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Ethical Charter

Mythos: Journal of History of Religions is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal and adheres to the code of publication ethics developed by COPE: Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

All parties involved (Authors, Editors, Editorial Board, Scientific Committee) adhere to the following ethical principles.

Responsibilities of the Management, Editorial Board, and Scientific Committee

The Management of Mythos: Journal of History of Religions, consisting of the Editor-in-Chief and the Co-Editors, and assisted by the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board, is ultimately responsible for the decision to publish articles submitted to the Journal. In their decisions, the Management and Editorial Board are bound by the strategies and editorial approach of the Journal; they are also bound by the applicable legal provisions on defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

In making their decisions, the Management and Editorial Board are supported by at least two reviewers chosen from scholars and experts belonging to Italian and foreign universities or institutions, according to a double-blind peer review procedure.

The Management and members of the Mythos team and the identified reviewers evaluate the manuscripts for their scientific content, without distinction of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, scientific, academic or political orientation of the authors.

The Editorial Board and Scientific Committee will not disclose any information about the manuscripts received to parties other than the authors, reviewers, and potential reviewers. Unpublished material contained in manuscripts submitted to the Journal may not be used by the Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editors, members of the Scientific Committee and Editorial Board for their own research without the written consent of the author.

If the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board detect or receive accurate and substantiated reports of errors or inaccuracies, conflict of interest, or plagiarism in a published article, they shall promptly notify the author and the publisher, undertaking the necessary action and, if necessary, withdraw the article or issue a public statement.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

Reviewers assist the Editors and Editorial Board in editorial decisions and may, if necessary, make suggestions to the author to improve the manuscript.

If the selected reviewer does not feel qualified to review the assigned manuscript or feels that he or she is unable to perform the review within the required time frame, he or she must give formal notice to the Editors.

Manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with anyone without prior authorization by the Management. The review must be conducted with objectivity. Personal critique or offense is not permitted. Reviewers must express their opinions clearly and with the support of clear and documented arguments.

The reviewer shall point out to the Management substantial similarities between the manuscript under review and any other previously published work of which he or she is aware. Information or ideas obtained through the review of manuscripts must be kept confidential and not be used for personal advantage or for any purpose other than those related to the review.

Reviewers must not accept manuscripts which could generate conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative, or other connections with the authors, especially family connections.

Responsibilities of Authors

Authors must ensure that their works are wholly original and, if the work and/or words of other authors are used, that they are appropriately paraphrased or explicitly quoted (verbatim).

Authors are obliged to cite all publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the proposed work.

Proposed manuscripts must not have been published in other journals, nor, if under review, submitted to other journals for publication. Literary authorship of the manuscript is limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study. All those who made a significant contribution should be listed as co-authors, providing a clear indication of the parts attributable to each co-author.

If an author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the published manuscript, he or she must promptly notify the editors and cooperate with them in order to withdraw or correct the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest may exist when an author, his or her institution, or a reviewer has personal or financial relationships that may inappropriately influence their behavior, in terms of judgment, pressure, or evaluation. This conflict may exist even if the individual believes that such relationships do not influence him or her. It is the duty of the Journal Management to handle any conflicts of interest in the best way as possible, particularly through the double-blind review system. Authors may be required to make a statement to this effect.

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