Index | Index by keyword
Index de mots-clés | Index by keyword
- absent structure
- academic corpus
- academic culture
- academic literacy
- academic standards
- academic writing
- acceptability of discourses
- accountability
- acquisition
- actantial scheme
- activities
- actual teaching practices
- adaptation
- adaptation rewriting
- adjective
- adjective-adverb
- adventures and experiences
- adverb
- aesthesic dimension of the poem
- aesthetic relationship
- aesthetics
- affect
- agreement
- agreement of past participle
- agricultural education
- album
- Algerian War
- Algirdas J. Greimas
- Alphabetic writing system
- ambiguity
- analysis
- analysis method
- analysis tools
- analytical approaches
- analytical reading
- anaphora
- anecdotes
- animal abuse
- animal communication
- Animal Discourse
- animal focalization
- animal language and speech
- animal machine
- animal painting
- Animal Studies
- animal studies
- animal suffering
- animal thought
- animal(s)
- animal/animals
- animalistic fiction
- animals
- annotation
- anthropology
- anthropomorphism
- anticipation
- anticipation of errors.
- antimimetic narratives
- Antiquity
- antithesis
- Apollinaire (Guillaume)
- approach
- archive
- area of didactic intervention.
- argument
- argumentation
- Arsène Darmesteter
- art
- art history
- arts and cultural education
- Arts and language as tool
- Arts education and multi-literacy
- assemblies
- assessmen
- assessment test
- attitudes
- auctorialization
- auralité
- autobiographical novel
- autobiography
- automaticity in written-word identification
- autosociobiography
- auxiliary
- Avatar
- axiological
- baroque novel
- Barthes (Roland)
- Baudelaire (Charles)
- beginner level
- beginning teachers
- belief
- Belleforest
- Benveniste (Émile)
- bifurcation
- bird alphabet
- bird path
- blended learning
- Boaistuau
- body
- body of texts
- booklets for patients
- Borges (Jorge Luis)
- Borges(Jorge Luis)
- borrowing
- Botond Nagy
- bourgeoisie
- British art
- British theatre
- building of meanings
- Camerarius
- Candide of Tardieu
- Candide of Voltaire
- cardinal numeral
- Caribbean literature in English
- case study
- categorization
- Celted
- character
- Charles Bally
- Chicago school sociology
- childhood
- childish speaking
- children (4-6 years)
- children's books
- children's literature
- children’s album
- children’s booklet
- children’s literature
- children’s literature album
- chinese university
- circulation of discourse
- citizenship
- civic values
- clarity
- class management
- class-defectors
- classical narratology
- classification
- classification of verbs
- classroom experimentation.
- cliche
- clitics
- clue
- co-occurrence
- coconstruction
- code switching
- coenunciation
- cognition
- cognitive
- cognitive approach
- cognitive biases
- Cognitive Process Model of the Composing Process
- coherence and cohesion
- cohesion and coherence
- collaboration and oral language appropriation
- Collaborative
- collaborative learning
- collaborative research
- collaborative work
- collaborative writing
- college
- comedy
- comic strip
- comics
- commitment
- common reconstruction
- communication
- communicative continuum
- communicative skills
- comparative analysis
- comparative linguistics
- comparative study
- complements
- complexity
- composite
- Composite document
- composite document
- comprehension of narratives
- computer mediated writings
- concept
- concepts
- conceptual space
- conceptualisation
- concretization
- conditional
- conditional nature of figurative speech
- configuration
- conjugation
- connectors
- consciousness
- constructional changes
- contemporary French literature
- contemporary repertoire
- contemporary theater
- contemporary theatre
- context
- contextualization
- contradiction
- contrastive study
- contrastivity
- conventionalization
- conversion
- cooperative writing
- Coordinated constructions
- corpus analysis
- corpus linguistics
- correct
- correction
- corrida
- creative writing
- creativity
- crisis
- crisis of reason
- crisis political discourse
- critical analysis of the notions of proximity and distance
- Critical language awareness
- critical sense
- cultural analysis
- cultural ethnocentrism
- cultural interview
- cultural mediation
- cultural nostalgia
- cultural repertoire
- cultural syncretism [metis]
- culture
- cunning writing
- curricular progression
- curriculum progression
- D. Eribon
- Damien Hirst
- death of animals
- deceptive interactions
- decoding
- defamiliarization
- definition
- degree of certainty
- deletion
- denial
- design based research
- detached construction
- detective story
- determiners
- development
- devolution
- diachronic corpora
- dialogism
- dialogue
- diathesis
- dictation
- diction
- dictionary
- Dictionary of the French Academy
- didactic
- didactic approach of poetry
- didactic dialog
- didactic gestures
- didactic memory
- didactic model
- didactic of grammar
- didactic of literature
- didactic propositions
- didactic sequence
- didactic sequence articulating grammar and writing
- didactic situation
- didactic subject
- didactic system
- Didactic transposition
- didactic transposition
- didactic(s)
- Didactics
- didactics
- didactics of French
- didactics of French as a foreign language in China
- didactics of french as mother tongue
- didactics of grammar
- didactics of language
- didactics of literature
- Didactics of literature
- Didactics of the theatre
- didactics of writing
- didascalia
- digital
- digital reading
- digital technologies
- directing.
