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Selection of Manuscripts

Selection process

The scientific review, Projets de Paysage has defined a rigorous policy for the selection of the manuscripts published in its sections.

For the “Thematic Dossier” section and the associated “Raw Materials” section, the editorial board selects one or two coordinators from among its members, with the possibility of involving one or more external reviewers specialised in the topic chosen for the issue.

The coordinators take responsibility for the issue assigned to them: they start by drafting a call for articles which is reviewed by the editorial board for approval. This call for articles is then made approximately one year before the scheduled publication date of the issue. Authors wishing to contribute an article submit an abstract of approximately 6,000 signs, including an indicative bibliography, 5 keywords, a mention of the disciplinary field(s) addressed and the choice of a section (“Thematic Dossier” or “Raw Materials”). The deadline for the submission of the abstract is within two months following the call for articles.

The coordinators of the “Thematic Dossier” and “Raw Materials” sections read all the abstracts submitted and shortlist them giving the reasons for their choice, with possible assistance from the members of the editorial board. The editorial coordinator then asks the authors whose abstracts have been selected to send their articles. She/he gives the authors all the information they need to draft and submit their manuscripts. They have approximately three months to write and send their articles. Authors whose abstracts have been rejected are also notified by email.

For the “Researchers in the Making” section, a pre-selection is made from among the papers submitted during the Doctoral Landscape Conference (DLC) by the coordinators (a member of the editorial board and a coordinator from the DLC). Shortlisted authors must send an abstract of approximately 6,000 characters and a list of 5 keywords. They same selection process is applied.

For the “Varia” section, articles are submitted spontaneously.

Process for the Evaluation of the Manuscripts

The manuscripts submitted for the “Thematic Dossier”, “Varia” and “Researchers in the Making” sections are subjected to a double-blind peer review process.

Upon receipt, the submitted manuscripts (between 15,000 and 50,000 characters depending on the sections) are rendered anonymous and sent to be reviewed by a member of the editorial board and an external expert chosen according to their specialisation and relevance to the theme of the issue. The two experts must complete an evaluation form provided to them by the editorial coordinator (the time allowed to carry out this evaluation must not exceed a month and a half). The external experts constitute the peer-review committee for the issue, the other experts are the members of the editorial board.

Once the evaluation forms have been completed and sent in, the coordinators of the issue decide, in consultation with the editorial board, on the next step in the process for each contribution: 1) proposal retained as is; 2) minor changes requested; 3) major changes requested; 3) proposal not selected. An email is sent to the author to indicate acceptance of the article or rejection with the reviewers’ opinions without specifying the names of the reviewers. If a 2nd version is requested from the authors and they agree to this, they have one month to make the corrections and send it to the journal. This 2nd version will then be subject to the same review process. The editorial committee ultimately reserves the right to refuse this final version if it does not meet the conditions required by the experts.

For the “Raw Materials” section, which contains non-scientific texts, the procedure is somewhat simplified: each text presented is examined by a member of the editorial board.

Evaluation Form

The two evaluation forms (one for the “Thematic Dossier”, “Varia”, and “Researchers in the Making” sections and the other for the “Raw Materials” section) are available in an annexed document (see at the bottom of this page).

Revisions and Production

The follow-up of the editorial process of the articles is ensured by the editorial coordinator who acts as the relay between the editorial board, the coordinators of the Thematic Dossier, the authors, and the external experts. Once the editorial board has accepted the manuscript it corrects it, makes proposed changes regarding its form (written expression, completion of bibliographical references, layout, etc.) and incorporates, where appropriate, any other suggested changes put forward by the experts. It is ultimately up to the editorial board to send the manuscript back to the authors so they can make the final changes and adjustments before publication.

When all the articles of an issue are approved, they are prepared and published online.

Finally, it is up to the coordinators of each issue to write an editorial article and an introduction to each section.

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