Texte intégral
1Incels are heterosexual men who have not had romantic or sexual experiences with women despite wanting to. Hence the term “incel,” a portmanteau of “involuntary” and “celibate.” While this definition could apply to countless men, incels ground their identity in the feeling of being undesirable and thus excluded from the romantic and sexual spheres. They have become a true Internet phenomenon, a community with its own terminology and ideas, which really started booming in the 2010s on Reddit. There, romantically unsuccessful men shared their frustration and experiences, bemoaning the easier dating lives of good-looking women and men (whom they respectively called “Stacies” and “Chads”). They tended to depict themselves as ugly, or socially inept, and attacked double standards towards ugly men through humor and memes, as well as a flourishing jargon. Soon, the community became a popular attraction for non-incel Reddit users. At the same time, it saw increasing bitterness towards women and plain misogyny, which resulted in an eventual ban from the platform.1 Nowadays, the most active remaining incel platform is undoubtedly the independent incels.is forum with more than 20,000 members as of writing.2
- 3 Witt, Taisto, “‘If i cannot have it, i will do everything i can to destroy it.’ The Canonization o (...)
- 4 For a review of incel-related attacks, see Hoffman, Bruce, et al., “Assessing the Threat of Incel (...)
2In 2014, this still confidential group infamously came under the spotlight with the Isla Vista shooting, where 22-year-old Elliot Rodger killed six people before killing himself. Before his death, he had posted YouTube videos and emailed an autobiography to his acquaintances, documenting his rejection by women, his subsequent angst, despair, and hatred, leading up to the planning of the killing spree he called his “retribution.” Although incels debate or refute his actual involvement in the community, Rodger has become a cult-like figure for some.3 Since then, several other deadly attacks have been linked with incels.4
- 5 Moskalenko, Sophia, et al., “Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study,” Th (...)
- 6 The steady increase in incel toxicity or “violent extremist language” over time has been documente (...)
3While such violent events only concern an infinitesimal fraction of the community, and it would be misleading to call incels a “terrorist organization,”5 it is certainly home to a rare level of hateful, violent speech. Remaining incel communities are thus now closed to outsiders and closely police who can join and post, which was not the case on earlier platforms. This defiance is partly triggered by the fear of being infiltrated or scrutinized by outsiders, whether it is journalists, social scientists, security forces, or just curious “normies” (the incel term for the mass of non-incel people). This can be held partly responsible for the radicalization of the community, which has seen a marked rise in hateful speech and conspiracy theories since its inception.6
- 7 Costello, William et al., “Levels of Well-Being Among Men Who Are Incel (Involuntarily Celibate),” (...)
- 8 See respectively, Voroshilova, Anzhelika and Pesterev, Dmitriy, “Russian Incels Web Community: The (...)
4Recently, survey research has shed light on some socio-demographic features of incels. These overwhelmingly childless, heterosexual cisgender men tend to be in their mid-twenties. They are also more likely to be unemployed and to be living with their parents. All surveys of incel samples have found greater ethnic diversity among incels than in the US population, with white people still constituting a majority.7 Although the English-speaking incel community is by far the largest one, there are offshoot communities, for example in Russia or Italy.8
5Based on the qualitative analysis of online material selected over the years, this article will describe and analyze how incel identity is constructed and maintained. We argue that this identity is based on a profound sense of subalternity, buttressed by personal experience, scientific research, and a host of homemade labels, concepts, and theories. We particularly draw attention to the use of academic research found in the incel community to anchor grievances in data revealing structural disadvantages and discrimination, for example based on skin color, neuroatypicality, or short height. In contrast to intersectional activist movements, incels try to establish fixed hierarchies of discrimination to determine who has it the worst inside the community, all the while striving to maintain a “pure” identity by rejecting people whose situation is not considered dire enough. Ultimately, we address the issue of violence, by showing how it can be fueled by an identity based on extreme self-deprecation and hopelessness.
- 9 For a definition of “platform signals,” and examples of their use in studying online men’s communi (...)
- 10 For analyses drawn from this corpus on the role of evolutionary science among incels, as well as m (...)
- 11 Ibid., for complete detail of the corpus materials (Supplementary materials S1). By date of creati (...)
6The present study is based on qualitative analysis of a selection (or “corpus”) of online incel content. The corpus is divided into three sections. The first section (70 %) consists of the best-known, most popular texts in the community. To select them, we used “platform signals” such as “upvotes” on Reddit, “featured” posts on blogs, and “must-read” sections on forums.9 The second section (15 %) was randomly sampled on Reddit and forums to represent the diversity of viewpoints, profiles, and forms of speech found in the community. A final section (15 %) is composed of content that is relevant for the analysis: this article being part of a larger research project on the use of life sciences in online men’s groups, we selected content broadly related to biology by browsing and searching for keywords such as “Darwin” or “evolution.”10 Taken together, the corpus contains content from four different forum websites, three Reddit communities, two Twitter accounts, one online encyclopedia, one blog, and the online autobiography of a murderer. It contains material from 2014 to 2022, for a length of 1,800 PDF pages.11
- 12 These data protection and dissemination measures were approved by the University of Kent’s Ethical (...)
7To protect personal identities when quoting, Internet users are anonymized in this paper, and no hyperlinks to their comments are provided. Anonymized comments are identified by their date of online publication and the type of platform they were posted on (forums or Reddit). On the other hand, full citation is provided for content from public incel pages and figures. The quoted material contains offensive and hateful language; however, we believe it is important to depict this online community through its own words. For similar reasons, spelling, grammar, and typographic errors in the cited material will not be signaled.12
8The common denominator of incel experience is the absence of heterosexual romantic and sexual experience. The form of inceldom considered the purest is thus represented by the acronym KHHV (“Kissless, Hugless, Handholdless Virgin”), standing for a total absence of intimate, romantic, and sexual contact with the opposite sex. Most incel life stories mention being rejected by women, usually from an early age. The 137-page autobiography of Elliot Rodger opens with this paragraph:
All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me.13
- 14 A survey of 274 self-identified incels found that 69 % report having been bullied as teenagers (ag (...)
9Incels typically attribute experiencing rejection to their physical appearance, which they depict as ugly and repulsive. Since school, they recall being ostracized or bullied because of their looks:14
I was the ugliest kid in my high school and treated like absolute shit. I was a genuine 1/10 on the looks scale. I never went to prom, had a gf, or even has a girl crush on me in high me in high school.