- discipline
- disciplines
- discourse
- discourse ethics
- discourse genre
- discourse semantics
- discurses’ social anchoring
- discursive community
- discursive imagination
- discursive linguistics
- discursive markers
- discursive units
- discursives practices
- dissertation
- distortion
- document
- document design
- documentary history
- documentary reading
- documentary works
- documentational genesis
- double versus third semiotization
- draft
- dramatic fiction
- dramatic literature
- dramatic narrations
- Dramatic reading
- Dramatic text
- dramatization
- dramaturgical journey
- dramaturgical reading
- Dramaturgical reading
- Dramaturgy
- dramaturgy
- É. Louis
- ecological ethics
- ecology
- écopoésie
- écri+ project
- education
- educational requirements
- Edwin Landseer
- effectiveness and equity of the teaching practices
- efficiency
- elementary education
- elementary school
- Elementary school
- Émile Benveniste
- emojis
- emoticons
- emotion
- emotions
- empathic mobility
- empathy
- emplotment
- enaction
- Enaction
- encountering a work of art
- enhanced ebook
- enonciation
- entry in writing
- enunciation
- enunciative ethics
- enunciative operations
- enunciative position
- enunciative responsibility
- Enunciator/speaker disjunction
- epilinguistics
- epiphora
- epistemic (reportative) conditional
- epistemic attitude
- epistemic field
- equal opportunity
- Ernaux
- Ernaux (Annie)
- essay
- esthesie
- ethic of interpretation
- ethical and aesthetic
- ethical dative
- ethics
- ethnic struggles
- ethnocriticism
- Ethnocriticism
- ethos
- etymology
- euphemism
- euphoria
- Europe
- European weapons
- evaluation
- evaluation criteria
- evaluative practices
- evocation
- exactement
- exception
- excluded forms
- exclusion
- exemplary narrative
- Exercise
- exhibition
- experimentation
- explanatory text for comparing
- explication
- explicitation
- expressions of exactitude
- expressions of precision
- extended punctuation
- extensions
- extraordinary practices
- family therapy
- family.
- fantasy
- feedback
- feminist language ethics
- Ferdinand Brunot
- fiction
- fictional worlds
- figure
- figure of speech
- figure of syntax
- figures
- figures of speech
- figurs
- first grade
- first grade learning of reading and writing
- first grade level
- fixed image
- flat writing
- focalization
- focus points
- formal models of language
- formative evaluation
- formulation
- forums
- forums and blogs for readers
- fossilization
- Fragment
- fragmentation
- framework of learning session
- French
- French as a first language
- French as a foreign and second language
- French as a foreign language
- French as a foreign language grammar
- French as a second language
- French didactic.
- French didactics
- French discourse analysis
- French first language
- French grammar
- french grammar
- French L1
- French L2
- French literature
- French Literature
- French orthography
- French postclassical narratology
- French spelling
- French standard
- French subject matter
- French theater
- French verb tenses
- functional motivations
- fundamental didactic gestures
- game
- game manuals
- game manuals.
- Gary-Ajar
- gender
- generalization
- genetic criticism
- genre
- genre of discourse
- genres
- genres of discourse
- George Stubbs
- German theatre
- gesture.
- gestures and speech
- given sentence of the day
- glossaries
- Grammar
- grammar
- grammar book
- grammar didactics
- grammar education
- grammar teaching
- grammar.
- grammatical category
- grammatical functions
- grammatical homophones
- Grammatical spelling
- grammatical spelling
- grammatical terminology
- grammaticalization
- grapheme-phoneme correspondences
- Greimas (Algirdas Julien)
- groups
- guided tour
- Hedda Gabler
- Henri Bonnard
- Henrik Ibsen
- heterogeneous school population
- high school
- high-level writing
- historical an didactic research
- historical approach
- history
- history of didactic of literature
- history of language
- history of linguistics
- history of the theories of language
- history of translation
- Hoffmann
- honour codes
- human-animal relationships.
