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126 | 2021
Le travail et ses maux

Work and its evils
El trabajo y sus males
Edited by Mots. Les langages du politique and Camille Noûs

This dossier brings together contributions dealing with words at work. Coming from political science, sociology, anthropology or information and communication sciences, the authors examine the way in which the neo-managerial discourse is conveyed and imposed by private and public sector executives and the way in which employees respond to it. They reveal its penetration force, essentially due to its malleability, which allows actors from various backgrounds to appropriate it, and underline its contradictions, between the liberation of work and the imposition of new norms, the re-enchantment of work and the hardening of conditions for workers. It nourishes resistance and contestation, whether through the distancing of corporate communication or by the reinvestment of certain aspects of media discourse. As some of the articles in the dossier underline, the language of struggle is not itself free of contradictions.

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