign Planning – Political Memos, April 1980”, Box 103, Series III, Ed Meese Files, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Ed Thomas Memorandum, July 27, 1981, folder “OA 2408, Appointments – Supreme Court – O’Connor (1)”, Box 7, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 2408, 2409, Ronald Reagan Library.
Entitlements Memoranda, October 1981, folder “OA 5102 Entitlement 10/25/1981 (binder)”, Box 19, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 5102-5103, 6191-6193, Ronald Reagan Library.
ERA Talking Points, folder “Meese, Ed – Background Material – Issues, 1979 (1)”, Box 159, Series III, Ed Meese Files, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Final Control Numbers for Economic Program, February 17, 1981, folder “OA 11834, OMB Budget Reform Plan (1)”, Box 43, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 11833-11834, Ronald Reagan Library.
Information for Meeting with Republican Congresswomen Memorandum, March 4, 1983, folder “OA 11841, Women’s Issues (11)”, Box 52, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 11841, 11842, 11843, Ronald Reagan Library.
Kenneth W. Starr Memorandum for the Attorney General, July 7, 1981, folder “OA 2408, Appointments – Supreme Court – O’Connor (1)”, Box 7, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 2408, 2409, Ronald Reagan Library.
Legislative/Administrative Proposals on Women’s Initiatives, June 23, 1983, folder “OA 10871 Women’s Issues, (2)”, Box 23, Deaver, Michael K. - Files OA 10869, 10870, 10781, Ronald Reagan Library.
Letter to William F. Buckley, September 6, 1983, folder “Folder 95 (8/20/83-9/6/83)”, Box 7, Presidential Handwriting File - Series II - Presidential Records, Ronald Reagan Library.
Lyn Nofziger Memorandum, January 21, 1981, folder “OA 9448, Conservative Groups – The Conservative Caucus”, Box 26, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 9448, 9449, Ronald Reagan Library.
Lyn Nofziger Memorandum for the President, June 22, 1981, folder “Folder 6 (7/16/81-8/17/81)”, Box 1, Presidential Handwriting File - Series II - Presidential Records, Ronald Reagan Library.
Lynne Arena Memorandum, October 13, 1980, folder “Meese, Ed – Subject File – Women’s Issues (3)”, Box 136, Series III, Ed Meese Files, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Meeting with Republican Congresswomen Memorandum, folder “OA 11841, Women’s Issues (10)”, Box 52, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 11841, 11842, 11843, Ronald Reagan Library.
Memorandum for Dick Wirthlin, September 10, 1980, folder “Political Operations – Voter Groups – Christians, Evangelicals (1)”, Box 255, Series VIII, William Timmons General, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Memorandum for the Budget Review Board and Participants at Monday’s Meeting, October 30, 1981, folder “OA 5102 Entitlement 10/31/1981 (binder)”, Box 19, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 5102-5103, 6191-6193, Ronald Reagan Library.
News Release, October 21, 1980, folder “Meese, Ed – Subject File – Women’s Issues (3)”, Box 136, Series III, Ed Meese Files, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Presidential Remarks: Annual Convention of National Religious Broadcasters, January 31, 1983, folder “Folder 140 (1/31/83 cont.)”, Box 8, Presidential Handwriting File - Series III - Presidential Speeches, Ronald Reagan Library.
Presidential Remarks: Dropby Briefing for Women Leaders of Christian Religious Organizations, October 12, 1983, folder “Folder 220 (10/8/83-10/12/83)”, Box 12, Presidential Handwriting File - Series III - Presidential Speeches, Ronald Reagan Library.
Reagan’s Shift to the Center Raises Clamor On the Right, New York Times article, July 12, 1981, folder “OA 2408, Appointments – Supreme Court – O’Connor (1)”, Box 7, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 2408, 2409, Ronald Reagan Library.
Requests Made by Congresswomen Memorandum, March 29, 1983, folder “OA 11841, Women’s Issues (10)”, Box 52, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 11841, 11842, 11843, Ronald Reagan Library.
Ronald Reagan’s Religion, folder “Hannaford – California Headquarters – Ronald Reagan Religious Belief”, Box 45, Series I, Hannaford – California Headquarters, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Sandra Say O’Connor letter, October 13, 1981, folder “Folder 11 (10/11/81-10/16/81)”, Box 1, Presidential Handwriting File - Series II - Presidential Records, Ronald Reagan Library.
Senior Staff Meeting Action Items, December 20, 1982, folder “OA 8546 Senior Staff Meeting 1982 (December 1982)”, Box 14, Deaver, Michael K. - Files OA 8546, Ronald Reagan Library.
Senior Staff Meeting Action Items, January 22, 1982, folder “OA 8546 Senior Staff Meeting 1982 (January 1982)”, Box 14, Deaver, Michael K. - Files OA 8546, Ronald Reagan Library; Presidential Address: National Association of Evangelicals, March 8, 1983.
Senior Staff Meeting Action Items, July 13, 1981, folder “OA 8546 Senior Staff Meeting 1981 (3)”, Box 14, Deaver, Michael K. - Files OA 8546, Ronald Reagan Library.
Stiff Tax Hikes Will Be Key to Future Efforts to Close the Budget Deficit, National Journal article, April 21, 1984, folder “Tax Simplification [1982-1984] (1)”, Box 6, Darman, Richard, Series I-Series II, Ronald Reagan Library.
Strom Thurmond letter, July 7, 1981, folder “OA 2408, Appointments – Supreme Court – O’Connor (2)”, Box 7, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 2408, 2409, Ronald Reagan Library.
Update on Women’s Issues, June 30, 1983, folder “OA 11841, Women’s Issues (8)”, Box 52, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 11841, 11842, 11843, Ronald Reagan Library.
Voter Group Survey Research Memorandum, September 2, 1980, folder “Media Campaign – Voter Block (1)”, Box 228, Series V, Media, Promotion, Advertising (Daley) – Media Campaign, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Women Constituency Support Memorandum, May 6, 1982, folder “OA 9461, Women’s Issues (5)”, Box 33, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 9461-9462, Ronald Reagan Library.
Women & ERA Memorandum, June 25, 1980, folder “Meese, Ed – Campaign Planning – Political Memos, June 1980”, Box 103, Series III, Ed Meese Files, Ronald Reagan 1980 Presidential Campaign Papers, 1965-1980, Ronald Reagan Library.
Women’s Groups Fault Reagan on Jobs and Issues, New York Times article, May 21, 1982, folder “OA 9461, Women’s Issues (4)”, Box 33, Meese, Edwin - Files OA 9461-9462, Ronald Reagan Library.
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Internet Sources
Reagan, Ronald. “Republican National Convention Acceptance Speech.” The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library (July 17, 1980) 10 Sept 2014 <>.