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Dossier | L'aide bousculée. Pays émergents et politiques globales

The Transformation of International NGOs and Their Impact on Development Aid

Thomas Richard Davies
La transformation des ONG internationales et leurs effets sur l’aide au développement [fr]


Published by Palgrave Macmillan

International non-governmental organisations (INGOs) are among the key actors in the transformation of development as a global public policy issue in the post-Cold War era. This chapter explores how in the past two decades INGOs concerned with development have transformed their structures and practices as well as development discourse. The author shows how development INGOs have globalised, in terms of both the formation of international confederations and the collaboration of multiple INGOs in global coalitions.

A key development has been the erosion of the apparent North–South divide among development INGOs, with INGOs that originated in donor countries reforming their structures to give a greater voice to their affiliates in recipient countries, and organisations that originated in developing countries forming affiliates in developed countries. The reorientation of INGO advocacy from states toward intergovernmental and corporate actors is also explored, as is the creation of new forms of partnerships with both governmental and private actors. The chapter addresses how development INGOs have attempted to respond to critiques of their accountability and legitimacy through reforms such as the International NGO Charter on Accountability, while the conclusion explores the limitations of the transformations of development INGOs, and the challenges that these new configurations pose.

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Referencia electrónica

Thomas Richard Davies, «The Transformation of International NGOs and Their Impact on Development Aid»International Development Policy | Revue internationale de politique de développement [En línea], 3 | 2012, Publicado el 27 marzo 2012, consultado el 10 octubre 2024. URL:; DOI:

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Thomas Richard Davies

Lecturer in International Politics at City University, London, where he runs the Projecton the Evolution of International Non-Governmental Organizations. He is the author ofThe Possibilities of Transnational Activism (Martinus Nijhoff, 2007), and he is currently completing a manuscript on the general history of international non-governmental organisations since the eighteenth century.

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