- hunting
- hypallage
- hyperonymy
- hyperpertinence
- hypozeuxis
- icon
- ideological context
- illegal workers
- image
- image-text relationship
- imaginary
- imaginary of sciences
- imaginary of translation
- imaginative empathy
- immanence
- immersion
- implicit
- implicitness
- improper derivation
- indicative
- industrialization
- inequalities
- inequality
- inference
- infinitive
- infra-ordinary
- initial training of teachers
- initiation
- inner life
- institutional discourses
- institutional knowledge
- institutionalization
- instrumental approach
- instrumental representation of animal speech
- insularity
- integration
- intention
- interaction
- interactions
- interactive speech
- interactivity
- interartiality
- intercultural competence
- Interdidacticity
- interdidactics
- interdisciplinarity
- Interdisciplinary approach of art education
- interdiscourse
- interlanguage
- interpretation
- interpretative debate
- interview
- investigation
- irony
- isotopy
- L2
- La Bruyère
- language
- language arts
- language development
- language teaching
- Latin
- law
- layout
- learning
- learning and teaching contents
- learning corpus
- learning enunciative position
- learning model
- learning of lexicon
- learning oral language
- learning position
- learning spoken language
- Learning to read
- learning to read
- Learning to spell
- learning/teaching
- leisure
- lexical borrowing
- lexical choices
- lexical competence
- lexical elaboration
- lexical explanation
- Lexical spelling
- lexicon
- lexicon didactics
- Lexicon of emotions
- lies and acts of language
- lies and dramaturgy of Koltès.
- Life-drama
- liminary character
- linguistic
- linguistic anthropology
- linguistic awareness
- linguistic interactions
- linguistic knowledge
- linguistic models
- linguistic operations
- Linguistics
- linguistics
- listen
- listening
- listening comprehension
- Listening teaching
- literacy
- Literacy
- literacy and writing
- literacy difficulties
- literary
- literary discourse
- Literary field
- Literary history
- literary loan
- literary reading
- literary reputation
- Literary work
- literature
- literature and archive
- literature and arts
- literature didactic
- Literature didactics
- Literature lessons
- literture
- litteraty
- local
- location.
- locutionary free direct speech
- logic of values
- logical semantics
- logometry
- longevity
- longitudinal follow-up
- lower and upper middle class
- Ludology
- lullaby
- L’Illusion comique.
- macro-syntax
- main phrase
- Mallarmé (Stéphane)
- manuscripts
- Marcel Jousse
- Marius von Mayenburg
- markers of approximation
- meaning
- meaning construction
- media
- media interest
- mediation
- memorization
- memory
- mental space
- Meschonnic (Henri)
- metagraphic interviews
- metalanguage
- metalinguistic activity
- metalinguistics
- metaphor
- method
- methodical reading
- methodology
- methodology of research in didactics of French as a first language
- Metz
- Michel Tournier
- Middle Ages
- middle school
- Middle School
- middle-class
- middle-school
- migrant workers
- migration
- mimesis
- mind
- Mise-en-scene
- mistakes
- mixed research team
- modality
- models of speech
- Modern drama
- modern grammar
- modes of composition
- Molière
- monologues
- mood
- moral
- moral discursive event
- moral minimalism
- moralized narcissism
- Moroccan Arabic
- motivated taste judgment
- motivation
- Mounting
- movement
- multilingual competence
- multilingualism
- multimodal media literacy
- multimodality
- multiple documents
- multiplicity of modal supports
- Museum of Natural History
- Narrating
- narrative
- narrative analysis
- narrative disciplinary status
- narrative expansion
- narrative exploration
- narrative functions
- narrative sequence
- narrative speech
- narrative testimony
- narrative text
- Narrative texts
- narrative voice
- narrative writing
- narrativity
- narratology
- narrator
- natural skills
- nature
- Nature and Culture
- New grammatical knowledge
- new reading.
- new realism
- nomadism/sedentary lifestyle
- Nomenclatures
- non-fiction literature
- norm
- normativity
- Norms
- norms
- norms and values
- noun modification
- Nouveau Roman
- novelization
- nuclear radiation
- number
- nursery rhyme
- nursery school
- nurseryschool
- objectivity
- Oesterreicher
- official Instructions
- official programs
- official syllabuses
- Official Texts
- omniscient narrator
- on-line revision process
- oral
- oral and written
- Oral language
- oral narration
- oral presentation
- Oral production
- oral style
- oral syntax
- oral text
- oralising
- oralities and storytelling art.
