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1As these past 10 years of research come to an end, the publication of the “Des traces et des Hommes” PCR (Programme Collectif de Recherche – Collective Research Program) allows me to bring my first life to a close. I think back to all those who encouraged and supported us. Behind institutions, there are people, so I think especially of Michel Vaginay and Françoise Echasseriaud who, over the many years, accompanied us by giving us their trust. Thanks to Pierre Bodu for his enthusiasm upon first hearing of the project. I think also of my fellow travelers with whom I have shared a childlike enthusiasm in carrying out this project and in bringing it to completion, Marie-Pierre, Émilie, Sandrine, David, Gema and Vincent. Although these past four years have seen us run out of steam somewhat, I only keep the memories of the good times shared with all the people, students and researchers, passing through or more permanent in the PCR, who enriched the project with their knowledge, their experience, their reflection, their action, their patience, their humour or their generosity: Ana Arte, Guillaume Asselin, Cédric Beauval, Michel Brenet, Aude Coudenneau, Sebastian Chong, Marie-Pierre Coumont, Loïc Daulny, Magali Gerbe, Cristina Lemorini, Michel Livache, Jean-Baptiste Mallye, Théo Minet, Célimène Mussini, Benoît Paravel, Hugues Plisson, Noëlle Provenzano, Aurélien Royer, Christian Servelle, Marie-Cécile Soulier, Jacques Teyssandier, Nicolas Thiébaut, Aurore Val and all those who answered ‘present’ at the processing of the bison!

2I can only hope that all students and young researchers get to experience something similar to what I have lived. It has been a series of highlights, mixed with work, joy, collective reflection, sharing, encouragement and helping others, which it is rare to experience over such a long period. It is thanks to this PCR that I was able to overcome numerous challenges and keep moving forward despite the storms. Thank you all.

3This volume contains everything that we have to pass on and to share. It is like us, perfectible, but that’s precisely what makes it appealing!

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Céline Thiébaut, « Preamble »Palethnologie [En ligne], 10 | 2019, mis en ligne le 01 novembre 2019, consulté le 09 octobre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Céline Thiébaut

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