I’m miserable because I’m ugly. Look around your high school and find the ugliest kid you see who has no friends. Now tell me if you think someone like that can be happy? (2017, Reddit)
10Girls are remembered as particularly cruel:
ive noticed that whenever my ugly subhuman face tries to make friends at school/classes many guys respond positively in spite of my looks but on the other hand, most girls were creeped out when I just tried to say ‘hi’ […]. It seems like girls dehumanise you quickly if youre an ugly guy and even becoming friends with them is very difcult. (2018, Reddit)
11Noticeably, this incel denounces dehumanization, all the while furthering it by referring to his own “ugly subhuman face.” This is a common trope among incels, who frequently self-describe as “subhuman.” In fact, fifteen different usernames in our corpus contain this term, some of them even combining it with other extremely self-deprecatory terms such as “trash” and “abomination.” Shared experience of rejection and lack of female romantic interest is the cement that holds incel identity together, resulting in a community identifying as hopeless social and romantic outcasts, or as one of them puts it, “unfuckable, subhuman freaks” (2018, Reddit):
Yeah, it's sad. We are never desired, that is why we are all lonely virgins. (2022, forum)
We just can't get laid because we're subhuman. Never forget that fact. (2016, Reddit)
The problem is, we ARE unfuckable freaks. (2018, Reddit)
- 15 An example is the “Hot or Not” popular website (hotornot.com) which boomed in the early 2000s, whe (...)
12Incels see society as segmented between different strata, based on looks and sexual attractiveness. They thus resort abundantly to a 1-10 aesthetics grading scale (the “looks scale” mentioned in one of the comments above). While this is a rather common practice in popular culture and on the Internet in general,15 incels have added their own labels to that scale. For example, very attractive men are called “Chads,” while average-looking women are called “Beckies.” Unsurprisingly, incels place themselves at the bottom of this hierarchy.
Figure 1 – Incel Looks-Based Hierarchy (or “Decile Scale”)
Decile |
Males |
Females |
10 |
Gigachad |
Gigastacy |
9 |
Chad |
Stacy |
8 |
Chadlite |
Stacylite |
7 |
Male High-tier normy |
High-tier Becky |
6 |
Brad |
Male mid-tier normy |
Becky |
Female mid-tier normy |
5 |
Tanner |
Low-tier Becky |
4 |
Melvin |
Male low-tier normy |
Gertrude |
Female low-tier normy |
3 |
Incelish |
Semicel |
Failed normie |
Femcelish |
Femcel-lite |
High-tier femcel |
2 |
Incel |
Femcel |
1 |
Truecel |
Truefemcel |
13More than mere labels, “Chads,” “Normies,” and “Stacies” have become archetypes, which are constantly reinforced in incel platforms, notably through the use of memes. Incels make sense of their everyday experiences by constantly referring to these archetypes. With a foundation of shared low self-esteem and sexual frustration, a subaltern collective identity thus emerges, reinforced by the use of labels (KHHV, subhuman), archetypes (“Normies,” “Chads”), and hierarchies.
- 17 The coinage of this new “-ism” word among the fat acceptance movement was reported on in a 1978 Wa (...)
- 18 For a brief review of the existing scholarship on lookism, see Saiki, Diana, et al., “An Examinati (...)
- 19 Meeting online has become the most popular way for heterosexual couples to meet in the United Stat (...)
14To support their vision of a strictly hierarchical looks-based society of which they occupy the bottom rung, incels resort not only to personal narratives, but also to mainstream social scientific research. In the same way sexism and racism became central concepts in the feminist and civil rights movements, defining at once people’s lived experiences and structural prejudice, incels routinely claim to be the victims of “lookism” (sometimes also spelled “looksism”), i.e., discrimination based on looks. They did not however coin the term, which emerged in the 1970s from the fat acceptance movement.17 Although much less popular than research on gender or race-based discrimination, there is a growing body of research on the effects of lookism, most notably in workplace environments.18 Incels contend that lookism is reinforced by the growing popularity of social media and dating apps, whereby one’s social worth and romantic success arguably become increasingly linked with looks and presentation of self.19 As shown in Figure 2, the word is becoming increasingly popular and incels strive to popularize it, thereby anchoring their grievances in the legitimacy of social scientific studies. In fact, one of their main online venues was a now defunct forum called lookism.net (2017-2020).
Figure 2 – Use of the Term “Lookism” and Derivatives
- 20 The Google Books Ngram Viewer allows to compare the frequency of terms over time in a corpus of mi (...)
Source: Google Books Ngram Viewer20
15Incels typically possess features to which they attribute their celibacy: be it their short height, baldness, or nonwhite skin color for example. For each of these, there exists a specific label, here respectively “shortcel,” “baldcel,” and “ethnicel.” Finding studies that show the adverse consequences of such traits in dating and sex is quite easy. Indeed, some traits are associated with lesser success than others, a rather intuitive fact that is corroborated by quantitative academic research on sex and dating.
- 21 Incels.wiki, “Scientific Blackpill,” and “Scientific Blackpill (supplemental).” URL: https://web.a (...)
16One of the most unique documents in the “incelosphere” is the “Scientific Blackpill” page of the online incel encyclopedia (incels.wiki). This page, along with its supplement, compiles hundreds of scientific papers on themes such as dating difficulties for men from ethnic minorities, bald men, short men, etc.21 This is not confined to the incel wiki, as many popular forum threads start with the sharing of one or several scientific papers – often by the same forum members. Another example is the r/BlackPillScience community on Reddit, which is exclusively dedicated to sharing scholarly research on similar issues. Here is part of its mission statement:
It is popularly claimed that some of the more immutable traits, such as facial physical attractiveness, height and visually discernible race/ethnicity, play a comparatively minor role in animating social and sexual exclusion. The purpose of this subreddit is to bring this claim’s veracity under methodical scrutiny.22
- 23 For a clear and concise summary of “the blackpill” and other elements of incel ideology, see the E (...)
17The focus on “immutable traits” is of particular relevance here. Indeed, incels believe that looks are the main factor in determining men’s dating and social fortunes. Since physical appearance is genetically heritable, they consider this as particularly unfair. This set of beliefs is called “the blackpill,” which has now become the dominant ideology on incel platforms.23 In short, the blackpill holds that genetics determines one’s romantic destiny, and incels believe they are the unfortunate losers of that all-important lottery. As we shall now see, their sense of inferiority, or even “subhumanity,” is therefore not only grounded in a social experience of rejection or loneliness, but on the belief that this is all caused by genetics. We now examine incels’ uniquely deterministic understanding of genetics, which further supports their sense of subalternity, and makes it fatally inescapable.
18Incels who believe in the blackpill ascribe their celibacy to their appearance, or to other heritable traits such as autism and, by extension, to their genes. There are countless examples of incels affirming the inferiority of their genetic makeup. Some see it with despair, other in a more fatalistic and dispassionate manner:
incel has been a concept since the beginning of life on earth we are just genetically inferior organisms who will not reproduce (2018, forum)
Every cell in your body has your subhumanity encoded in it, your children will be 50 % subhuman and it’s not really you. We are literally our genes. (2018, forum)
Yes, i am a genetic dead-end and it's not my fault. i know. (2022, forum)
19Yet, all would recognize this as a blatant injustice, because you can neither choose nor change your genetic makeup. Hence the popularity of the “genetic lottery” trope. This trope espouses blackpill worldview: as in a lottery, success is not allocated by merit, but by pure chance. This is paradoxically both a source of despair (biology is destiny) and comfort (“it’s not my fault”).
