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Dossier | L'aide bousculée. Pays émergents et politiques globales

China’s Foreign Aid and Its Role in the International Architecture

Meibo Huang and Peiqiang Ren
L’aide étrangère de la Chine dans l’architecture de l’aide internationale [fr]


Published by Palgrave Macmillan

Though China has long been an aid provider, the recent and remarkable surge in China’s foreign aid has important implications for the global aid architecture. It relies on aid principles that diverge in many ways from those of traditional Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donor countries, particularly in relation to non-interference, mutual benefit and non-conditionality. China’s foreign aid also relies on a mixing of economic cooperation, trade and investment deals.

While several Western scholars have examined the Chinese development cooperation system, few voices from China have been heard in European and North American journals and media. This chapter aims to offer a Chinese perspective on the evolution of China’s foreign aid. It focuses on the aid principles that have thus far informed Chinese development assistance, highlighting the successful outcomes achieved so far in Africa and South-East Asia. The chapter also addresses the main shortcomings of the Chinese approach, by recommending the improvement of institutional transparency, and strengthening of dialogue with DAC donors, all with a view towards learning from past experiences and exchanging best practices.

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Electronic reference

Meibo Huang and Peiqiang Ren, “China’s Foreign Aid and Its Role in the International Architecture”International Development Policy | Revue internationale de politique de développement [Online], 3 | 2012, Online since 27 March 2012, connection on 12 October 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the authors

Meibo Huang

Professor of Economics and Director of the China Institute for International Developmentof Xiamen University. She holds a PhD in Economics and has been associated with theEconomics School, Xiamen University, since 1991. Professor Huang’s current researchfocuses on international monetary cooperation, regional economic integration and China’s foreign aid.

Peiqiang Ren

PhD student of World Economics, Department of International Economics and Trade, Economics School, Xiamen University, China. His previous area of research interest was international trade, and his PhD thesis focuses on the management of China’s foreign aid.

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