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1 | 2024
Faults and Fault Lines

Sous la direction de Cédric Courtois et Elsa Lorphelin

“Faults and Fault Lines” corresponds to the topic of the annual conference of the SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur) held in Clermont-Ferrand from 2 to 4 June 2022. The “Postcolonial Literatures and Arts” workshop of the SEPC (Société des Études PostColoniales) was chaired by Cédric Courtois and Elsa Lorphelin, who guest edited this issue. The five articles show how postcolonial literatures address the federating topic of "Faults and Fault Lines" in several ways. The authors’ approaches range from an exploration of fissures, fault lines, and the metaphorical possibilities they allow – among which borders and walls that can be interpreted as poetic and political lines of fracture – to the effects of such (traumatic) fault lines onto those who have gone through major historical events and have seen their society change in a dramatic manner, whether it be in what was long known as the “periphery” or in the (former) colonial centre.

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