- 24 Chadwick, Jonathan, “When you lose your virginity may be written in your GENES,” Mail Online, July (...)
20Moreover, a very unique view of genetic determinism circulates in incel spaces, as illustrated by a forum thread commenting on an online Daily Mail article reporting on a University of Oxford genetics study.24 The research team analyzed hundreds of thousands of people’s genomes and life experiences, including age at first sexual intercourse and age of first giving birth, and found a link between those. The incel who shared the study rejoices, “OUR DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES ARE CONTROLLED BY GENETICS! WE INCELS KNEW IT ALREADY! THE BLACKPILL HAS BEEN PROVED.” (2021, forum)
21The article goes on: “Their analysis of Brits' data revealed genetics can explain between five and 17 per cent of when individuals achieve these two milestones.”25 Studies on age at first sexual intercourse are of great interest to incels, who have yet to reach theirs. This article could be a glimmer of hope for them. Indeed, if one’s genome can predict only 5-17 % of the variation in age of losing virginity, it means that genetics is far from determining one’s destiny on this matter. Yet, the forum poster’s reaction is much different: “SOON IT WILL BE 100 %. GENOMICS WILL PROVE THE BLACKPILL OF BIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT.” (2021, forum)
22The identification by a scientific study of a link between two variables (genes and age at first sexual intercourse) is thus perceived as a sign of total genetic determinism, even with the study stating otherwise. No geneticist would argue that genomes could infallibly predict such complex, socially mediated life outcomes. Incels, however, seem to believe that genetics could eventually have that predictive power:
They haven't churned all the variables yet, including ones like autism, height, frame, facial sexual dimorphism and testosterone levels, mostly because they don't want to I reckon. If they dedicated themselves to discovering the truth with open mindedness, they'd find that genetics 100 % determines sexual success. (2021, forum)
23Other incels’ reactions to this article are characteristically pessimistic. To them, it is further proof that genetics is inescapable:
brutal it was all predetermined (2021, forum)
My genes have already determined that I will never lose my virginity (2021, forum)
What a fucking shock. Everything is written in your genes. There is a gene for longevity, gene for muscle gain, gene for autism etc. ‘I was born and it was over’ is the most accurate sentence ever said. (2021, forum)
24We have so far shown how incels construct their subaltern identity through the use of personal anecdotes, labels, social scientific research, and a unique “blackpill” reading of genetics. We shall now examine how this identity is collectively maintained and negotiated.
- 26 Definition found on Reddit, r/gatekeeping, and on the Urban Dictionary, “Gatekeeping.” URL: https: (...)
25In Internet parlance, “gatekeeping” is “when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity.”26 As we shall see, it is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the incel community. Somewhat paradoxically, these men who self-identify as “subhuman,” “freaks,” and “genetic dead-ends” jealously defend their identity. In that regard, incel subalternity might be frequently bemoaned, but it is also worn as a badge of honor, as a token of shared experiences and suffering, and incels are resentful of attempts to appropriate it. Indeed, there are frequent debates and controversies in the community around who exactly has the right to call himself an “incel.”
26One such debate revolves around age. Indeed, singlehood and virginity are the base state of any person. The question is whether it makes sense to call oneself an “incel” at age 16 or 18. Some of the teenagers identifying as incels because of their romantic misfortunes in high school (i.e., “youngcels”) are likely to end up losing their virginity in their twenties. Several incels therefore set the bar for inceldom in the mid-twenties:
You’re not an incel until you graduate college a virgin. Youngcels gtfo [get the fuck out]. (2018, Reddit)
Life your life, if you’re an incel at 25 come join us. This is for defeated people. You’re too young to be defeated. (2018, Reddit)
Anyone who is under 25 I’d say, shouldn’t be here, I don’t care how short, unattractive or socially awkward you are, the stuff that goes on in this sub should not be in your head at that age. (2018, Reddit)
27Underlying the age question is the principle that a man cannot call himself an incel if he has not tried (and failed) enough in social and romantic interactions. Based on the same principle, another gatekeeping issue revolves around standards. Indeed, some men are thought to be celibate not because of their looks, but simply because they only desire attractive women. These are called “standardcels.” They belong to the broader category of “volcels,” that is “voluntary celibates.” In a community of men whose identity is based upon powerlessness and the inability to fulfill their desires, this is a dire insult. Calling someone a “volcel” entails that he is responsible for his celibacy, thus denying him license to belong in the community. Most of the gatekeeping in the incel community centers upon “volceldom.” For example, obese or overweight men (“fatcels”) are met with harsh criticism. After all, just by losing weight, they might escape inceldom. Their celibacy is thus thought to be voluntary rather than involuntary:
Youre a volcel, stop calling yourself an incel. If you put effort you could easily get laid, you have no one to blame but yourself. (2020, Reddit)
Fatcels are always volcels, you’re a prime example. (2020, Reddit)
GTFO [Get The Fuck Out] FATCEL=VOLCEL (2020, Reddit)
28Another contentious case is that of “escortcels,” i.e., celibate men who resort to sex workers in order to satisfy their sexual needs. Some believe escortcels are true incels (or “truecels”), because paying for sex does provide sexual gratification, but is fundamentally different from attracting a romantic or sexual partner. Others claim that a true incel would even be rejected by sex workers: “For truecels, everyone rejects their advances, even prostitutes, in a perpetual state of rejection.”27
29Those examples show the intense gatekeeping that incels engage in. Rather than welcoming people with profiles and issues resembling theirs, they insist on maintaining a “pure” identity. People who are thought to be less disadvantaged and unfortunate are rejected, for they would dilute incels’ claim to be “the most oppressed demographic of all time” (2022, forum). To self-identify as an incel and be recognized as such by others, a man must therefore meet several criteria, such as not being too young, never having experienced any form of sexual or intimate contact with a woman despite earnest and repeated attempts, and ascribing his failure to some factor that is recognized as legitimate by the community (unlike obesity). In fact, even among accepted incels, one of the most common bones of contention is to discuss who has it the worst. In a community structured upon a claim to physically-induced social subalternity, it is perhaps not surprising to find different subgroups jockeying for recognition as the most structurally disadvantaged, i.e., as the only “truecels.”
