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2 | 2011
Energy and Development

Dossier | Energie et développement - Revue | Évolutions des politiques de développement
Couverture n°2 - 2011
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Prix de commercialisation du numéro : 7 € ; Prix du PDF commercialisé : 7 €
ISBN 978-2-940415-45-8

Energy constitutes one of the major challenges for development policy. The pursuit of a development path primarily feeding on abundant, cheap fossil fuels is at odds with diminishing reserves, rising prices and global warming. Managing the growing tensions arising from this situation requires increased cooperation amongst industrialised countries and emerging and developing economies. Authors from varying academic and geographic backgrounds give their perspective on the main barriers to the adoption of a more sustainable development path. Current geopolitical issues, especially for Africa and emerging countries are also discussed along with approaches to delivering development aid in the energy sector.

The dossier on Energy and Development is followed by an annual review presenting the latest major trends in trade, finance and development policies, and by an infographic section illustrating these issues.

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