Author guidelines
Haut de pageManuscript format
Submit the texts in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx or .rtf), with the simplest possible layout.
The texts (without bibliography), including the abstract and keywords, must not exceed 25 000 characters (spaces not included). This limit is imperative.
The hierarchy of the titles and subtitles should be clear, with a maximum of four levels numbered with Hindu-Arabic numerals.
Compose words and expressions in a foreign language in italics, unless they appear in the English dictionary. Words in English written form, integrated in the English lexicon, should thus not be in italics.
Compose citations in quotes.
Do not hyphenate words yourself.
Pay attention to punctuation and spaces and use indivisible spaces.
Numbers lower than 10 should be written out. Measures, percentages and dates must be written in Arabic numerals, as well as centuries and millennia, followed by “th”, “st” or “rd”.
Lengths, capacities and weights are abbreviated only if they follow a number and are not followed by a period.
References cited list
General rules
Use Hindu-Arabic numerals to designate volumes and issue numbers. Put collection titles in quotation marks.
The references cited list follows the text, in alphabetical order, and for the same author, by publication date. When there are several publications in the same year, order them alphabetically: Binford, 1988.
Citation of references in the text
When there are one or two authors, write the name(s) without initials, followed by the publication date and page(s) if citing a specific section: Mohen, Scarre, 2002: 130.
When there are more than two authors, write the first name followed by the mention et al.: Boëda et al., 1998. Attention: et al. is never used in the citation list at the end of the article. Each reference must list the name and initials of all the authors.
Journal article
Costamagno S., 1999 - Coudoulous II: taphonomie d’un aven-piège. Contribution des accumulations d’origine naturelle à l’interprétation des archéofaunes du Paléolithique moyen, Anthropozoologica, 29, 13-32.
Mohen J.-P., Scarre C., 2002 - Les tumulus de Bougon. Complexe mégalithique du Ve au IIIe millénaire, Paris, Errance, 256 p.
Book chapter
Boëda E., Bourguignon L., Griggo C., 1998 - Activités de subsistance au Paléolithique moyen : couche VI3b’ du gisement d’Umm el Tlel (Syrie), in Brugal J.-P., Meignen L., Patou-Mathis M. (dir.), Économie préhistorique : les comportements de subsistance au Paléolithique, 18e rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes, Juan-les-Pins, APCDA-CNRS, 243-258.
Plisson H., 1988 - Technologie et tracéologie des outils lithiques moustériens en Union soviétique : les travaux de V.E. Shchelinskiï, in Binford L., Rigaud J.-P. (dir.), L’homme de Neandertal, vol. 4 La technique, Liège, université de Liège (« ERAUL » 31), 121-168.
Mourre V., 2004 - Le débitage sur enclume au Paléolithique moyen dans le sud-ouest de la France, in Van Peer P., Bonjean D., Semal P. (dir.), Le Paléolithique, Actes du 14e congrès de l’UISPP, Liège, 2001, Oxford, Archaeopress (« BAR International Series » 1239), 29-38.
Dissertation or thesis
Guyodo J.-N., 2001 - Les assemblages lithiques des groupes néolithiques sur le Massif armoricain et ses marges, Thèse de doctorat, Rennes, Université Rennes I, 2 vol., 467 p.
Colonge D., Delfour G., Fondeville C., Jarry M., 2002 - Raspide 2 (Blagnac, Haute-Garonne). Rapport final d’opération, INRAP Grand Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, Service régional de l’Archéologie de Midi-Pyrénées, 83 p.
Manen C., 2008 - Le Taï (Remoulins, Gard). Rapport de fouille, Montpellier, Service régional de l’Archéologie de « nom de la région », 104 p.
If published as a book
If the colloquium has a title: Mourre V., 2004 - Le débitage sur enclume au Paléolithique moyen dans le sud-ouest de la France, in Van Peer P., Bonjean D., Semal P. (dir.), Le Paléolithique, Actes du 14e congrès de l’UISPP, Liège, 2001, Oxford, Archaeopress (« BAR International Series » 1239), 29-38.