30As described earlier, incels frequently invoke scientific research on dating and sex. By insisting on the many traits (short height, disability, nonwhite skin color, neuroatypicality) that are structurally disadvantaged and by deploring that state of affairs, they could be said to engage in intersectional thinking and advocacy. Indeed, the Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ), an NGO whose honorary president Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the concept in 1989, defines intersectionality as “the ways in which systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class and other forms of discrimination ‘intersect’ to create unique dynamics and effects.”28 However, rather than trying to recognize how structural disadvantages dynamically “intersect,” incels prefer to think in terms of fixed hierarchies. That is why they insist on establishing who gets the shortest end of the stick.
- 29 Two survey studies found the share of incels identifying as Asian was 10.2 % (n=274) and 15 % (n=5 (...)
31In that discussion, one of the most vocal subgroups are the nonwhite incels or “ethnicels.” Drawing on personal experiences and a large body of empirical evidence, they assert that people of African, Asian, or Middle-Eastern descent are the most sexually and romantically disadvantaged in the West, thus claiming that “[i]nceldom is an ethnic problem, always have been” (2018, forum). Not only do nonwhite men diverge from Western beauty standards, they argue, but they are also shunned by women of their own ethnic background, who prefer white men. In addition, men of Asian descent also bemoan their shorter height: “Its over for me, im an Asiancel and Heightcel, Asian women despise their own men” (2018, forum). Men from Eastern Asia or the Indian subcontinent (respectively called “ricecels” and “currycels” or simply “rice” and “curry”) are regarded as particularly disadvantaged in that regard:29
I’m from SEA [South-East Asia] and I unfortunately have subhuman curry genes from my dad’s side (his father has curry genes). My moms side (her father and her male siblings) are tall and I got the shitty curry height genes […]. (2020, Reddit)
32Comments like these reveal the depth of the racial self-hatred found in the community: “I was bullied since kindergarten for being an ethnic subhuman. I’ll always be a subhuman. I just lost the genetic lottery.” (2018, Reddit) Nonwhite incels ascribe their celibacy and exclusion to racism, Western beauty standards, and women’s sexual preferences. As such, they express extreme self-loathing for being born in the “wrong” skin color, with the “wrong” genetics, in terms that sometimes sound unimaginably racist. It is unclear, however, to what extent terms such as “ethnic subhuman” or “subhuman genetics” are truly internalized by those who self-describe with it. The man cited above, being of Middle-Eastern descent, claims that “Men from my ethnicity are the most hated group of men in the world right now.” (2018, Reddit) Although it is difficult to establish with certainty the level of irony or exaggeration in incel speech, the following statement confirms that this man has internalized a deep sense of subalternity: “Society truly views me as an ethnic subhuman. Me calling myself that is just accepting my place in society and coming to terms with reality.” (2018, Reddit)
33A lot of nonwhite incels embrace the “JBW (Just-Be-White)” theory, meaning that white men have it much easier than others. In fact, for many “ethnicels,” white men are so privileged that “only ethnics can truly be incel” (2022, forum), another case of gatekeeping. Debates about “JBW” fit in the broader discussion on who has it the worst. Through sharing and debating competing studies and experiences, incels try to hierarchize the most important factors in determining dating success (and thus the ones where discrimination is the most acute). Subgroups and factions compete fiercely, and each individual user seems to have his own take on the matter, as shown by this conversation on a forum thread:
The real hierarchy is Face > Height > Race > Money (2020, forum)
For me its definitely LOOKS > RACE > HEIGHT > MONEY (2020, forum)
Race > Height > Face > Frame. Genetics are king. (2020, forum)
Also it’s Face > Race > Money > Height (2020, forum)
Cool, now let’s see how autism lies on the hierarchy (2020, forum)
34These debates are often heated; drawing on examples, counter-examples, and personal anecdotes, incels often try to position their own situation and label (e.g., “currycel,” “shortcel,” “autistcel”) as the most disadvantaged, while downplaying the claims of others. This one-upmanship of misery is at the antipodes of intersectional activism, which shies away from hierarchizing discriminations and contends that “[a]ll forms of inequality are mutually reinforcing and must therefore be analysed and addressed simultaneously.”30 The parallel is however a useful one, because it reveals some of the specific features of incel ideology and identity.
- 31 A recent study on the topic concluded that “Asian American men, in particular, are socially exclud (...)
35Indeed, incels use empirical research and grueling personal experience to denounce the manifold structural discrimination based on race, neurotypicality, or looks. In that way they resemble some of the social justice movements and their rhetoric. However, their approach is far from inclusive, but instead based on strict gatekeeping and internal squabbles about the relative weight of adverse traits and factors. More specifically, their movement is quite unique in that it is not centered upon the traditional areas of anti-discrimination advocacy (employment, civil rights, living standards, political power and representation, stereotypes in the media, etc.), but almost exclusively upon sexual issues. These are not within the traditional purview of anti-discrimination movements and research, mainly because it would be difficult for the state to intervene in people’s sexual preferences and choices. Thus, sex research is usually framed in terms of individual behavior and preferences, rather than discrimination – an individual rather than structural scale of analysis. Yet, the combined effects of individual behavior can add up to the structural level, and this behavior is largely influenced by cultural values and stereotypes. As incels of Asian descent living in the West can testify, some people do have it harder than others in terms of dating and sexual experience.31
36We have analyzed the claims of incels regarding exclusion and discrimination, yet we have so far set aside a major dimension of incel rhetoric that is now to be addressed. Incels do not see themselves as the victims of a faceless system of discrimination or structural prejudice. They see themselves as the rejects of the heterosexual “sexual market” and consequently blame women for their exclusion. This is in fact one of the best-known features of the incel movement: its unabashed resentment and misogyny. We have so far detailed how incel subaltern identity is constructed and maintained. Let us now analyze how this identity correlates with violence and hatred.
- 32 A recent literature review of the English and Scandinavian scholarship on incels illustrates the e (...)
- 33 Debbie Ging thus resorted to the concept of “hybrid masculinities,” while Taisto Witt insisted tha (...)
37Incels neither fit nor endorse traditional stereotypical standards of masculinity; in fact they bemoan the existence of those stereotypes. Yet, they engage in widespread denigration of women and routinely call for male supremacist measures, such as curtailing women’s rights and liberties. They thus evade the simplistic traditionalist/misogynistic vs. progressive/feminist dichotomy. This has puzzled scholars and it is a central question in the rapidly expanding literature surrounding incels.32 Different attempts have been made to conceptualize and analyze the phenomenon.33 Particularly germane to our discussion of subalternity is sociologist Michael Halpin’s concept of “weaponized subordination,” which he defines as:
- 34 Halpin, Michael, “Weaponized Subordination: How Incels Discredit Themselves to Degrade Women,” Gen (...)
a practice wherein an individual uses their perceived subordinate status to legitimate the victimization of others. Specifically, incels use lookism to situate themselves as subordinate, arguing that their physical appearance and women’s preference for attractive men relegate them to sexual isolation. Incels’ black pill logic emphasizes that this subordination is permanent and they will be ‘forever alone.’ After incels situate themselves as permanently subordinate, they weaponize their subordination to legitimate misogyny, violence, and male supremacy. Put simply, incels strategically discredit themselves to justify their denigration of women.34
- 35 Costello, William, et al., “Levels of Well-Being Among Men Who Are Incel (Involuntarily Celibate), (...)
