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Instructions for authors

Articles can be written in French or English. Furthermore, they must also be accompanied by:
- an abridged version in English, or in French if the article is in English (6000 to 8000 characters)
- an abstract in French (800 to 1000 characters)
- an abstract in English (800 to 1000 characters)
- a list of french and english keywords (6 to 10)
- the title of the article in french and english
- the illustrations and tables legends in french and english

Submitting Articles

In order to allow rapid treatment of articles submitted for review, it is requested that manuscripts in electronic format (containing the text and illustrations) be addressed by e-mail to the editorial bord — This version will be evaluated by the reviewers. A final version with the article and illustrations in paper and electronically (CD-Rom, etc), in the format described below, will be requested afterwards.

Article Format

Each author should list his/her first and last name, professional affiliation, postal address and electronic address.

The article should be in basic Word format — .doc or .rtf — (without styles sheets, …). For the final version, the figures (tables, illustrations, photos…) must be submitted by attached file or disk (CD-Rom or DVD-Rom) accompanied by printed copies.

Do not integrate tables into the text.

Bibliographic references must be cited in the text (Author date; if more than two authors: Author et al. date). The same applies to figures.

Notes must be limited and brief. They should be grouped at the end of the document (endnotes) and not at the bottom of each page (footnotes).

Figure legends should be grouped and placed in a separate file. The legends for figures, tables, plates, etc, should therefore not appear on the illustrations themselves. Please include credits for photographs.

Illustration Formatting

Complete illustrations (tables, photos, slides, and/or digital illustrations) must accompany the first submission of the article, in a digital format. Only images not under copyright or for which the authors have received authorization for reproduction will be published.

The final illustrations can be submitted in digital form and in the following format:
- grayscale documents: 300 dpi,
- color documents (drawings, photographs, slides, digital images): 300 dpi,
- bitmap documents (line drawings): 1200 dpi.

Preferred formats are .eps and .tiff. Avoid .jpeg, which alters the quality of the document. You will still have the possibility to submit the originals (photo paper or negatives). In this case, list on the back of each document the author name and the number of the figure.

The electronic version of the article allows the benefit of color illustrations.

For the printed publication, take note of the format of the journal: 210 x 297 mm (A4). Full-page figures must not exceed 170 x 240 mm. Illustrations will often have to be reduced. Please anticipate this (size of characters, line thickness) such that the illustrations can be supported in the online format.

Software Used by the journal

Adobe Illustrator CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Microsoft Word 2000, v.X, Microsoft Excel 2000, v. X.

Histograms, graphs, etc. will be treated with Adobe Illustrator. Microsoft Excel will be used with graphics with numerical data in tabular form.


Bibliographic references will be formatted by our treatment. They should contain the following information:
- Article in a periodical: Author, Title, Journal, City, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages.
- Contribution to a book or other work: Author, Title, in: Editor of Publication (Ed.), Title of Book, City, Publisher, Year, Pages (Title of Series; Number in the Series).
- Book: Author, Title. Edition, City of Publisher, Publisher, Year, Number of Pages. (Title of Series; Number in the Series).
- Edited Book: Editor of Publication, Title. Edition, City of Publisher, Publisher, Year, Number of Pages. (Title of Series; Number in the Series).
- Thesis: Author, Title, City of University, Title of University, Year, Type of Degree, Number of Volumes, Number of Pages.

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