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Soviet & Post-Soviet Wars: An Oral History Project - Documents, Photos and Recording
Soviet-Afghan War

Document - Сборник материалов по контрпропагандистской работе, Январь 1987 год

Brochure of counter-propaganda materials, January 1987
Пограничные войска СССР (Soviet Border Troops)


Brochure of counter-propaganda materials, i.e. advice to Soviet soldiers about how to behave in Afghanistan.

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Editor’s notes

Reconstruction of the brochure from internet sources ( and, and private collections. The translations of the texts on images 2, 7, 9, 13, 14 & 18 into English have been taken from the following source The translations of the other texts are those of Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski.

Full text

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, January 1987

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, January 1987

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 2

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 2

1Fobidden! It is forbidden to visit any state or private shops and markets and purchase there, or from any private citizen, groceries, drugs and alcohol.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 3

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 3

2Carry high the honour and dignity of a citizen of the USSR. Faithfully execute all laws, requirements of the military oath, military regulations, follow the orders of commanding officers and fulfil patriotic and international obligations in good faith.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 4

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 4

3Forbidden! It is forbidden to use water for drinking, cooking and other technical needs from untested sources.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 5

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 5

4Know the articles of Soviet law. Remember that military personnel are responsible for committing illegal acts against the Afghan people on the territory of the DRA (Democratic Republic of Afghanistan) in accordance with the code of the RSFSR and other Union Republics and the Law on Criminal Responsibility for War Crimes.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 6

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 6

5When using vehicles, strictly follow the traffic rules established by the DRA.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 7

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 7

Forbidden! It is frobidden to come in contact with any unauthorized people.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 8

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 8

6Munitions, currency, food, medicines and other materiel belonging to gangs, which fall into the hands of military personnel, shall be handed over to local authorities in accordance with established procedures.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 9

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 9

7One shouldn't take off their clothes, take a swim or tan in the public eye or near residential buildings. Such acts are incompatible with the national and religious habits of the Afghans and will be considered as an offensive activity.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 10

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 10

8Forbidden! It is forbidden to involve local residents in the construction of office and living quarters, maintenance of military camps, and any other work on behalf of our divisions, and to cut down fruit and ornamental trees.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 11

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 11

9Forbidden! It is forbidden to cause damage and to allow illegal actions against places considered holy by the people of Afghanistan, and to set up parking areas and huts near cemeteries, mosques and other religious places.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 12

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 12

10Forbidden! It is forbidden to inspect and search vehicles, residences, offices, businesses and DRA citizens, except in cases where there is a need to ensure your security and there are no Afghan forces present.

11The right to inspect and search belongs to the Afghan Army, the MGB (Ministry of State Security), the local police and NDPA (National Democratic Party of Afghanistan) representatives.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 13

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 13

12Forbidden ! It is forbidden to receive any kind of presents from locals and local authorities as well as to make use of any free services.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 14

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 14

13One should always display highly attentive political behavior, always maintain secrecy, do not carry on a conversation about any on-duty activities connected with military life and combat activity of units in the presence of unauthorized people.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 15

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 15

14Prevent any violations of public order, illegal and unauthorized actions against the local population, unjustified use of weapons, and material damage to the DRA and its citizens!

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 16

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 16

15The unit should not be located in close proximity to a common water source, or Afghan women, who are Muslims, and according to their faith should not be close to strangers, will not be able to use it!

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 17

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 17

16The law also severely punishes smuggling, i.e. illegal movement of goods or other valuables abroad. For such actions, Soviet criminal legislation defines a punishment of imprisonment for up to 10 years.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 18

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 18

17Forbidden ! It is forbidden to enter any yards and houses of locals, to look into the windows of their house or, into the eyes of women and to talk with them.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 19

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 19

18Forbidden! It is forbidden to use the transport of the DRA, both public and private.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 20

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 20

19Know and respect the laws in force in the DRA, national traditions, customs and regulations, and the religious beliefs of the Afghan people. Maintain friendly relations with workers and NVS DRA (The National Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan) troops.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 21

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 21

20Cross the state border only in correct uniform! Strictly keep military and state secrets!

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 22

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 22

21Behave modestly and respectfully in relations with representatives of party and state bodies of the DRA, seeking mutual understanding and close cooperation in solving tasks. Maintain dignity and honour without ingratiation or servility.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 23

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 23

22Forbidden! It is forbidden to sell or exchange with Afghan citizens goods and foodstuffs exported or purchased abroad, as well as fuel, munitions, equipment and uniforms.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 24

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 24

23The materials in this collection have been prepared to assist commanders and political workers in conducting counter-propaganda work with the personnel of their units. Clarification of the materials in the collection should be carried out on the basis of the decisions of the XXVII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, of the July (1983) Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, on conducting ideological work, analysis of Soviet-Afghan relations and military and political developments relating to the ideological situation in the area of responsibility of the unit.

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 25

Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 25

24"If they can't go up against us now with guns in their hands, they'll go up with guns of lies and slander." В. I. Lenin (Complete Works Collection Volume 42, p. 366)

25"The Soviet Union is on the side of the states and peoples repelling the attacks of the aggressive cycles of imperialism, defending their freedom, independence and national dignity". (From the CPSU Programme)

26"A soldier is personally responsible for the protection of his homeland. He must: protect the interests of the Soviet state, contribute to the strengthening of its power and authority, saintly and indestructibly comply with the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, carry out the military oath ...". Page 1 of the Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

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List of illustrations

Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, January 1987
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 2
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 3
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 4
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 5
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 6
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 7
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 8
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 9
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 10
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 11
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 12
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 13
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 14
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 15
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 16
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 17
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 18
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 19
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 20
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 21
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 22
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 23
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 24
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Title Brochure of Counter-Propaganda Materials, page 25
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Electronic reference

Пограничные войска СССР (Soviet Border Troops), “Document - Сборник материалов по контрпропагандистской работе, Январь 1987 год”The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies [Online], Issue 20/21 | 2019, Online since 28 July 2019, connection on 05 October 2024. URL:; DOI:

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The text only may be used under licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. All other elements (illustrations, imported files) are “All rights reserved”, unless otherwise stated.

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