38Even though Halpin’s account seems to espouse that of the present article, the last sentence is worth debating. Halpin implies that incel subalternity is consciously constructed in order to achieve a higher goal: the denigration of women. Yet, there is very little empirical evidence to confirm that narrative. In fact, recent quantitative research confirms that incel self-denigration comes from genuine experiences of social inadequacy, loneliness, rejection, or bullying, and a resulting deep mental anguish. For example, a comparative study of incels (n=151) and non-incels (n=378) showed significantly higher levels of depression, anxiety, and loneliness among incels, as well as a much lower level of satisfaction with life.35 Reading Santa Barbara killer Elliot Rodger’s autobiography My Twisted World also provides a firsthand account of this. His isolation and mental health issues grew concurrently with his hatred of women, resulting in a tragic finale, without indication of much strategizing on his part. We contend that both elements (self-discrediting and the denigration of women) co-evolve in a dynamic process, without necessarily revealing any conscious or strategic intent. What Halpin usefully highlights, however, is that incels’ subordinate identity fosters particularly intense forms of hatred and violence. We are presently going to examine some reasons why it might be so.
- 36 The difficulty of assessing incel hatred because of “shitpoting” is discussed in Hoffman, Bruce, e (...)
39The first one might be called “desensitization.” As we have seen, incels do not hesitate to refer to themselves in particularly deprecating terms. It is no wonder that this extreme self-denigration should be accompanied with a similar level of vitriol towards others. When a person has forfeited self-esteem to the point of identifying as “subhuman,” one could hardly expect much empathy or nuance in their judgment of others. Thus, from their self-identified subaltern position, incels spread the most vicious insults towards other groups. Women are prime targets and are, for example, often called “toilets.” Similarly, we have seen how racial self-hatred abounds in the community, with a fine line between denouncing racism and internalizing it. Here again, this does not stop at self-denigration and racial slurs are routinely used by all portions of the community, whether to refer to oneself or others. Homophobic and anti-Semitic slurs (i.e., “faggot” and “kike”) are also routinely used as gimmicks or derogative terms between members. So are Nazi imagery and terminology. It is impossible to determine how serious this is, how deep the hatred hiding behind those words goes. Indeed, a lot of incels are self-avowedly “trolling” or “shitposting,” i.e., deliberately being outrageous and provocative.36 This combination of “shitposting” and extreme hatred towards oneself and others creates a desensitized environment, where nothing seems to be out of line, whether in terms of political correctness, slurs, or violent fantasies. This is all fostered by the lack of moderation in these online spaces whose organizers and users pride themselves on promoting free speech. This effect was in fact felt while conducting the present research, as daily exposure to hate speech and slurs ends up blunting one’s sensitivity to them.
40Another link between blackpill ideology and violence is that incels resort to archetypal thinking. As we have seen, incels divide society in more or less discrete classes. More than a label, each of those classes becomes a true archetype, with specific features thought to be universal among the class. When incels narrate a personal experience, they usually do so by invoking those archetypes; they do not refer to classmates or strangers but to “normies,” “Chads” and “Stacies,” etc. A consequence of seeing people through archetypes is to deny their individuality, their uniqueness. This is a first step towards dehumanization. We have seen that incels frequently refer to themselves as “subhuman,” thus legitimizing the very idea of subhumanity. Yet, they do not reserve the term to themselves, but also use it to disparage other groups such as women or “normies”: approximately 20 % of occurrences of “subhuman” in the corpus are directed towards other groups. In fact, their favorite term for women is “foid” or “femoid,” a contraction of “female” and “android” or “humanoid.”37 As noted by sociologist Winnie Chang, even incels’ own definitions of the term acknowledge its dehumanizing purpose: “‘Femoid’ is defined on /r/Braincels as a ‘derogatory dehumanising term for women’ that is used ‘to imply they aren’t truly human.’”38 Since dehumanization lays the ground for the most heinous acts of violence,39 it unsurprisingly features in Rodger’s My Twisted World:
Why do women behave like vicious, stupid, cruel animals who take delight in my suffering and starvation? […] They are incapable of reason or thinking rationally. They are like animals, completely controlled by their primal, depraved emotions and impulses. That is why they are attracted to barbaric, wild, beast-like men. They are beasts themselves. Beasts should not be able to have any rights in a civilized society.40
41While it is important to insist that spree killers like Rodger are an infinitesimal fraction of the community, their trajectory embodies deeply ingrained dynamics of inceldom, albeit in the most extreme form. As argued by this incel, when a group sees itself as irremediably structurally disadvantaged, as unjustly ostracized from birth because of innate traits, what is to prevent it from rebelling?
Of course we’re not ‘entitled’ to sex, but we want it. And we don’t get it, based largely on genetic factors determined from conception, and when we’re even hated for those factors our whole lives, why wouldn’t some of us feel the need to resort to violence or misogyny? (2018, forum)
- 41 This post is cited and discussed in Sugiura, Lisa, The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere (...)
- 42 Baldwin, James, The Fire Next Time, London: Michael Joseph, 1963, p. 84.
42The trope of rebellion was invoked by Toronto van killer Alek Minassian, whose rampage killing was infamously announced in a tweet: “The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”41 His narrative of “overthrowing” and “rebellion,” we argue, is embedded in the subaltern identity described in the present article. If a group’s whole identity is based upon hopelessness, it is inherently dangerous. As James Baldwin wrote in a different context: “People cannot live without [their sense of their own worth]; they will do anything whatever to regain it. This is why the most dangerous creation of any society is that man who has nothing to lose.”42 Similarly, the extreme violence that incels condone derives from the paradoxical form of subalternity that they deploy.
43We argue that, based on a foundation of genuine distress over lived experiences of loneliness and rejection, incels congregate as a movement. Through the use of hierarchies, labels, archetypes, anecdotes, and scientific research, their common experiences are made to fit in a broader narrative, in which structural forces conspire to exclude them from society and from having sex, resulting in a collective subaltern identity, tinged with fatalism and despair, i.e., “the blackpill.” This identity is jealously guarded, as a paradoxical badge of honor, among men who insist on being “the most oppressed demographic of all time.” It is thus maintained and strengthened through gatekeeping and what we called “one-upmanship of misery.” Yet, incels do not solely ascribe their misery to faceless structural discrimination, but have a designated target: the women who reject them and decide to have sex with other men. From their pit of self-hatred, they thus spread extremely hateful insults on women and the rest of society. In an online ecosystem which is totally desensitized, discursive violence and dehumanization abound, resulting in tragic outbreaks of violence.