If the colloquium does not have a title: Name of author initial, date – Title of the contribution, in Name of the scientific editor initial (ed.), Proceedings of the Xth colloquium [or roundtable], Colloquium location, Year, City of Publication, Editor (“name of collection”, if one exists), Pages.
If the colloquium is a journal volume
If it is a special volume of the journal: Name of author initial, date – Title of the contribution, in Name of the scientific editor initial (ed.), Colloquium title, Proceedings of the Xth colloquium [or roundtable], Colloquium location, Year, Journal name [no italics], City of Publication, Editor (“name of collection”, if one exists), Pages.
If it is a volume of the journal: Otte M., Noiret P., 2007 - Le Gravettien du nord-ouest de l’Europe, in Rigaud J.-P. (dir.), Le Gravettien : entités régionales d’une paléoculture européenne, Actes de la table ronde des Eyzies-de-Tayac, 2004, Paléo, 19, 243-255.
The references to foreign articles must use the format of their language. For French:
a space before major punctuations (:, ;, ?, !);
(dir.) in the place of (ed.) or (eds.);
french city names: Londres, Barcelone, ...;
only the first word of titles is capitalized.
Pour other languages refer to the conventions used in the countries concerned.
Citation of figures in the text
Write out, in lower case, the figure citations in the body of the text and put them all in the same color (other than black or gray).
Figures: (figure 1); Tables : (table 1)
To improve readability and facilitate the page layout, footnotes should not be numerous, and as brief as possible. Number them with Hindu-Arabic numerals.
Illustration recommendations
RGB colour profile, resolution of at least 300 dpi. Accepted formats: .jpg, .tif, .ai, .pdf, .svg.
The authors must ensure that their illustrations are free of copyrights. The review will not be held responsible for problems that could arise for this reason.
The authors should pay particular attention to the composition of the figures, which must be submitted in their final form, already composed. The composition must be balanced, without too much lost space (blank areas). Graphic scales are indispensible and must be simple and readable. The characters must be clear the scale reducible. All maps must have a scale and an orientation.
The legends must be complete, precise and mention the authors of the illustrations.
Figure 1 - Lithic assemblage attributable to the Michelsberg culture discovered on the surface at Itzig-“Buchels” (L) , (after F. Le Brun-Ricalens; C. Mascino ©MNHA).
Table 1 - The dating elements associated with the NaCAL blades, La Chevételière at Saint-Mathurin (Vendée) (after Péridy 2003, 2004, 2005. Calibration software: Calib Rev 5.0.1. [Reimer et al., 2004]).
Excel files
The tables must be directly integrated in the Word document.
The graphics must be submitted in .xls format (native Excel) and .pdf.
Vector files (Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape)
Submit the document in its native format (.ai or .svg), accompanied by a high resolution PDF file. Color space: RGB.
Use only one font: Liberation Sans. Do not vectorize the fonts.
Line thickness: the minimum thickness must be 0.25 pt for full lines and 0.5 for dashed lines, including in motifs.
Bitmap files (Adobe Photoshop or Gimp)
Submit the file in .tif format (Lzw compression recommended) or high resolution .jpg. Color space: RGB.
Use only one font: Liberation Sans.
Resolution: 300 dpi minimum at 100 % of the desired scale. For line drawings, do not hesitate to scan at 600/800 dpi.
Photographs must be of a high quality, focused and contrasted.
If text elements are added to the photos and composition, leave the text layers, without “collapsing” the image.
In the case of compositions, submit each separated file.
Documents to submit to the editors
Submit files to the editors, electronically:
The article in .doc, .docx or .rtf format with an 800 to 1 000 character abstract, the keywords, references cited list, legends and tables.
The article in .pdf format.
The contact information of the authors.
A file containing the illustrations in the requested format: name the file with the number of the figure (Figure-01.tif).