- oralities/literacies
- Orality
- orality
- orality-literacy link
- ordinary practices
- orthographic reasoning
- orthography
- otherness
- paradox
- parametric conception of communication
- paratext
- parresia
- partitive article
- partnership
- parts of speech
- passion
- patient information
- Paul et Virginie
- pedagogical grammar
- pedagogical intervention.
- pedagogized text
- Pedagogy
- pedagogy
- pédagogy in minority communities
- pedagogy of project
- peer feedback
- perception
- performance
- performativity
- performing art
- period.
- personalization
- Petit Prince (Le)
- philosophical writing
- phraseology
- picture book
- Picture-Text-Audio Hybrid Systems
- picturebook
- pilot
- plagiarism
- planification
- planning
- play
- playwright
- pleasure
- pleonasm
- plot
- plural semantics
- plural syntax
- pluralism
- pluricody
- poem
- poem subject
- poetic enunciation
- poetic experiences
- poetic language
- poetic languages
- poetic-ludic manipulation
- Poetics
- poetics
- poetry
- poetry of the echo
- point of view
- Polish students
- political discourse
- political speech
- politics
- polylogal narrative
- polysemioticity
- polysemy
- popular classes
- postclassical narratology
- posture
- power
- power relations
- practices
- practices implemented at the very beginning of a text production
- pragmatic
- pragmatic analysis
- pragmatic awareness
- pragmatic expectations
- pragmatics
- pragmatics of interpretation
- Pratiques
- pre-existing films
- predicate
- predication
- predicative construction
- preparation of writing
- Preschool
- prescriptive judgment
- press corpus
- press portrait
- press titles
- Primary and secondary teacher education
- primary genres
- primary orality
- primary school
- problem-based learning
- problematic
- problematization
- processes
- productivity
- professional dialogue
- professional didactic language gestures
- professional gesture
- professional gestures
- professional papers
- professionalization
- progress
- progression
- project pedagogy
- proletariat
- pronominal turns
- protest
- psycholinguistics
- psychology
- psychotherapy
- publishing practices
- punctuation plurisystem
- purposes
- Racine
- rationality
- read composite documents
- read documents
- reader response theory
- reader teacher
- reader topic
- reader's text
- Reader’s subjectivity
- reading
- Reading
- reading (litterary text)
- reading analytical.
- reading and reading comprehension
- reading booklet
- reading comprehension
- reading device
- reading didactics
- reading grid
- reading postures
- reading strategies
- reading subject
- Reading subject
- reading/writing
- readings
- ready-to-write
- real
- real-time analysis
- realism
- reality
- reason
- recall story
- reception
- Reciting
- recoding
- Rectified spelling
- reduplication
- reference
- referenciation
- reflexive writing
- reflexivity
- reformulating
- reformulation
- reformulations
- regimes of narrativization
- registers
- regulative teaching
- religion
- Renaissance
- repeats
- repetition
- repetitions
- Reported Speech
- reported speech
- representation
- representation of other’s discourse
- Representations
- representations
- represented speech
- reprise
- research
- research and training
- research in French didactics
- research writing
- research-training
- resemantisation
- resistance to writing
- rewriting
- Rewriting
- rewriting activity
- Rhapsodic drive
- rhetoric
- rhetoric and formal logic
- rhetoric and philosophy
- rhetoric figures
- rhetoric.
- rhetorical anaphora
- rhetorical figure
- rhetorical ornament
- rhythm
- rite of passage
- rite/story homology
- ritual
- Robinson
- robinsonade
- Roland Barthes
- Role Playing
- Rolin (Jean)
- Romance languages
- rule
- Sahara
- Sam Selvon
- Sand
- Sarkozy
- Saussure
- scaffolding
- scaffolding and scenario
- scenic fiction
- scenic imagination
- scenic reading
- Scenic reading
- scenography
- schematization
- school
- school culture;
- school curricula
- school curriculum
- school disciplinary discourse community
- school discipline
- school education
- school geography.
- school grammar
- school inequalities.