- 43 Allen, Judith, “Men Interminably in Crisis? Historians on Masculinity, Sexual Boundaries, and Manh (...)
- 44 Dupuis-Déri, Francis, “Le discours de la 'crise de la masculinité' comme refus de l’égalité entre (...)
- 45 Menzie, Lauren, “Stacys, Beckys, and Chads: The Construction of Femininity and Hegemonic Masculini (...)
- 46 Preston, Kayla, et al., “The Black Pill: New Technology and the Male Supremacy of Involuntarily Ce (...)
- 47 Kaiser, Susanne, Political Masculinity: How Incels, Fundamentalists and Authoritarians Mobilise fo (...)
- 48 Kelly, Casey Ryan and Aunspach, Chase, “Incels, Compulsory Sexuality, and Fascist Masculinity,” Fe (...)
44When confronted to the incel community, the academic literature oscillates between two broad positions. On the one hand, incels can be portrayed as the umpteenth avatar of the ubiquitous “masculinity crisis.” After all, sociologists and historians argue, whenever gender norms evolve in society, discourses around masculinity start painting it as “fragile, defensive, threatened, and at risk. Inherently unstable, masculinity is always in process, under negotiation, needing to be ‘shored up,’ reinforced, buttressed against its many enemies,” historian Judith Allen writes in an article titled “Men Interminably in Crisis?”43 For sociologist Francis Dupuis-Déri, this recurring trope of a masculinity crisis is fundamentally reactionary: it obscures male power and domination, usually blames women for social changes, and mobilizes resources and emotions towards a reinstatement of traditional values and a sexist hierarchy of the sexes.44 In that perspective, incels’ subaltern identity can be dismissed as “weaponized subordination,” a baseless posture whose underlying aims are male supremacist in essence. Sociological research on incel discourse therefore tends to frame the movement in terms of “hegemony,”45 “supremacy,”46 or an “authoritarian”47 and “fascist”48 subjugation of women. Incel violence is then seen as a manifestation of this true sexist agenda.
- 49 Incel suicidality has been studied qualitatively by Daly, Sarah and Laskovtsov, Albina, “‘Goodbye, (...)
- 50 For reviews of this psychological/psychiatric approach, see Sparks, Brandon, et al., “Involuntary (...)
- 51 For a recognition of the need to understand incel grievances and narratives, see Van der Veer, Ren (...)
45On the other hand, incels as a group exhibit clear signs of social exclusion and psychological distress. These ethnically diverse men are more likely to be unemployed, neuroatypical, depressed, with few to no friends, and to have experienced bullying, without even mentioning the anguish and lack of self-esteem resulting from prolonged virginity and celibacy. Unsurprisingly, suicidality in the community is extremely high.49 Research in psychiatry and mental health therefore insists on incels’ wellbeing and recognizes them as a particularly fragile demographic.50 Research on security and terrorism sometimes acknowledges the need to understand incels’ grievances and distress in order to prevent their violence.51 Incel violence is thus de-politicized; instead of reflecting broader social and historical trends surrounding gender, it is seen as an extreme manifestation of a sick psyche.
- 52 This is why a counter-terrorism scholar has called for “applying a gender lens to counter-terroris (...)
- 53 The recent trend whereby extreme far-right ideologies and groups mutate and hybridize online was t (...)
46Both these approaches hold valuable insights, and should not be held as mutually incompatible.52 Indeed, as we have shown, incels’ grievances stem from a genuine sense of distress coming from lived experiences. However, this emotion is then collectively channeled towards a common worldview in which labels and hierarchies lead to a sexist de-humanization of women. The personal and the collective intersect in the building of incel identity, which both reflects the unique trajectories of incels, and broader social trends, such as at the rise of a nebulous transnational conglomerate of online extreme far-right movements.53 This calls for a transdisciplinary understanding of the phenomenon, which the present article has sought to illustrate, by drawing on research from the humanities, the social and psychological sciences, as well as terrorism studies.
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Allen, Judith, “Men Interminably in Crisis? Historians on Masculinity, Sexual Boundaries, and Manhood,” Radical History Review, 2002, no 82, p. 191-207.
Ayto, John, 20th Century Words, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
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Chadwick, Jonathan, “When you lose your virginity may be written in your GENES,” Mail Online, July 1st, 2021.
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Moskalenko, Sophia, Juncal Fernández-Garayzábal González, Naama Kates, and Jesse Morton, “Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study,” The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 2022, vol. 4, no 3, p. 1-29.
Moskalenko, Sophia, Naama Kates, Juncal Fernández-Garayzábal González, and Mia Bloom, “Predictors of Radical Intentions among Incels: A Survey of 54 Self-identified Incels,” Journal of Online Trust and Safety, 2022 vol.1, no 3, p.1-21.
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Speckhard, Anne and Molly Ellenberg, “Self-Reported Psychiatric Disorder and Perceived Psychological Symptom Rates among Involuntary Celibates (Incels) and Their Perceptions of Mental Health Treatment,” Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 2022, p. 1-18.
Speckhard, Anne, Molly Ellenberg, Jesse Morton, and Alexander Ash, “Involuntary Celibates’ Experiences of and Grievance over Sexual Exclusion and the Potential Threat of Violence Among Those Active in an Online Incel Forum,” Journal of Strategic Security, 2021, vol. 14, no 2, p. 89-121.
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Those bans started with the r/truecels subreddit in 2016, then with r/incels in 2017, and r/braincels in 2018. The last remaining incel venue, called “IncelsWithoutHate,” which tried to do without the toxic elements of the community, was ultimately banned in 2021.
Incels.is forum. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230308102952/https://incels.is/, archived March 8, 2023. The forum has had to change domains several times going from Mexico (incels.me) to Iceland (incels.is), by way of Colombia (incels.co).
Witt, Taisto, “‘If i cannot have it, i will do everything i can to destroy it.’ The Canonization of Elliot Rodger: ‘Incel’ Masculinities, Secular Sainthood, and Justifications of Ideological Violence,” Social Identities, 2020, vol. 26, no 5, p. 675-689.
For a review of incel-related attacks, see Hoffman, Bruce, et al., “Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2020, vol. 43, no 7, p. 565-587.
Moskalenko, Sophia, et al., “Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study,” The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 2022, vol. 4, no 3, p. 20.
The steady increase in incel toxicity or “violent extremist language” over time has been documented by several quantitative studies, see Ribeiro, Manoel Horta et al., “The Evolution of the Manosphere Across the Web,” Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 15, 2021, p. 196-207; Baele, Stephane, et al., “A Diachronic Cross-Platforms Analysis of Violent Extremist Language in the Incel Online Ecosystem,” Terrorism and Political Violence, 2023, p. 1-24.
