Presentation of the journal
Œconomia – History / Methodology / Philosophy is a quarterly bilingual (French/English) peer-reviewed journal.
Œconomia has a broad coverage, publishing original articles in history of economic thought, economic methodology and economic philosophy, but also in normative economics and economic history in relation to history of economic thought. Leading specialists also contribute to a rich and regular book review section freely accessible on the journal website.
The editorial project of Œconomia stems from the established fact that the community of researchers interested in history of economic thought, in economic methodology or philosophy, is a scattered community, as a result of a constant process of specialization over the last thirty years. Within the current context of growing fragmentation and transformations of economics as a discipline, especially in relation to other disciplines, it is time to gather together the insights from the historians of economic thought and specialists in economic methodology and philosophy, in order to put in perspective the transformations of the discipline today and in the past. The aim of Œconomia is to gather together specialists of those subfields and beyond, with the aim of promoting mutual enrichment of their methods and approaches, and to encourage a wide diffusion of their results. Œconomia publishes regular thematic symposia on topics related to recent developments in economic analysis, economic history and policy.