- school knowledge
- school language
- school literacy
- school programs
- School subject
- school task
- school textbooks
- school writing
- schooling
- Sciences of language
- sciences of language in France
- scientific writing
- scolar audiences
- scrambling
- scripto-iconic statement
- scriptor
- scriptural competence
- scriptural process
- scriptwriters’ profiles
- secondarisation
- secondary school
- secondary school classes
- secundary school
- segmentation
- self-evaluation
- semantic coherence and formal cohesion
- semantic relations
- semantic roles
- semantics
- semiology
- semiosis
- semiotics
- semiotic’s organisations and developments
- sense
- sensoriality
- sentence
- sentence dictated of the day
- sentence grammar
- sentence production
- sentience
- serial TV shows
- seul
- seulement
- seV
- sex
- Sfar
- significance
- signification
- similarities and contradictions
- simple style
- situation
- Situation theory
- situational knowledge
- skills in read and write
- slam
- slam poetry
- slogans
- small section
- SMS writing
- social
- social category
- social class
- social criticism
- social practice of reference
- social struggles
- social transformation
- society
- sociolinguitic and discourse
- somatic empathy
- soul ontology
- sound material
- source evaluation
- sovereignty
- space
- Spanish-speaking learners
- spatial text layout
- spatiality
- speaking
- spectatorship
- speech
- speech act
- speech recognition software
- spelling
- Spelling
- spelling instruction
- spelling reform
- Spelling tolerances
- spoken French
- spoken language
- stage becoming
- staging.
- standard
- standard and variations
- standards
- Stereotype
- stigmatisation
- Stories
- story
- story of my life
- story outline
- Storytelling
- storytelling narrative
- storyworld
- strategies
- Stream of consciousness
- structuralism
- Student copies
- student motivation
- students aged 8 to 11
- students' writings
- student’s drafts
- style
- Style
- styleme
- stylistic
- stylistic devices
- Stylistics
- stylistics
- subject
- subject didactics
- subject didactics of French
- Subject-reader
- subject-writer
- subjectification
- subjection
- subjectivation
- subjective reading
- subjectivity
- subjonctive
- subjunctive
- subjunctive imperfect (French)
- substance
- suggestion
- summary
- superfluous repetition
- superior studies
- supervision
- support
- syllabus
- syllabuses
- symbolic exchanges
- symbolic violence
- synonymy
- syntactic category
- syntactic diagrams
- syntactic dysfunction
- syntactic errors
- syntactic function
- syntactic utterance
- syntactical anomaly
- syntactical properties
- Syntax
- syntax
- syntaxic grids
- s’absenter – s’aventurer – se faire prendre etc.
- talking about a work of art
- Tartuffe
- teacher action
- teacher education
- teacher forum
- teacher narrative
- teacher planning
- teacher training
- Teacher training
- teacher's ethical stance
- teachers
- teachers and pupils’ representations
- Teachers training
- teachers’ practices at primary level
- teaching
- teaching activity
- teaching aids
- teaching and learning
- teaching and learning foreign languages
- teaching literature
- teaching materials
- teaching method
- teaching method based on listening
- teaching of french
- teaching of French as a first language
- teaching of geography
- teaching of literature
- teaching of writing
- teaching of written production
- teaching oral
- teaching practices
- teaching skills
- teaching theories
- teaching withdrawal
- teaching work
- teaching-learning literacy
- teaching.
- teaching’s activity analysis
- techno-culture
- temporality
- temporalization
- terminologies
- Terminology
- terminology
- testimony
- text
- text (definition)
- text analysis
- text books
- text genre
- text linguistics
- text production
- text-image
- text/image relations
- Textbook
- textbooks
- textbooks.
- texttheory
- Textual analysis
- textual and discursive linguistics
- textual coherence
- textual linguistics
- textual semantics
- textuality
- textualization
- textualization process
- the art of the storyteller
- The Opposing Shore
- The orality/literacy continuum
- theater
- Theater education
- Theater teaching
- Theatre
- theatre
- theatre didactics
- Theatre didactics
- theatrical adaptation
- Theatrical capture
- thematic contents
- theme and rheme
- theoretical journal
- Theorie of reading
- theory
- thesis
- Thomas Ostermeier
- thought
- thought-free direct speech.
- title
- title sequence
- titles
- Todorov (Tzvetan)
- tonality
- torture
- training
- training activity
- training of reader-interpreters
- transcategorization
- transdisciplinarity
- transductions
- translation
- translation of sciences
- transmission
- transsubjectivation
- truth
- tutoring
- TV series
- type of text
- types of corrections
- typology
- Tzvetan Todorov
- whistleblower
- white punctuation
- whole
- William Holman Hunt
- word classes
- word consciousness
- work situations
- workers
- working class
- workshop
- workshops
- write strategies
- Writing
- writing
- writing advices
- writing and editing
- writing and translation process
- writing competence
- writing constraints
- writing cultures
- writing evaluation
- writing learners
- writing process
- writing processes
- writing skills
- writing tasks
- writing workshop
- writing workshops
- written
- written evaluation
- written gestures
- written media
- written narration
- written production
- written tasks
- written trace
- written verbalisations
- written vs spoken language
- written-word identification
- written/spoken language