Costello, William et al., “Levels of Well-Being Among Men Who Are Incel (Involuntarily Celibate),” Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2022, vol. 8, no 4, p. 375-390; Moskalenko, Sophia et al., “Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study,” The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 2022, vol. 4, no 3, p. 1-29; Speckhard, Anne et al., “Involuntary Celibates’ Experiences of and Grievance over Sexual Exclusion and the Potential Threat of Violence Among Those Active in an Online Incel Forum,” Journal of Strategic Security, 2021, vol. 14, no 2, p. 89-121.
See respectively, Voroshilova, Anzhelika and Pesterev, Dmitriy, “Russian Incels Web Community: Thematic and Semantic Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2021 Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar, 2021, p. 185-190; and Cannito, Maddalena and Ferrero Camoletto, Raffaella, “The Rules of Attraction: An Empirical Critique of Pseudoscientific Theories about Sex in the Manosphere,” Sexes, 2022, vol. 3, no 4, p. 593-607.
For a definition of “platform signals,” and examples of their use in studying online men’s communities, see LaViolette, Jack and Hogan, Bernie, “Using Platform Signals for Distinguishing Discourses: The Case of Men’s Rights and Men’s Liberation on Reddit,” Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2019), 2019, p. 323-334.
For analyses drawn from this corpus on the role of evolutionary science among incels, as well as more details on the content selection process, see Bachaud, Louis and Johns, Sarah E., “The Use and Misuse of Evolutionary Psychology in Online Manosphere Communities: The Case of Female Mating Strategies,” Evolutionary Human Sciences, vol. 5, 2023. doi:10.1017/ehs.2023.22.
Ibid., for complete detail of the corpus materials (Supplementary materials S1). By date of creation, the material is distributed as follows: 2014 (8 %); 2015 (0 %); 2016 (2 %); 2017 (5 %); 2018 (32 %); 2019 (9 %); 2020 (10 %); 2021 (6 %); 2022 (2 %). For the remaining 26 %, this could not be accurately ascertained (for examples with pages of the incel wiki.)
These data protection and dissemination measures were approved by the University of Kent’s Ethical Review Board (approval number 8-PGR-20/21) and the University of Lille’s Comité d’Ethique de la Recherche (approval number QSMDC 2021-478-S91).
Rodger, Elliot, My Twisted World, self-published, May 23, 2014, p. 1. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20210104142706/https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/1173619/rodger-manifesto.pdf, archived January 4, 2021.
A survey of 274 self-identified incels found that 69 % report having been bullied as teenagers (ages 13-18) and only 14 % report having never been bullied. Moskalenko, Sophia, et al., “Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study,” The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 2022, vol. 4, no 3, p. 9.
An example is the “Hot or Not” popular website (hotornot.com) which boomed in the early 2000s, where users would submit photographs of themselves to have their attractiveness rated on a scale of 1 to 10.
Incels.wiki, “Decile.” URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20221006131947/https://incels.wiki/w/Decile, archived February 22, 2023.
The coinage of this new “-ism” word among the fat acceptance movement was reported on in a 1978 Washington Post Magazine article, cited in Ayto, John, 20th Century Words, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 485.
For a brief review of the existing scholarship on lookism, see Saiki, Diana, et al., “An Examination of ‘Lookism’ in Scholarly Literature,” International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 2017, vol. 74, no 1.
Meeting online has become the most popular way for heterosexual couples to meet in the United States, see Rosenfeld, Michael, et al., “Disintermediating Your Friends: How Online Dating in the United States Displaces Other Ways of Meeting,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019, vol. 34, no 36, p. 17753-17758.
The Google Books Ngram Viewer allows to compare the frequency of terms over time in a corpus of millions of digitized books. The Y-axis shows the proportion of the chosen words relative to all the words in the corpus. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230303200620/https://books.google.com/ngrams/, archived March 3, 2023. For more details on this tool, see Michel, Jean-Baptiste, et al., “Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books,” Science, 2011, vol. 331, no 6014, p. 176-182.
Incels.wiki, “Scientific Blackpill,” and “Scientific Blackpill (supplemental).” URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20210107145413/https:/incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill, archived January 7, 2021; https://web.archive.org/web/20210115000636/https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill_(Supplemental), archived January 15, 2021.
Reddit, r/BlackPillScience. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230208103545/https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/, archived February 8, 2023.
For a clear and concise summary of “the blackpill” and other elements of incel ideology, see the European Commission Report, Radicalisation Awareness Network, “Incels: A First Scan of the Phenomenon (in the EU) and Its Relevance and Challenges for P/CVE,” 2021. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20221108012222/https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2021-10/ran_incels_first_scan_of_phenomen_and_relevance_challenges_for_p-cve_202110_en.pdf, archived March 9, 2023.
Chadwick, Jonathan, “When you lose your virginity may be written in your GENES,” Mail Online, July 1st, 2021. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20220818135645/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9745237/When-lose-virginity-written-genes.html, archived August 18, 2022
Definition found on Reddit, r/gatekeeping, and on the Urban Dictionary, “Gatekeeping.” URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230217155302/https://www.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/, archived February 17, 2023; https://web.archive.org/web/20230217155525/https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gatekeeping, archived February 17, 2023.
Incels.wiki, “Escortcel.” URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230219122747/https://incels.wiki/w/Escortcel, archived February 19, 2023.
Center for Intersectional Justice, “What is Intersectionality?” URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230220130729/https://www.intersectionaljustice.org/what-is-intersectionality, archived February 20, 2023.
Two survey studies found the share of incels identifying as Asian was 10.2 % (n=274) and 15 % (n=54), Moskalenko, Sophia, et al., “Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study,” The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 2022, vol. 4, no 3, p. 8.; Moskalenko, Sophia, et al., “Predictors of Radical Intentions among Incels: A Survey of 54 Self-identified Incels,” Journal of Online Trust and Safety, 2022, vol. 1, no 3, p. 7. A 2019 internal poll on the biggest incel forum (n=400) found that 5 % identify as “Indian,” 5.4 % as “Asian,” and 8.2 as “Middle Eastern.” See incels.wiki, “Scientific Blackpill,” op. cit. Incels are quite secretive about their personal identities and whereabouts, and location data is therefore scarce. These self-identified Asians are thus presumably a mix of people born and living in Asia, first generation Asians immigrating to the West, and European/North-American people of Asian descent.
Center for Intersectional Justice, “What is Intersectionality?” URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230220130729/https://www.intersectionaljustice.org/what-is-intersectionality, archived February 20, 2023.
