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About the journal

The electronic journal Ponto Urbe (ISSN 1981-3341) is biannually published by Nucleus for Urban Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, certified by Brazilian’s National Research Council (CNPq). Its purpose is to promote papers, essays, partial results of ongoing researches, and theoretical and methodological propositions on Urban Anthropology and its close fields, as well as announce academic events on those themes. It creates a new space for researchers from different Brazilian and foreign institutions, including undergraduate students, graduate and scholar researchers. Ponto Urbe has the following sections: Articles, Cir-kula, Translation (of rare or contemporary texts, not available in Portuguese), Interviews (with renowned researchers of Brazilian Urban Anthropology) and Ethnographics (field reports of ongoing researches). Ponto Urbe is published since 2007, with thirteen issues.


Latest issue
31 | 2023
Ponto Urbe 31 n.2



Calenda - Antropologia

Calenda - Estudos urbanos

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