Trends in Development Aid | Evolutions de l’aide au développement
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Net Financial Flows from DAC Countries to Developing Countries (in Constant Billion USD, 2008 =100, 1990–2009)
Apports financiers nets des pays du CAD aux pays en développement (en milliards USD constants, 2008 =100, 1990-2009)
Sources: OECD, Development Co-operation Report 2010, Statistical Annex, table 14; World Bank, Migrations and remittances data.
Recipients of ODA | Pays bénéficiaires de l’APD
Major Recipients of DAC Members’ ODA (in Million USD, 2008)
Principaux pays bénéficiaires de l’APD des pays membres du CAD (en millions USD, 2008)
Net ODA Receipts per Capita (in USD, 2008)
Recettes nettes d’APD par habitant (en USD, 2008)
List of illustrations
Credits | Sources: OECD, Development Co-operation Report 2010, Statistical Annex, table 14; World Bank, Migrations and remittances data. |
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Credits | Source: OECD, Development Co-operation Report 2010, Statistical Annex, Table 25. |
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“Trends in Development Aid | Evolutions de l’aide au développement”, International Development Policy | Revue internationale de politique de développement [Online], 2 | 2011, Online since 31 May 2012, connection on 09 December 2024. URL:; DOI:
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