A recent study on the topic concluded that “Asian American men, in particular, are socially excluded from romantic relationships. In fact, we find that despite the higher education and income of Asian American men, there is evidence that they are systematically excluded from having romantic relationships during adolescence and young adulthood.” Kao, Grace, et al., “Asian American Men in Romantic Dating Markets,” Contexts, 2018, vol. 17, no 4, p. 50. For a quantitative exploration of ethnic patterns in online dating and the unique disadvantages faced by Asian-American men, see Hwang, Wei-Chin, “Who Are People Willing to Date? Ethnic and Gender Patterns in Online Dating,” Race and Social Problems, 2013, vol. 5, no 1, p. 28-40.
A recent literature review of the English and Scandinavian scholarship on incels illustrates the explosion of incel research, going from one study in 2015, to more than thirty in 2020. Prøitz, Lin, et al., “Hybride Maskuliniteter Og Hatideologi På Nett” Norsk Medietidsskrift, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, p. 1-15.
Debbie Ging thus resorted to the concept of “hybrid masculinities,” while Taisto Witt insisted that incels practiced “hegemonic masculinity,” but from the “losing end,” see Ging, Debbie, “Alphas, Betas, and Incels: Theorizing the Masculinities of the Manosphere,” Men and Masculinities, 2019, vol. 22, no 4, p. 638-657; Witt, Taisto, “‘If i cannot have it, i will do everything i can to destroy it.’ The Canonization of Elliot Rodger: ‘Incel’ Masculinities, Secular Sainthood, and Justifications of Ideological Violence,” Social Identities, 2020, vol. 26, no 5, p. 675-689.
Halpin, Michael, “Weaponized Subordination: How Incels Discredit Themselves to Degrade Women,” Gender & Society, 2022, vol. 36, no 6, p. 829.
Costello, William, et al., “Levels of Well-Being Among Men Who Are Incel (Involuntarily Celibate),” Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2022, vol. 8, no 4, p. 375-390.
The difficulty of assessing incel hatred because of “shitpoting” is discussed in Hoffman, Bruce, et al., “Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2020, vol. 43, no 7, p. 577.
Incels.wiki, “Femoid.” URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230221102653/https://incels.wiki/w/Femoid, archived February 21, 2023.
Chang, Winnie, “The Monstrous-Feminine in the Incel Imagination: Investigating the Representation of Women as ‘Femoids’ on /r/Braincels,” Feminist Media Studies, 2020, vol. 22, no 2, p. 259.
Livingstone Smith, David, Making Monsters: The Uncanny Power of Dehumanization, Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press, 2021.
Rodger, Elliot, My Twisted World, May 23, 2014, p. 117. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20210104142706/https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/1173619/rodger-manifesto.pdf, archived January 4, 2021.
This post is cited and discussed in Sugiura, Lisa, The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere and the Virtual War Against Women, Bingley: Emerald Publishing, 2021, p. 86.
Baldwin, James, The Fire Next Time, London: Michael Joseph, 1963, p. 84.
Allen, Judith, “Men Interminably in Crisis? Historians on Masculinity, Sexual Boundaries, and Manhood,” Radical History Review, 2002, no 82, p. 191-207, p. 199. She also remarks that there is no such generalized panic about a “crisis of femininity” in books around women and femininity.
Dupuis-Déri, Francis, “Le discours de la 'crise de la masculinité' comme refus de l’égalité entre les sexes: histoire d’une rhétorique antiféministe,” Recherches féministes, 2012, vol. 25, no 1, p. 89-109.
Menzie, Lauren, “Stacys, Beckys, and Chads: The Construction of Femininity and Hegemonic Masculinity within Incel Rhetoric,” Psychology & Sexuality, 2020, vol. 13, no 1, p. 69-85.
Preston, Kayla, et al., “The Black Pill: New Technology and the Male Supremacy of Involuntarily Celibate Men,” Men and Masculinities, 2021, vol. 24, no 5, p. 823-841.
Kaiser, Susanne, Political Masculinity: How Incels, Fundamentalists and Authoritarians Mobilise for Patriarchy, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2022.
Kelly, Casey Ryan and Aunspach, Chase, “Incels, Compulsory Sexuality, and Fascist Masculinity,” Feminist Formations, 2020, vol. 32, no 3, p. 145-172.
Incel suicidality has been studied qualitatively by Daly, Sarah and Laskovtsov, Albina, “‘Goodbye, My Friendcels’: An Analysis of Incel Suicide Posts,” Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 2021, vol. 11, no 1. https://doi.org/10.21428/88de04a1.b7b8b295; and quantitatively by Costello, William, et al., “The Social Networking of Incels (Involuntary Celibates).” Poster presented at the 2023 Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Palm Springs, CA, June 2023.
For reviews of this psychological/psychiatric approach, see Sparks, Brandon, et al., “Involuntary Celibacy: A Review of Incel Ideology and Experiences with Dating, Rejection, and Associated Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae,” Current Psychiatry Reports, 24, 2022, p. 731-740; Stijelja, Stefan and Mishara, Brian, “Psychosocial Characteristics of Involuntary Celibates (Incels): A Review of Empirical Research and Assessment of the Potential Implications of Research on Adult Virginity and Late Sexual Onset,” Sexuality & Culture, 2022, vol. 27, p. 715-734.
For a recognition of the need to understand incel grievances and narratives, see Van der Veer, Renske, “Analysing Personal Accounts of Perpetrators of Incel Violence: What Do They Want and Who Do They Target?,” International Center for Counter-Terrorism, June 4, 2020. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230223142950/https://www.icct.nl/publication/analysing-personal-accounts-perpetrators-incel-violence-what-do-they-want-and-who-do, archived February 23, 2023. For a Counter-Terrorism study calling for mental health intervention on incels, see Speckhard, Anne and Ellenberg, Molly, “Self-Reported Psychiatric Disorder and Perceived Psychological Symptom Rates among Involuntary Celibates (Incels) and Their Perceptions of Mental Health Treatment,” Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 2022, p. 1-18.
This is why a counter-terrorism scholar has called for “applying a gender lens to counter-terrorism” when it comes to incels, arguing that “misogyny promoted by incels is embedded within mainstream social structures and norms. Misogyny and patriarchy do not exist in a vacuum, and this is not exceptional to incels,” Leidig, Eviane, “Why Terrorism Studies Miss the Mark When It Comes To Incels,” International Center for Counter-Terrorism, August 31, 2021. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230614151514/https://www.icct.nl/publication/why-terrorism-studies-miss-mark-when-it-comes-incels, archived June 14, 2023.
The recent trend whereby extreme far-right ideologies and groups mutate and hybridize online was the topic of the International Center for Counter-Terrorism’s last conference, “ICCT Annual Conference 2023 - Hybrid Extremism: Causes and Responses to Anti-Institutional and Far-Right Extremisms,” see URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20230620161637/https://www.icct.nl/event/icct-annual-conference-2023-hybrid-extremism-causes-and-responses-anti-institutional-and-far, archived June 20, 2023.
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