Les schémas mentaux : représenter et maintenir une connaissance apprise
We are interested in learning from examples and problem solving in an evolutive universe represented by an incomplete knowledge base. We formalize a knowledge representation framework that could be built and criticized by human and/or artificial agents. This knowledge representation is called a semi-empirical theory because this kind of theory is not completely axiomatic. We formalize a system called a mental scheme modelling the knowledge increase during the learning process. We deal with the dynamic characteristic of the learning acquisition process through reasoning mechanisms, proof building and the definition of a knowledge core.
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Electronic reference
Denis Pierre, “Les schémas mentaux : représenter et maintenir une connaissance apprise”, Mathématiques et sciences humaines [Online], 139 | Automne 1997, Online since 10 February 2006, connection on 06 October 2024. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/msh/2746; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/msh.2746
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