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Characteristics of Social Epistemology

Thematic issue of Philosophia Scientiæ (February 2018)

Invited editors: Pascal Engel (EHESS, Paris), Olivier Ouzilou (université de Lorraine) and Pierre Willaime (université de Lorraine)

Submission Deadline: January 1, 2017

Acceptance Notification: April 1, 2017

Final version: September 1, 2017

This special issue of Philosophia Scientiæ is about the place of analytic social epistemology within the field of general analytic epistemology. Should social epistemology be seen as a new discipline, with specific methodologies and objects (such as groups or institutions)? Or should we understand this approach only as a set of new answers to the classical problems of epistemology?

Here are some topics particularly welcome:

  • The method to be used in social epistemology.

  • The naturalization of social epistemology.

  • The debate between preservationism and expansionism.

  • The development of an agent-centered social epistemology (Sosa, Greco, etc.).

  • The relationships between social epistemology and virtue epistemology.

Manuscripts should be submitted in English, French or German and prepared to allow for anonymous peer-reviewing. A French and English abstract should be included (200-300 words).

Articles should not exceed 7’000 words (spaces and footnotes included).

Please send submissions to: Olivier Ouzilou ( & Pierre Willaime (

Guidelines for authors are to be found on the journal’s website :

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