Authors – Marie-Roger Séronie-Vivien
Published in PALEO, 24 | 2013A map and a database for flint-bearing formations in Southern France: A tool for Petroarchaeology [Full text | translation | en]Published in PALEO, 24 | 2013
Published in PALEO, 23 | 2012From the Adour valley to the Gelise valley (western part of the Gers department): an important occurrence of siliceous raw material of Senonian origin. [Full text | translation | en]Published in PALEO, 23 | 2012
La dent humaine de Pradayrol (Caniac-du-Causse, Lot) dans son contexte stratigraphique et paléontologique [Full text]Published in PALEO, 14 | 2002
Le cas des silex à lépidorbitoïdes des Pyrénées centrales. Caractérisation et implications méthodologiquesPublished in PALEO, 18 | 2006