13 | 2016
Thomas Spence and his Legacy: Bicentennial Perspectives
L'héritage de Thomas Spence : perspectives bicentenaires
Thomas Spence and his Legacy: Bicentennial Perspectives
L'héritage de Thomas Spence : perspectives bicentenairesEdited by Rachel Rogers and Alexandra Sippel-
Introduction [Full text]
Thomas Spence on Women’s Rights: A Vindication [Full text]
Ariel's Corner
Film adaptations
Edited by Laurent Mellet -
Digital arts
Edited by Gwen Le Cor and Arnaud Regnauld -
Edited by Emeline Jouve-
Performance reviews
Variations sur Richard III [Full text]Critique vidéo de Richard III, William Shakespeare / Thomas Jolly (2016)
Interview with Andrew Schneider
New York Express (1) -
Of Theatre and Algorithm [Full text]Interview with Annie Dorsen
New York Express (2) -
Entretien avec Martin Faucher
Interview with Mario Garcia Durham
Gertrude Stein au théâtre : Le monde est rond (G. Stein, L. Avignon) ; Listen to Me (G. Stein, E. Morin) [Full text]Entretien avec Lise Avignon et Emma Morin
Interview with Tobias Biancone
Interview with Martha C. Carpentier and Barbara Ozieblo (cofounders of the Susan Glaspell Society)
Music, dance
Edited by Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud -
Edited by David Roche-
Entretien avec Franck Lubet [Full text]American Theatre Project - Zoom sur le Weekend « Method Acting »
Conference report: 21st SERCIA Conference: Cinema and Seriality in the English-speaking World [Full text]Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France, September 8-10, 2016
Conference Organized by Ariane Hudelet and Anne Crémieux -
Screening of Carnival of Souls (USA, Herk Harvey, 1962)
With concert by Invaders
Friday July 8, 2016
British art
Edited by Charlotte Ribeyrol-
(Petit Palais, 28 septembre 2016-15 janvier 2017)
Edited by Isabelle Keller-Privat and Candice Lemaire-
Colin Channer, Providential [Full text]