Issue 13 | 2012
Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia and the CIS
Introduction by Anne Le Huérou [Full text]
Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia and the CIS - Articles (5)
Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia and the CIS - Conversations (2)
Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia and the CIS - Document (1)
Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia and the CIS - Bibliography
Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia and the CIS - Book Reviews (5)
The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2009, 460 pages
Ashgate, 2010, 250 pages
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 373 pages
Moscow, Fond “Obshchestvennii verdict”, 2010, 100 pages
St-Petersburg, Alateia, 2011, 640 pages