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19-1 | 2015
Logic and Philosophy of Science in Nancy (II)

Selected Contributed Papers from the 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
Sous la direction de Pierre Édouard Bour, Gerhard Heinzmann, Wilfrid Hodges et Peter Schroeder-Heister
Logic and Philosophy of Science in Nancy (II)
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ISBN 978-2-84174-707-8

This issue collects a selection of contributed papers presented at the 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science in Nancy, July 2011. These papers were originally presented within two of the main sections of the Congress. They deal with general philosophy of science (including ethical and historical aspects of philosophy of science), and philosophy of biology, physics, chemistry and economics. A first volume of contributed papers, dedicated to logic, philosophy of mathematics and cognitive science, and philosophy of technology, appeared in the last issue of Philosophia Scientiæ (18-3), 2014.

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