Submitting an article
Haut de pageSubmitting an article for publication in Palethnology implies that the work has not been published previously. We in turn commit to only publishing peer-reviewed work of the highest scientific quality. Articles are to be submitted in either French or English; if they are accepted, they will be published in both languages.
All submitted articles are sent to at least two reviewers. The articles are made anonymous before being sent to the reviewers, whose identities are not disclosed to the authors.
From submission to publication for a thematic section
The author commits to not submitting their article to another journal during the evaluation period. Thematic section is published within 12-18 months of their submission date.
Month 0
Submission of the article by the author (according to guidelines).
Months 1-3
Article sent to 2 anonymous reviewers, and the journal receives their reports.
Month 4
Communication to the author of one of the following responses: accepted, accepted with corrections, or declined.
Months 5-8
Author sends final corrected version, according to the manuscript guidelines.
Months 6-12
Article received, verification of corrections, editorial proofreading, translation, regular contact with the author.
Months 9-15
Drafting of page layout, and corrections thereof.
Months 12-18
Publication online.
From submission to publication for an article in Varia section
Articles are published within 4 months of their submission date, with the same process as thematic section.